True local story:
One middle-aged woman, driving SUV late at night, pulled over for license plate light not working. Received polite warning, no ticket.
One middle-aged woman, driving car at night, pulled over for license plate light not working. Received polite warning, no ticket.
One woman was black, one was white. Same city, within days of each other. Neither one claimed that the light was working. One driver claims racial profiling, one driver thanks the officer for pointing out the problem so she can get it fixed.
Question: How did the police officer see the skin color of the driver at night in an SUV (tinted windows) prior to making the stop?
How do you determine the "intent" from these facts?
True local story:
One middle-aged woman, driving SUV late at night, pulled over for license plate light not working. Received polite warning, no ticket.
One middle-aged woman, driving car at night, pulled over for license plate light not working. Received polite warning, no ticket.
One woman was black, one was white. Same city, within days of each other. Neither one claimed that the light was working. One driver claims racial profiling, one driver thanks the officer for pointing out the problem so she can get it fixed.
Question: How did the police officer see the skin color of the driver at night in an SUV (tinted windows) prior to making the stop?
How do you determine the "intent" from these facts?
Hmm......I did get pulled over on my travels last month. And I am mostly white. Maybe the trooper gave me a ticket because I am white. Perhaps he gave me a ticket because I was white and he needed to keep his white quota up so he didn't appear racist.....
Maybe he didn't like me because I was in a Mercedes. (Obviously this was the second trip.....not the one where I was towing a trailer in the storm....LOL)
Then again maybe it was because I was doing 80 in a 65 and he wanted me to slow the &^$% down. Or maybe he was just doing his job and issuing a citation for a traffic offense.
Wonder what his INTENT was?????
And the three previous citations I received (All in Texas) Were given by a black cop, black trooper and a female cop. Maybe the black cops hate white peopleMaybe the female was a man hater
The female cited me for not signaling a right hand turn even though I was in a curbed "right hand turn only" lane. No where else to go.
The black cop stopped me for a trailer inspection and cited me because one of my 4 safety chains was 2 inches too long. Pretty petty since the law only requires two safety chains.
Black trooper got me for speeding.....Can't really say anything about that one (Glad he no showed at court)
I could have questioned the need though. I was in the wrong, no matter how petty.
how lucky of you! perhaps you want to try what Robert Downey did in Tropic Thunder and then see how it goes for you![]()
Didn't see it![]()
for this movie in movie - Robert Downy underwent "pigmentation alteration procedure" in order to play the platoon's African-American sergeant Lincoln Osiris.
LOL......Well I am part Black......It just doesn't show. Part Indian too.
I even have a t-shirt with a bunch of Apaches holding rifles. The words "Fighting Domestic Terrorism Since 1492"
either way - if I were to ask dozens of random people of all races to identify you... would you agree that majority will say either "Caucasian" or "white man"?
It completely amazes me that anyone would support this move in any state. Especially when some of the posters here would fight to the death against discrimination of the HOH or deaf, but feel it is perfectly acceptable to discriminate against others. Talk about hypocracy and self centeredness.
Of course.....That is why I added it doesn't show.
I believe most LEO's will honor their oath and follow the law. Unless there is a reasonable question about the athenticity of the DL the LEO is going to have a hard time explaining why he went beyond the DL to determine citizenship. Remember, the illegal immigrants will still get hearings. For the LEO bad apples, they don't need this law......they are bad apples.......they will find a way with or without this law. ie planting drugs.
Actually you didn't explain anything. You suggested two instances that would be racial profiling. You didn't explain how you would determine the intent of the LEO. Perhaps the intent would be determined in hearings .....say the LEO had made five arrests for illegal immigration after jaywalking stops but the same LEO had never issued a jaywalking citation prior to the immigration law. In that case it would be reasonable to assume that the LEO was racially profiling.
You do realize that even MSNBC was absolutely ..... stunned .... that this move is being overwhelmingly supported?
Looks like if you get your way, you will be prescribing antipsychotic medication to 64% of the American population ..... look on the bright side
What you are failing to realize is that members who would "fight to the death" against discrimination of HOH and Deaf, would also fight to the death over the rights of American Citizens (regardless of race).
True local story:
One middle-aged woman, driving SUV late at night, pulled over for license plate light not working. Received polite warning, no ticket.
One middle-aged woman, driving car at night, pulled over for license plate light not working. Received polite warning, no ticket.
One woman was black, one was white. Same city, within days of each other. Neither one claimed that the light was working. One driver claims racial profiling, one driver thanks the officer for pointing out the problem so she can get it fixed.
Question: How did the police officer see the skin color of the driver at night in an SUV (tinted windows) prior to making the stop?
How do you determine the "intent" from these facts?
Support your claim with references, if you please.
What, exactly, does antipsychotic medication have to do with this topic? You have already shown yourself to be woefully ignorant on the topic in another thread. As well as on the topic of who does, and who doesn't, prescribe medications.
Your last statement is a comparison of apples and oranges. Please stick to pertinent comparisons.
Of course.....That is why I added it doesn't show.
your the one making broad statements on how members of this forum are racist if they support this law. . . just saying.
I think your paranoid .....
your the one making broad statements on how members of this forum are racist if they support this law. . . just saying.
I think your paranoid .....