Thank God its FRIDAYY tomorrow

Tomorrow is my oldest son´s exam at college. Wish him best of good luck.

After that, nothing special... just housework and shopping as usual.

If, and that's a big if, I'm better and out of my bed...then my hubby and I are gonna see a death metal rock concert this Saturday. I wanna go so badly! Make me better, somebody!!!
If, and that's a big if, I'm better and out of my bed...then my hubby and I are gonna see a death metal rock concert this Saturday. I wanna go so badly! Make me better, somebody!!!

:shock: Hubby..u got married?
So excited to go out see my sick grandmother, run errands to pay up all the bills, grocery shopping, cleaning around the house, cooking, relaxing, and cuddling up with my fiance...

I know- busy, busy, and busy!!

I am off all weekend!! Yay!!!
No, it's not thanks God it's Friday because I gotta work all day today and tomorrow. :mad2:
It's the start of the long weekend here.

We're going to parttayyy! :dance2:

Gonna throw the cats in the closet with enough water, food to last them for a few days and be back on Monday... maybe Tuesday!

LOL nooo! We'll do what we always do.. relax and enjoy the multicultural festivals.