Good, good good! Maybe also try the California Schools for the Deaf? Also........*tries to think* Maybe the Arizona and New Mexico ones as well?I will check Lexington out this week
You thing you might want to do, is although your state doesn't have a Deaf School, maybe contact a Deaf School in a neighboring state. Like I know that NH dhh kids can attend the deaf school in Vermont, since it doesn't have a deaf school of its own. I remember too that there was a student from Cape Cod who was attending ASD, even thou we do have a Deaf School and some Deaf programs. Maybe too suggest to the noninvolved parents that maybe a residental placement out of state might be a good idea. Are there any kids who are from stereotypical "ghetto" families? You could suggest that their kids might be safer out of state.
I really do think that if you managed to send a couple of the Deaf kids to a educational facility that would better serve them, your job would be MUCH easier. (and they'd get instruction from teachers who really know how to teach kids with their particualr issues)
Vampy, Nebraska doesn't have a huge Spanish population I don't think. That would be like Kansas having a huge deaf population.