Texting while driving video (It may be too graphic)

It doesn't matter how little or if YOU feel it's safe. The fact is that you are risking yor own safety along with everyone elses safety that is on the road or near you. Someone please correct me if I am wrong but is'nt it illegal to text while driving?

I know what you means and I already know better.

In my state, it's not illegal to text while driving.

It's depends on state, only 14 states already banned on it.
Be responsible and compitent. Texting while driving is neither.

"She was clearly distracted by what she was doing and failing to give the standard of care that a careful and competent driver would give in these circumstances.

"Driving in that way, sending and receiving messages, can be seen as behaviour that would be obvious to a careful and competent driver as dangerous."
The reason it will be against the law is because it is DANGEROUS

it is dangerous to text while you drive... Please stop!!!!

source: AL Leg Committee Votes To Ban Texting While Driving - Alabama Bill Law Legislature - WKRG.com
by the associated press
published: Thu, february 05, 2009 - 2:32 pm cst
last updated: Thu, february 05, 2009 - 2:42 pm cst

1425 views |short url: http://wkrg.com/23339
montgomery, ala. (ap) - a legislative committee has voted to ban text messaging while driving in alabama. The house public safety committee approved a bill by rep. Jim mcclendon on thursday without any dissent. That bill drew support from the national safety council. It would levy a $25 fine for a first violation. The bill now goes to the house for consideration. The republican representative from springville says the bill has a good chance of passing because people see text messaging as a dangerous distraction. The public safety committee killed another bill by mcclendon that would have banned the use of hand-held cell phones while driving.
(copyright 2009 by the associated press. All rights reserved.)


alabama bill to ban text messaging while driving passes in the house

a bill that would make it illegal to send or receive text messages while driving, in alabama, passed in the alabama house of representatives. The bill passed by a vote of 92-4 and now it will go the alabama senate. This bill would also ban the manual use of gps or other navigational devices while driving.

Under this bill, anyone caught text messaging while driving would receive a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fine for the first offense, a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine for the second offense, and a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) fine for a third offense. There would most likely be court costs associated with that fine as well and the violation for text messaging would be one (1) point on the person's license. In alabama you license will be suspended if you accumulate a certain amount of points during a two (2) year period. Here is break down to determine the length of suspension for point:

- 12-14 points in a 2-year period = 60 day suspension
- 15-17 points in a 2-year period = 90 day suspension
- 18-20 points in a 2-year period = 120 day suspension
- 21-23 points in a 2-year period = 180 day suspension
- 24 and above points in a 2-year period = 365 day suspension

after the license is suspended you will most likely have to pay a reinstatement fee to get your driver's license reinstated.

Rep. Spencer collier r-irvington voted against the bill and his justification for his vote seem to be considerably more logical than the bill itself. Collier based his position of the difficulty of enforceability. It is going to be difficult to prove that someone was not dialing their phone, checking the time, or listing to music on their phone rather than text messaging.

Personally i do not enjoy being behind someone text messaging but i do not believe that this bill is necessary considering that there are already laws that would cover the inattention and swerving thought to be associated with text messaging while driving. The state of alabama already has traffic laws that would cover the erratic driving of a texter, such as: Reckless driving, improper lane usage, and many other traffic violations. I think the alabama house of representatives could spend their time on bills that are necessary and have substance rather than pushing laws that just mirror other statutes.

There are currently seven (7) states and the district of columbia that ban texting while driving.
IMHO this is like seat belts. You need to legislate common sense because not many people seem to have any these days. I believe that all commercial vehicles should have a cell phone blocker built in. That would stop bus and train drivers from using a cell phone.

Just my opinion...
Dutch Privateer
It haven't pass in state senate yet.

There's link bout texting law over countries and all US states.
List of countries that ban cellphone use while driving
So you will continue to risk your life and the lives of innocent people while you wait for the bill to pass? The reason that many countries and states are passing the laws is due to the statistics and injuries and deaths caused by people that choose to text and drive. I am not sure why you are not getting the point. Perhaps you need to hurt or kill someone before it makes sense to you.
IMHO this is like seat belts. You need to legislate common sense because not many people seem to have any these days. I believe that all commercial vehicles should have a cell phone blocker built in. That would stop bus and train drivers from using a cell phone.

Just my opinion...
Dutch Privateer
Speaking of cell phone blocker built in all commercial vehicles... How are they going to do, if they need to call for assistance in case of emergency?
So you will continue to risk your life and the lives of innocent people while you wait for the bill to pass? The reason that many countries and states are passing the laws is due to the statistics and injuries and deaths caused by people that choose to text and drive. I am not sure why you are not getting the point. Perhaps you need to hurt or kill someone before it makes sense to you.

Regardless on laws, I have use texting for emergencies only and depends on road condition as well.

I already explained in last post and you seems not get my word, I'm going let you to be on own to say.
Ok. So, it's not you, per se. That would be for anybody who text and drive. That's their picture.