Thank You Alex

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Even if her parents are not able to watch her right now or she is typing from school etc. It is up to us to keep an eye on her to make sure she will truly be okay. Her parents can't be there for her 24/7 because they work and things like that so we all need to do our part to keep an eye on her and she is more than welcome to post on I hope this was a good learning experience as she is becoming alittle more older and wiser day by day.

Well, I do not allow my children to use any forums where adults register... I as parent make sure that my children do not register adult forums... I have 2 password for open computer and one password for open interent... my children don´t know password for open internet. What I am doing to protect my children... It´s no excuse what you saying about 14 years old girl´s parents, 24/7 etc.
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I know what he doing is definitely sick...

I only say that 14 years old know what wrong or right...

*sigh* Never mind....

14 years olds doesn't always have the best judgement, and they are also still growing and learning so they do not always make the best judgement. They still need help in making the best judgements in different situations in their life.

But a 45-year-old SHOULD know better, and there is NO excuses for a 45-year-old. But if the 45-year-old chooses to do something like this to a 14-year-old, obviously he just simply doesn't care, even if he knows better....therefore, he is the one more at fault. He is very wrong.
I know what he doing is definitely sick...

I only say that 14 years old know what wrong or right...

*sigh* Never mind....

I'm with you Liebling, some of them are thinking that this 14 years old girl is so innocent that she should not be part of the blame. Going after men? Come on! That's something we should not even ignored. I'm sorry I care about kids who are underage, I don't think any underage should be allowing to be posting on any message board. It's too risky.
Well, I would not allow my children to use any forums where adults register... I as parent make sure that my children do not register adult forums... I have 2 password for open computer and one password for open interent... my children don´t know password for open internet. What I am doing to protect my children... It´s no excuse what you saying about 14 years old girl´s parents, 24/7 etc.

Yes, her parents are responsible for her. What I am saying is anytime children come into the presence of adults. It is up to us to make sure they are okay and usually the ladies will check on the children and if the ladies need help then the men will enforce the rules or fight with another guys to stop them. She came into the presence of us which is fine, she is more than welcome here on, it is just that we all have a part to do in keeping her safe and happy here on, the same goes for another forums too as well and in real life too.
14 years olds doesn't always have the best judgement, and they are also still growing and learning so they do not always make the best judgement. They still need help in making the best judgements in different situations in their life.

Yes you are right but I would like to give you an example... Please tell me what you think... :cool:

But a 45-year-old SHOULD know better, and there is NO excuses for a 45-year-old. But if the 45-year-old chooses to do something like this to a 14-year-old, obviously he just simply doesn't care, even if he knows better....therefore, he is the one more at fault. He is very wrong.

Exactly, I´m agree with you on this.
I registered the other forum where steveox(buckdodgers) had been a member and tried to show himself as innocent. I saw that he was the same there and was banned there,too.

I don't understand why a 45 year-old-man is so 'addicted' to insulting teenager girls!
I'm with you Liebling, some of them are thinking that this 14 years old girl is so innocent that she should not be part of the blame. Going after men? Come on! That's something we should not even ignored. I'm sorry I care about kids who are underage, I don't think any underage should be allowing to be posting on any message board. It's too risky.

She will have to answer to her parents and I am sure Alex talked to her too as well.

She has to know that it is not her fault at all but at the same time she has to control herself if she is actually coming onto older men. She knows she should not do that. But ........

Ulimately it is Buckdodger's or any man's fault and it is all in how he responded to her which was really a very inapproriate and a very illegal response to her. He is the one who is really out of control.

She may be a bright kid in another areas in her life but in this area where men are concerned she is still learning and she really should be going after high school boys and not 45-50 yr. old men. That is something she will have to learn.
Yes, her parents are responsible for her. What I am saying is anytime children come into the presence of adults. It is up to us to make sure they are okay and usually the ladies will check on the children and if the ladies need help then the men will enforce the rules or fight with another guys to stop them. She came into the presence of us which is fine, she is more than welcome here on, it is just that we all have a part to do in keeping her safe and happy here on, the same goes for another forums too as well and in real life too.

I would agree with you in theory, but what you're saying isn't really practical in the situation. Buck contacted her privately. We're not responsible for who she chats with on a chat program such as AIM or Yahoo.

On AD, the mods are supposed to roam the forum as a whole, but each person is supposed to be responsible for themselves. As it was, this girl did what was appropriate. Soon as she felt uncomfortable, she alerted someone. Once that was done, then it becomes the responsibility of the person that was alerted to do something. But, how can we, as a whole, look out for someone when we aren't privvy to things like private messages and private chats on YIM?
Yes you are right but I would like to give you an example... Please tell me what you think...

I am not saying that the girl is NOT at fault. I'm saying that since she is only 14, she doesn't have the best judgement. She is still learning and growing. A lot of teenagers make mistakes growing up, it is part of growing up. Teenagers need adults, parents, etc to help them learn how to make the best judgement.

But a 45-year-old should know better, and should have better judgement. So, most of the blame is on the 45-year-old. Understand what I mean?
I would agree with you in theory, but what you're saying isn't really practical in the situation. Buck contacted her privately. We're not responsible for who she chats with on a chat program such as AIM or Yahoo.

On AD, the mods are supposed to roam the forum as a whole, but each person is supposed to be responsible for themselves. As it was, this girl did what was appropriate. Soon as she felt uncomfortable, she alerted someone. Once that was done, then it becomes the responsibility of the person that was alerted to do something. But, how can we, as a whole, look out for someone when we aren't privvy to things like private messages and private chats on YIM?

I don't want to say this but maybe for the minors it is better they do not have private message boxes on this forum for their own protection and as for yahoo chats, she should ask her parents for permission to chat with that person.
I'm with you Liebling, some of them are thinking that this 14 years old girl is so innocent that she should not be part of the blame. Going after men? Come on! That's something we should not even ignored. I'm sorry I care about kids who are underage, I don't think any underage should be allowing to be posting on any message board. It's too risky.
what about if a woman in her 20's goes to a party. Flirting, dancing and having a good time... Then ends up sexually assualted. Is she part to blame? Flirting Dancing and carrying on... was she asking for it?

It happens to many women every year.

That is an adult too.

A 14 year old even if they are intelligent are still niave. This kid was smart enough to go to the police. That is really smart so she didn't end up a real victim.
Alex absolutely made the right decision in banning Steve. Steve's comments and actions were highly suspect and he has no place on this forum which he was apparently using as a vechicle to talk to minors. Given the brevity of this matter though I urge one of the moderators or Alex to file a report with the local authorities. This is a serious allegation that needs to be investigated and prosecuted if found to be true.
I don't want to say this but maybe for the minors it is better they do not have private message boxes on this forum for their own protection and as for yahoo chats, she should ask her parents for permission to chat with that person.

Good Idea
I'm with you Liebling, some of them are thinking that this 14 years old girl is so innocent that she should not be part of the blame. Going after men? Come on! That's something we should not even ignored. I'm sorry I care about kids who are underage, I don't think any underage should be allowing to be posting on any message board. It's too risky.

I never went after him in a sexual way. Steel X said I contact him. I ask him if he wanted to chat sometime. I never went after him in a sexual way. I also still have the messages from Steel and nothing was sexual or flirting. I explain my reasons to people why I talk to older people. I also chatted with adult women here to. Boys my age like to play video games and stay inside and stuff. There brains are like mush and have the IQ's of snails. I like chat with adults because I like to discuss world stuff, politics and sometimes sports. i chat with both men and women.

Steve talked sports and stuff and I thought he was funny and made me laugh. I never said sexual stuff to him and then he started asking for pictures. I sent him picture and he replied saying I was sexy and stuff. I also later saw the chat he had with police and detective was saying nice things and he kept asking for naked pictures and to put on black stockings and stuff. I never asked him if he wanted to see me in stockings. that was him asking for it. when he said he wanted to meet me at hotel which was detective, detective told him she was 14. he started talking about ways to get around law and to see if she had a fake id that said she was 18 so he would not get in trouble.

people keep saying that i set him up and i did not. people keep saying that taylor set him and he didnt. taylor did not know about it until i told him. taylor then had other police come to investigate too so it wasnt all taylor. i like friends with people and was not trying to have sex with anyone. i have had sex before and with men older than me but not 43. that is old enough to be my dad.

so cheri you may not like me and you say you want me gone from this board. that is what you want then fine. i cant do anything to change your mind. it funny that you think i went after steve to get him in trouble. like i said i thought he was funny and interesting. when he sent me message about how he wanted to have sex with me and i was not allowed to talk to other guys i got scared and talk to my foster mother and social worker and we all contact taylor to see what to do. i dont know why you want people under 18 off board. i am Deaf like you and face same problems as others here. i also spend lot of time in different foster homes and social services so it is hard for me to find long term friends especially deaf and anyone to relate to. the only friends i can really can relate to are ones in martial arts with me.

People are saying they do not like me now because i caused steve problems. it is crystal clear that i am hated by some people because of it. i am grateful to the friends i made here but i will not stay where i am not welcomed. if i am member here for 10 years, this whole thing will be big black cloud over me. everyone will always have doubt about me even years from now. steve keeps sending me messages to tell alex to let him back in. maybe alex should let him back in and everyone just watch him. then dont let people under 18 here so he can meet whoever he wants that is adult and none of this ever has to happen again.

i am sorry that steve got in so much trouble. when he started saying about sex with me i got scared and got help and then police talked. i did not want steve or taylor or anyone else to get into trouble. i just did not want sex with old man like him. im sorry too for everyone here having to go through this. i know nothing like this has happened at alldeaf before and im sorry for causing it. i want to stay but even if everyone here were my friend the black cloud would always be over me here. i dont see any other choices.

I never said I don't like you, and I have no reason not to like you. I only care about your welfare because you're only 14. Being on the net is very risky, and I hope you realized that Hun. When I saw the thread you created back then about liking old men, that scares me, because you have no idea what they will do to you, You could end up being rape even worst murder, that's something I cannot even live with what can happened to you. And no I don't want Steve back at all. He is better off being gone, He had cause enough trouble and even worst he took advantage of that opportunity for his own selfish purposes of what he did to you. So please be careful allright that's all I ever wanted. :hug:
How about relationship with between 16 years old girl and 18 years old boy? Does it's right?
2hot4you, you did the right thing by letting the truth out. Despite what some people may believe.

I don't believe baiting pedophiles is wrong. I believe it's a way of trapping the pedophiles before they do something to harm the innocents. Steve did make the attempts and I believe that was enough for his permanent ban. Not just that, also for his arrest according to the law in some states.

Not many young women your age will have caught the signs before they had been victimized. This is also why I believe teenagers should date people in their age range, never outside the age range because the older, the more they know how to take advantage of the teenagers. Believe me, I know this for a fact. There's a lot of men my age out there who would be excited to do it with a girl your age. Though I would find that idea to be disgusting as it's immoral to mess with the innocence of the young souls.

Police officers often will resort to baiting to capture the sexual predators. Baiting is a way of exposing one's true self. This is what happened with Steve. I applaud you for coming forward with the truth.

I hope you will use this experience to educate your teenage friends about the dangers of online predators. Not enough teenagers are aware of these dangers, and even worse, the parents are even less educated on these matters.

Cheers for 2hot4you.

I never said I don't like you, and I have no reason not to like you. I only care about your welfare because you're only 14. Being on the net is very risky, and I hope you realized that Hun. When I saw the thread you created back then about liking old men, that scares me, because you have no idea what they will do to you, You could end up being rape even worst murder, that's something I cannot even live with what can happened to you. And no I don't want Steve back at all. He is better off being gone, He had cause enough trouble and even worst he took advantage of that opportunity for his own selfish purposes of what he did to you. So please be careful allright that's all I ever wanted. :hug:

Yea, Steve created sick thread in MW forum about want sex with her in 3 years later and that make me so sick of him but super moderator removed him permanently too.
Hi 2hot4you, You have nothing to apologize for at all. It is Buckdodgers, Steve, Ravensteve who has to apologize and he is going to be more than sorry because he had no right making sexual advances on you , especially when you are 14 years old.

I do understand you want to chat with people who have a smarter , more mature mind than the high school boys. I am sure there is one high school guy who has the same smart mind level as you do.

You have to keep in mind there are men who really are sick and will not even think twice about raping or murdering you. They will not stop to have a moment of conscience at all. That is something that can be a very scary experience and that is something that you do not need at all.

I am sure the ladies of will be more than happy to welcome you back here and of course, the ladies of will keep an eye on you and Alex will make sure everything is okay and if extra help is needed guys like DHB , the anothers and I also will step in to make sure you are okay but for now we will hang back and let you post and have fun on Just keep in mind the safety rules when surfing the internet they are in place for a good reason. If any guys try to sexually harrass you again, that guy will answer to Alex, the police and the guys here on We will fight and stand up for you okay ? :) :thumb: and God Bless !!!!! :angel:
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