Thank You Alex

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:roll: drama, drama and drama. Now, I believe this thread should be locked!

:locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked:
:roll: drama, drama and drama. Now, I believe this thread should be locked!

:locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked:

Why, Cheri?

Because people are upset now? What would you expect considering what we know.

You can't expect this forum to "move on", just because Steve has been removed from the forum. Moving on will only be accomplished when he answers to what he's accused of.

"Moving on" can also be a way of sweeping certain things under the rug. It's no secret some people believe (myself included), Buck should never have been allowed back here, but was. You can delete/lock threads, but you're never going to get rid of suspicion unless you discuss it openly.

I would say this.... If we're wrong in how we feel, why not have an open disucssion about it. Lets stop hiding from it and pretending that such a belief doesn't exist, because it does. There are people who believe Buck should NEVER been allowed back here in the name of "giving a second chance". We were told to simple "deal with it". Well, now... Steve screwed up royally. The rest of us have a right to question why he was allowed back here when it was very clear he is unbalanced. It was clear a year ago, at least. AT LEAST. So, why was not something done then? If was allowed to stay banned, this "drama" as you call it, would've never taken place. At least, not on AllDeaf.
2Hot4you, I'm glad you did go forward to the police however..... maybe its time you find or start talking to someone your own age. You'd be safer that way.. than asking around for 30 and 40 year olds. I can understand that you MIGHT prefer older guys but you never know if they're PREDATORS and it can be worse if you had met the guy. I have seen you in one of your thread that you liked someone but someone likes that person and she's married or have a boyfriend. then later you posted that he was in his 30's... that shows how dangerous your life was when you were actually looking for someone older.

I'm not taking sides.... I'm glad Buck is gone.. really.. I have a daughter and I'd be pissed if he was the one messing around with my child online. It can be anybody. I applaud you for standing up and turned it over to the detectives. great job!
Stop saying that this thread should be locked, as far as I see it there's no flaming war going on in here, so why is it necessary to be locked? If you don't want to read it then don't read it, find something else that interesting to read. Simple as it is. ;)

This is what you said and now you want it to be locked. Well, take your own advice......don't read this thread.
Oceanbreeze; Islandgirl

If you guys cannot get along being civil with each others there is no reason for this thread to remain open. I've seen a flame war started already, so time to end it by locking it up!
Oceanbreeze; Islandgirl

If you guys cannot get along being civil with each others there is no reason for this thread to remain open. I've seen a flame war started already, so time to end it by locking it up!


I'm not flaming anybody???????
Oh dear, please don´t destory Taylor´s thread... Its about Bucky... I thought we are glad that Bucky banned from this forum for good? Why argue for? Why took posts serious?

Its about Bucky, not us.
I'm not taking sides.... I'm glad Buck is gone.. really.. I have a daughter and I'd be pissed if he was the one messing around with my child online. It can be anybody. I applaud you for standing up and turned it over to the detectives. great job!

Yes I second that.
IslandGurl and CyberRed - please re-read carefully:

Cheri said:
Stop saying that this thread should be locked, as far as I see it there's no flaming war going on in here, so why is it necessary to be locked? If you don't want to read it then don't read it, find something else that interesting to read. Simple as it is. ;)

Cheri said:
drama, drama and drama. Now, I believe this thread should be locked!

Do you now see the difference in what she said in BOTH sentences???
IslandGurl and CyberRed - please re-read carefully:

Do you now see the difference in what she said in BOTH sentences???

There were no flaming wars going on. A member came in and put Taylor down so we were there to support him. Get it????
The fact is:

Buckdodgers has been banned.

He has done something wrong.

Everyone has their own opinion.

Everyone has expressed their own opinion.

Explainations were offered.

And yet ...

Members are still putting members down for expressing their own opinions and explanations.

I admit I now have an even bigger headache from reading this whole friggin thread.
There were no flaming wars going on. A member came in and put Taylor down so we were there to support him. Get it????

And that is jumping on a bandwagon.. tsk tsk!
Bandwagon????? I came in here to support Taylor because I wanted him to feel supported for what he did.

One person brought Taylor down, How many people jumped on Jermey? Count! So, Yes that is jumping on a bandwagon. Enough said by me. ;)
The fact is:

Buckdodgers has been banned.

He has done something wrong.

Everyone has their own opinion.

Everyone has expressed their own opinion.

Explainations were offered.

And yet ...

Members are still putting members down for expressing their own opinions and explanations.

I admit I now have an even bigger headache from reading this whole friggin thread.

So, there I agree with IslandGal. :)
One person brought Taylor down, How many people jumped on Jermey? Count! So, Yes that is jumping on a bandwagon. Enough said by me. ;)

What was so wrong with us for wanting to help Taylor to feel supported for what he did? Geez.
Bandwagon????? I came in here to support Taylor because I wanted him to feel supported for what he did.

While I appreciate it, there was a reason I had requested this thread be closed further back. I really wanted an honest, open discussion about what had occurred. I think that is important for everyone. Once it appeared that the thread had run its course, i was concerned the flaming would start and the thread would go *poof* entirely.

I openly encourage discussion about what happened. I do hate to see the flaming against other members though. For me, flaming me is not an issue. I did not become a cop to participate in popularity contests. Additionally, even after all of the above has been said, I still can go to sleep at night knowing the right thing was done..and was done honestly. Some people can flame me all they want, but I hate to see the infighting between other members. I also hate to see a good discussion get trashed.

So if people want to discuss it, then fine but please keep the personal attacks to a minimum.
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