alabama bill to ban text messaging while driving passes in the house
a bill that would make it illegal to send or receive text messages while driving, in alabama, passed in the alabama house of representatives. The bill passed by a vote of 92-4 and now it will go the alabama senate. This bill would also ban the manual use of gps or other navigational devices while driving.
Under this bill, anyone caught text messaging while driving would receive a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fine for the first offense, a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine for the second offense, and a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) fine for a third offense. There would most likely be court costs associated with that fine as well and the violation for text messaging would be one (1) point on the person's license. In alabama you license will be suspended if you accumulate a certain amount of points during a two (2) year period. Here is break down to determine the length of suspension for point:
- 12-14 points in a 2-year period = 60 day suspension
- 15-17 points in a 2-year period = 90 day suspension
- 18-20 points in a 2-year period = 120 day suspension
- 21-23 points in a 2-year period = 180 day suspension
- 24 and above points in a 2-year period = 365 day suspension
after the license is suspended you will most likely have to pay a reinstatement fee to get your driver's license reinstated.
Rep. Spencer collier r-irvington voted against the bill and his justification for his vote seem to be considerably more logical than the bill itself. Collier based his position of the difficulty of enforceability. It is going to be difficult to prove that someone was not dialing their phone, checking the time, or listing to music on their phone rather than text messaging.
Personally i do not enjoy being behind someone text messaging but i do not believe that this bill is necessary considering that there are already laws that would cover the inattention and swerving thought to be associated with text messaging while driving. The state of alabama already has traffic laws that would cover the erratic driving of a texter, such as: Reckless driving, improper lane usage, and many other traffic violations. I think the alabama house of representatives could spend their time on bills that are necessary and have substance rather than pushing laws that just mirror other statutes.
There are currently seven (7) states and the district of columbia that ban texting while driving.