Thank God its FRIDAYY tomorrow


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Premium Member
Dec 29, 2007
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What plans have you got for the weekend??

I am unfortunately at some point going to do some boring homework but for the rest of it im just going to chill and visit AD!! And hopefully feel a lot better!! Been feeling ill today and last night. I am supposed to be going out tomorrow night with my college friends but dont know if I'm up for it yet. I went out with them last weekend and had a great time!!!

What do you mean today is your monday???

Society'child its ok, i was sure it was graduation but wasnt exactly sure.
Gonna to Beauty shop get done my hair trw :D then after that dunno what plan friday night and sat too :dunno:
Of all the things I'm excited about my BFF is coming over to keep Adam company Saturday so I can give my house a TOP TO BOTTOM cleaning!! Woot such a party animal I am!!! (and when did cleaning the house become exciting to me??? )
i am excited about starting of my "birthday weekend" until monday that is my actually birthday whoo woo
thanks you just wait until monday wish me :)
i not wanted to take over your thread ok agree everyone?
Knowing me, ill completely forget about your birthday so Iv already wish you! It's fine, not a problem at all!!!