Teacher in Colorado arrested for asking for topless photos

Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone/Asus Tablet)

Cook County Jail does not take kindly to predators. If they get their hands on them, they get the crap beaten out of them pretty good, and word is that the corrections officers do not much care for these people, but the jail is overcrowded, so protective custody isn't an option there. That place can only hold 8,000-something inmates, and the numbers now are over 10,000.

County/city jail is usually for misdemeanor and felony, prior to trial but after trial, misdemeanor usually goes to county/city jail and felony usually go to state prison (penitentiary).

If you got charged with federal and convicted - goes to federal prison.
County/city jail is usually for misdemeanor and felony, prior to trial but after trial, misdemeanor usually goes to county/city jail and felony usually go to state prison (penitentiary).

If you got charged with federal and convicted - goes to federal prison.

Yup. However the Police Department jail cells aren't made to hold inmates 24/7-- just until they're transported to county.
nice to see you again Reba

the biological fact is this
once a human being goes through puberty they are no longer a child.
do you truly believe a baby, a toddler, an adolescent and a 17 year old girl the day before she turns 18 are all small children?
You seem to forget that human beings are more than just biology. They have souls and spirits, and they have legal positions. They have levels of maturity and innocence that the law recognizes as needing protection. For most purposes, that legal chronological age is 18 years. In some cases, that age is adjusted upward or eliminated totally in the case of vulnerable adults.

Whether or not this teacher feels that 18 is an arbitrary number is irrelevant to his crime. If he, as an educated man, can't control his urges even at risk of losing his job and freedom, then he has a problem. He knew what he was doing was illegal, and he didn't care. That's a dangerous risk taker.

are you also a person who believes contrary to reality that drugs like cocaine are chemically a narcotic just because the law says so? (cocaine actually is not a narcotic look it up)
I don't recall posting anything about cocaine or narcotics.

I believe that if someone wants to use cocaine regardless of the laws controlling its use, then he or she will have to face the consequences, social, physical, emotional, financial, and yes, legal.

thats my point.
the law can classify anything anyway it wants reality is a different matter. its not a red hearing its grounded in reality
Not related to this topic.

heres what i want you to answer. i will come to your side here i will belive that any human being below 18 is a small child.
I don't need you (or anyone) on my side. Everyone here knows that I state my beliefs and opinions and let the chips fall where they may.

then explain o me how that small child in one day, a strock of a clock, legally its in one second, when it hits midnight can then become a full bloomed an adult?
Legally? That's easy to explain. It's legal because that's the law that was established by our elected representatives.

BTW, the law doesn't say "small" child since that describes size or stature, not age.

i am speaking about the human being as a biological living being. not as a legal definition that changes with political whim.
i am actually speaking of a thing called reality. regardless of what ever pet laws say otherwise.
It sounds like you don't want to protect children from adults who want to take advantage of them.

Just because someone is biologically developed doesn't mean it's time to throw them to the wolves.

Like I posted earlier, there's more to human beings than biology.
You seem to forget that human beings are more than just biology. They have souls and spirits, and they have legal positions. They have levels of maturity and innocence that the law recognizes as needing protection. For most purposes, that legal chronological age is 18 years. In some cases, that age is adjusted upward or eliminated totally in the case of vulnerable adults.

Whether or not this teacher feels that 18 is an arbitrary number is irrelevant to his crime. If he, as an educated man, can't control his urges even at risk of losing his job and freedom, then he has a problem. He knew what he was doing was illegal, and he didn't care. That's a dangerous risk taker.

I don't recall posting anything about cocaine or narcotics.

I believe that if someone wants to use cocaine regardless of the laws controlling its use, then he or she will have to face the consequences, social, physical, emotional, financial, and yes, legal.

Not related to this topic.

I don't need you (or anyone) on my side. Everyone here knows that I state my beliefs and opinions and let the chips fall where they may.

Legally? That's easy to explain. It's legal because that's the law that was established by our elected representatives.

BTW, the law doesn't say "small" child since that describes size or stature, not age.

It sounds like you don't want to protect children from adults who want to take advantage of them.

Just because someone is biologically developed doesn't mean it's time to throw them to the wolves.

Like I posted earlier, there's more to human beings than biology.

Yes there is. That, and the fact that he misinterpreted what I meant. There's a whole science to human beings-- we are complex, and not simple and easy to figure out.
Do believe a lot of convicts who come out of prison think they are much "smarter" ...All they have to do is read, sleep, exercise and eat..at our expense....And of course, deny they did anything wrong....:roll:

I interacted with one personally (family member)...with a chip on his shoulder....it got to the point to where no one would have anything to do with him.
thank you for your reply reba. i will answer it with kindness and charity.

You seem to forget that human beings are more than just biology. They have souls and spirits, and they have legal positions.

i do not forget that at all. but the legal position changes on political whim. thats the plm in you believing law regulates human biology. it shroud be the other way around in my opinion, further yes human beings have souls and spirits thus i di not see justice in sending a man to languish till death in prison over asking to see photographs of mid teenager breast. its injustice not justice. it will make by extension teenage girls less safe. not more safe

They have levels of maturity and innocence that the law recognizes as needing protection. For most purposes, that legal chronological age is 18 years. In some cases, that age is adjusted upward or eliminated totally in the case of vulnerable adults.

ye sit does but the law also has plenty of logical inconsistencies such as how one is old enough to legally kill, *enlist in the military for their country but no told enough to drink. if you want to put your faith in a system that designs such laws thats fine by me.
id rather use a gift called a mind otherwise because this is what i find to be a plm in your faith in such laws.
and ill try to illustrate it for you, by way of an example.

a girl who is 17 right now and will turn 18 at midnight tonight. and miraculously according to you and the law is within a second, a millisecond of the clock striking midnight is then a full bloomed mature adult. within a second and less they according to you and the law go from being a small child to being a full bloom adult.
as hard a si try to believe what you and other here do i just cant wrap my mind around that. because it brings up to many sill issues. one of which is this. if this guy asked to see pics of a 17 year old 10 minutes before she miraculously become a full bloomed adult some here would cry life in prison. if he waited those ten minute they would have no plm with it what so ever
again i find that a hard thing to wrap my head around
I don't recall posting anything about cocaine or narcotics.

you didn't i did. to illustrate the dangers in putting faith in laws to dictate what is reality contrary to reality. like it did with deaf, like it does with chemicals, like it does with stating as it does within a millisecond a person can go from being protected small child of 17 to a full bloomed mature adult. all int he span of a second and less.

Not related to this topic.
yes it is. in both cases we have the law dictating to reality what a thing is. in obe case it dictates when a person is a small child to an adult. in another it dictates what chemical class a drug belongs to. both against medical and scientific reality

I don't need you (or anyone) on my side. Everyone here knows that I state my beliefs and opinions and let the chips fall where they may.

i dig that, i do. but it was a figure of speech and as a former terp i figured you would catch it.

Legally? That's easy to explain. It's legal because that's the law that was established by our elected representatives.

indeed it was, there is a lesson inside if you look close

BTW, the law doesn't say "small" child since that describes size or stature, not age.

indeed it was a term used on here early in the thread and i ran with it to illustrate a point.

It sounds like you don't want to protect children from adults who want to take advantage of them.

you are very much wrong and must lack some English reading comprehension or have not read all my posts in this thread if you did you would of discovered more then one well reasoned and articulated response of mien as to my beliefs
even you own laws by your own elected representative agree with me. and thus laws are not even asking for life for this man. neither am i. because both your laws and i believe that would be an injustice as the punishment would not meet the crime.

Just because someone is biologically developed doesn't mean it's time to throw them to the wolves.

indeed. but the law does just that by tagging a number to when a person is a child or an adult. its a plm of ontology as well as the law. once you believe within a stoke of a second a person can become a full bloomed adult with all the privileges that entails, ie sex ect then it brings about some very interesting philosophical and legal dilemmas

Like I posted earlier, there's more to human beings then biology.

i couldn't agree more

i hope my post has found you well
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Yes there is. That, and the fact that he misinterpreted what I meant. There's a whole science to human beings-- we are complex, and not simple and easy to figure out.

I didn't misrepresent anything. you said what you said. you misrepresented your self by your improper use of the English language.
not me
you used the wrong words or the right ones.
i did not
you did
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I have to stay out of this thread. If I see one more person refer to this guy as a pedophile when it is clearly defined as an attraction to young, prepubescent, children I'm going to have an aneurism. Idiocy offends me, and this is asinine.

Not to mention this desire for this guy to go to jail for the rest of his life for pics if fully developed boobs, we're not even talking full Monty here, just boobs.......because he caused theme stress. Life.....for stress. *facepalm*

Then we have people clamoring for him to go to jail for life because one day he might do something worse. Some of these people are the same people who clamor for their gun rights but the think people should go to jail fir the rest of their life fir something they haven't even done *facepalm* forget about innocent til proven guilty, now we have guilt without a actual crime yet??

I hope everyone feels they have publicly shown sufficient moral outrage to be in each other's good standing. Let's have a big round of back slapping.

he's due back in court today. let's see....
I have to stay out of this thread. If I see one more person refer to this guy as a pedophile when it is clearly defined as an attraction to young, prepubescent, children I'm going to have an aneurism. Idiocy offends me, and this is asinine.

Not to mention this desire for this guy to go to jail for the rest of his life for pics if fully developed boobs, we're not even talking full Monty here, just boobs.......because he caused theme stress. Life.....for stress. *facepalm*

Then we have people clamoring for him to go to jail for life because one day he might do something worse. Some of these people are the same people who clamor for their gun rights but the think people should go to jail fir the rest of their life fir something they haven't even done *facepalm* forget about innocent til proven guilty, now we have guilt without a actual crime yet??

I hope everyone feels they have publicly shown sufficient moral outrage to be in each other's good standing. Let's have a big round of back slapping.


what do you call a person who likes minors? a pedophile, yes?
thank you for your reply reba. i will answer it with kindness and charity.
Please, I'm not that fragile. :lol:

i do not forget that at all. but the legal position changes on political whim. thats the plm in you believing law regulates human biology. it shroud be the other way around in my opinion,
That would mean, no laws of any kind; anarchy.

further yes human beings have souls and spirits thus i di not see justice in sending a man to languish till death in prison over asking to see photographs of mid teenager breast. its injustice not justice. it will make by extension teenage girls less safe. not more safe
I never said send him to prison for life for this particular offense. However, he probably needs a lifetime of monitoring, and certainly not be allowed job access to youngsters.

ye sit does but the law also has plenty of logical inconsistencies such as how one is old enough to legally kill, *enlist in the military for their country but no told enough to drink. if you want to put your faith in a system that designs such laws thats fine by me.
id rather use a gift called a mind otherwise because this is what i find to be a plm in your faith in such laws.
and ill try to illustrate it for you, by way of an example.
I don't know what you mean by "faith" in our laws. My faith is in Jesus Christ. But I do believe we need laws for an orderly, safe life within society. Our Constitution and laws aren't perfect because the lawmakers aren't perfect. But anarchy would be a lot worse. As citizens, we can lobby for changes in laws, and elect officials whom we think will promote our interests.

Since no one currently is drafted into the military, the "old enough to die but not old enough to drink" excuse isn't valid. At least the voting age was changed since the time when I joined the Navy. Then, it was "old enough to die but not old enough to vote." That was one law that was changed.

Other laws that we as society have deemed to be not fair, have been overturned, thru constitutional process.

a girl who is 17 right now and will turn 18 at midnight tonight. and miraculously according to you and the law is within a second, a millisecond of the clock striking midnight is then a full bloomed mature adult. within a second and less they according to you and the law go from being a small child to being a full bloom adult.
This is getting repetitious. This is the last time I will state this.

Legal ages and biological development stages are not the same thing. There is nothing miraculous about it. It's not according to me. It's according to the law. It's not a difference between "small child" and "full bloom adult." Those are vague descriptives. That's why a legal determination must be set.

In the case that this thread addresses, the girls weren't a millisecond away from becoming legal adults. The teacher knew they were underage, and he knew he was breaking the law.

as hard a si try to believe what you and other here do i just cant wrap my mind around that. because it brings up to many sill issues. one of which is this. if this guy asked to see pics of a 17 year old 10 minutes before she miraculously become a full bloomed adult some here would cry life in prison. if he waited those ten minute they would have no plm with it what so ever
again i find that a hard thing to wrap my head around
Then perhaps you need help.

you didn't i did. to illustrate the dangers in putting faith in laws to dictate what is reality contrary to reality. like it did with deaf, like it does with chemicals, like it does with stating as it does within a millisecond a person can go from being protected small child of 17 to a full bloomed mature adult. all int he span of a second and less.
It looks to me that you're the one having the problem accepting reasonable legal limitations on your life. (I'm talking about NOW, not 100 years ago; those laws were changed thru constitutional process.)

yes it is. in both cases we have the law dictating to reality what a thing is. in obe case it dictates when a person is a small child to an adult. in another it dictates what chemical class a drug belongs to. both against medical and scientific reality
If you don't like laws (and whatever is your interpretation of them), work to change them.
That would mean, no laws of any kind; anarchy.
No it wouldn't. It would mean that laws should be grounded in reality. Meaning laws wouldn't be insisting against reality a person that is 17 years old is a small child or a minor. And then when the clock strikes midnight a that very day within a millisecond or blink of an eye full fledged adult.

I never said send him to prison for life for this particular offense. However, he probably needs a lifetime of monitoring, and certainly not be allowed job access to youngsters.

You didn't others did, and further it was there outrage at me insisting on a wee thing called justice as opposed to an emotional impulse that has got us where we are in this thread. Further still lifetime monitoring is absurd in this case in my opinion. For as has been constantly related he asked to see pictures of mid teenage girls breasts. Some of whome were 17 years old. Shit he can see younger boobs in national geographic. Are all those who view national geo pedos now?

I don't know what you mean by "faith" in our laws. My faith is in Jesus Christ. But I do believe we need laws for an orderly, safe life within society. Our Constitution and laws aren't perfect because the lawmakers aren't perfect. But anarchy would be a lot worse. As citizens, we can lobby for changes in laws, and elect officials whom we think will promote our interests.
Indeed you can lobby for changes in thee law. No one has claimed otherwise. You are demonstrating faith in the law. Yet you also are a Christian.. Fine. And maybe you are the kind of Christian who also supports gay marriage,(I do)' so now that the law in some states says that's just fine (in my opinion it is)' where does your faith now leave you? It's very much related. Man made laws are just that they come and go change with political whim and will this way and that. One day your a non person, the next a full person, one day your a small child the next a bloomed full mature adult. One day your a criminal for loving whom you love, the next day your not. If I had any faith. I wouldn't put my faith as you do in a system such as the above. I find it scary u do. As for having faith in Christ, we'll last time I checked his laws were grounded in small thing called forgiveness. Hunting this man, or inprisoning this man for what he has done, asking to see pictures of mid teenage girls breast would be a injustice Christ would in my opinion frown on. After all he came for the sick, not just the healthy. And on here people are declaring this man pedo even though medical science says otherwise. If he is sick prison is not the place for him.

Since no one currently is drafted into the military, the "old enough to die but not old enough to drink" excuse isn't valid. At least the voting age was changed since the time when I joined the Navy. Then, it was "old enough to die but not old enough to vote." That was one law that was changed.


It sure is valid. Both are rested on a thing called choice. The state accepts one is mature enough to make the choice to enlist and kill for their country, yet at the other end of the states mouth it insists that these same people who as stated are old enough and mature enough to choose to willingly kill for their nation are not old enough or mature enough to drink a certain liquid. How can u actually believe the above are not valid. Choice is choice. Where it wouldn't be valid is if they actually where drafted. Then the state could argue otherwise. But it accepts adults can make the choice to enlist. A free choice. Enlist to go to war. To kill. Yet it declares those same adults that it accepts as mature enough to make the reasoned choice to kill for it are not mature enough to make a reasoned choice to drink a beverage. Fuzzy thinking here Reba. Look closer.

Other laws that we as society have deemed to be not fair, have been overturned, thru constitutional process.

In order to start that a wee thing called deep conversation and discussion is in order. That's what this thread is doing.

Legal ages and biological development stages are not the same thing. There is nothing miraculous about it. It's not according to me. It's according to the law. It's not a difference between "small child" and "full bloom adult." Those are vague descriptives. That's why a legal determination must be set.

Then tell that to those on here insisting to use medical terms improperly. If this discussion is in no way shape or form about the development or stage the human being is in then why are people on here insisting in using the term pedo for this man? The law can't determine how mature an individual is. It is folly.

In the case that this thread addresses, the girls weren't a millisecond away from becoming legal adults. The teacher knew they were underage, and he knew he was breaking the law.
One of the was 17' that's within a year of being according to you and others a full bloomed adult. So I ask what if he did wait. What if it was a day before her 18 birthday? Would you still be calling for a lifetime hunting of the man? As you do by insisting he needs to be monitored for life? Would you.

Then perhaps you need help.

What is it with you Christians not being able to accept others with differing opinions of you. Why declare I need help. Have I demonstrated any irrationality in this thread with you? We are discussing an issue. I'm being objective. If I have insulted you I apologies as I have done. To answer your question. No I do not need help Reba. But I could always use some prayers.

It looks to me that you're the one having the problem accepting reasonable legal limitations on your life. (I'm talking about NOW, not 100 years ago; those laws were changed thru constitutional process.)

There is nothing reasonable in sending up a man for life over asking to see photographs of mid teenage girls breast. Or as you wish asking for him to be hunted for the rest of his days by being monitored. Nothing reasonable at all.
I'm not talking about a hundred years ago. I'm talking about today.

If you don't like laws (and whatever is your interpretation of them), work to change them.

Yes and the first step to that is having a reasonable discussion amongst friends regarding it. As I'm doing here with you.
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what do you call a person who likes minors? a pedophile, yes?

No. Minors are 18 and under, a pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children, 13 and under, but more like 11 and under. Children that have not gone through puberty and adult development. Pedophilia has nothing to do with the age of consent, it is someone who has been through puberty, is at least 16 years old and who has a sexual preference for someone who has not been through puberty.

If anything he would be considered an Ephebophile or Telieophile...I don't know what these girls looked like. Here you go, a not a wiki link and reasons explaining how the term pedophile has become so misused. What is a Pedophile? Hebephile, Ephebophile, Teleiophile, Infantophile | Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception

But even jumping on that band wagon could be erroneous. Just because he asked those 3 girls that is not enough to diagnose him with any kind of these. When he goes to jail, or maybe even before whatever, he will have to meet with a psychologist and they will determine it.

The term jail bait is around because teenage girls can be attractive to men, they don't have the bodies of children. There isn't much difference, biologically between a 16yo and 26yo, it is not abnormal to have a physical reaction to a fully developed teenage girl. Most men just have the good judgement not to act on it. Just because he asked these 3 girls for pictures of their boobs doesn't mean is only attracted to teenagers, that that is his sexual preference. That is what theses terms mean, a sexual preference to a certain biological stage.

The man is 58 years old and he's been a teacher for like 20 years. Are other reasons that could explain his behavior? What caused him to something like this now? Has something happened in his life? Something that could have had an impact on his psyche? His behavior? his judgement? Something that caused him to feel depressed? isolated? yada yada yada

I'm not excusing his behavior, I don't think he should go without punishment. But I think he should be charged and tried for his actual crimes not the ones made up in people heads.
No it wouldn't. It would mean that laws should be grounded in reality. Meaning laws wouldn't be insisting against reality a person that is 17 years old is a small child or a minor. And then when the clock strikes midnight a that very day within a millisecond or blink of an eye full fledged adult.
I'm not going to repeat myself. Scroll back if you need to review.

You didn't others did, and further it was there outrage at me insisting on a wee thing called justice as opposed to an emotional impulse that has got us where we are in this thread. Further still lifetime monitoring is absurd in this case in my opinion. For as has been constantly related he asked to see pictures of mid teenage girls breasts. Some of whome were 17 years old. Shit he can see younger boobs in national geographic. Are all those who view national geo pedos now?
Did the readers of NG personally know the girls pictured in NG? Did each reader request each girl in NG to personally send him a picture and not tell the parents or authorities? Were the readers of NG authority figures to the girls in NG?

Indeed you can lobby for changes in thee law. No one has claimed otherwise. You are demonstrating faith in the law. Yet you also are a Christian.. Fine. And maybe you are the kind of Christian who also supports gay marriage,(I do)' so now that the law in some states says that's just fine (in my opinion it is)' where does your faith now leave you?
My faith is unchanged. My faith in Jesus Christ doesn't depend on outward circumstances.

There are laws that I don't like but I obey them.

It's very much related. Man made laws are just that they come and go change with political whim and will this way and that. One day your a non person, the next a full person, one day your a small child the next a bloomed full mature adult. One day your a criminal for loving whom you love, the next day your not. If I had any faith. I wouldn't put my faith as you do in a system such as the above. I find it scary u do. As for having faith in Christ, we'll last time I checked his laws were grounded in small thing called forgiveness. Hunting this man, or inprisoning this man for what he has done, asking to see pictures of mid teenage girls breast would be a injustice Christ would in my opinion frown on. After all he came for the sick, not just the healthy. And on here people are declaring this man pedo even though medical science says otherwise. If he is sick prison is not the place for him.
A man lustfully disrespecting and offending girls would hardly please or honor Christ. A society that allowed that to happen would also not be honoring to Christ.

If, as you say, this teacher is sick, then should he be institutionalized instead of imprisoned?

It sure is valid. Both are rested on a thing called choice. The state accepts one is mature enough to make the choice to enlist and kill for their country, yet at the other end of the states mouth it insists that these same people who as stated are old enough and mature enough to choose to willingly kill for their nation are not old enough or mature enough to drink a certain liquid. How can u actually believe the above are not valid. Choice is choice. Where it wouldn't be valid is if they actually where drafted. Then the state could argue otherwise. But it accepts adults can make the choice to enlist. A free choice. Enlist to go to war. To kill. Yet it declares those same adults that it accepts as mature enough to make the reasoned choice to kill for it are not mature enough to make a reasoned choice to drink a beverage. Fuzzy thinking here Reba. Look closer.
No, it's not fuzzy thinking, and it has nothing to do with this thread topic.

The choice was there for each state to decide its legal drinking age. The choice was there to elect each state's representatives.

In order to start that a wee thing called deep conversation and discussion is in order. That's what this thread is doing.

Then tell that to those on here insisting to use medical terms improperly. If this discussion is in no way shape or form about the development or stage the human being is in then why are people on here insisting in using the term pedo for this man?
You'll have to ask them; I can't speak for other posters.

The law can't determine how mature an individual is. It is folly.

One of the was 17' that's within a year of being according to you and others a full bloomed adult.
You're the one that keeps calling them that; I don't.

Within one year of being a legal adult is not the same as being a legal adult.

Yes, the law can decide when someone is a legal adult.

So I ask what if he did wait. What if it was a day before her 18 birthday? Would you still be calling for a lifetime hunting of the man? As you do by insisting he needs to be monitored for life? Would you.
"What if?" This is not a "what if" case. He did proposition these girls (more than one) who were all under 18 years old. He did continue bothering the girls even after he knew the police were investigating him. Those are the realities. Yes, this guy needs monitoring. He can't be trusted.

What is it with you Christians not being able to accept others with differing opinions of you. Why declare I need help.
Because you said you had a hard time wrapping your head around this. Maybe you need help with empathy for victims.

Have I demonstrated any irrationality in this thread with you? We are discussing an issue. I'm being objective. If I have insulted you I apologies as I have done. To answer your question. No I do not need help Reba. But I could always use some prayers.
Some of your arguments aren't rational but I'm not insulted.

We can all use prayers.

There is nothing reasonable in sending up a man for life over asking to see photographs of mid teenage girls breast. Or as you wish asking for him to be hunted for the rest of his days by being monitored. Nothing reasonable at all.
If he's released and can't follow the conditions of his parole, then how would you propose he be kept from re-offending?
I'm not going to repeat myself. Scroll back if you need to review.

Nor will I.

Did the readers of NG personally know the girls pictured in NG? Did each reader request each girl in NG to personally send him a picture and not tell the parents or authorities? Were the readers of NG authority figures to the girls in NG?

So if he just surfed online for pictures of mid teenager girls breast of whom he did not know, you would have no plm nor outrage not issue with this? Nor wish this man prosecuted and hunted for the rest of his life?

There are laws that I don't like but I obey them.

Out of fear of prosecution or a belief unjust laws should regardless be obeyed?

A man lustfully disrespecting and offending girls would hardly please or honor Christ. A society that allowed that to happen would also not be honoring to Christ.

So you wish this man to be hunted for the rest of his life over being lustily disrespectful? I think Christ would forgive him.

If, as you say, this teacher is sick, then should he be institutionalized instead of imprisoned?

I do not think he is sick. Others here by insisting on the use of the medical term pedophile for him do. Frankly a man being attracted to fully developed teen girls are normal. My grandparents merited at 14 my grandmother had her first at 15 i do not hold neither to be sick pedophiles.

No, it's not fuzzy thinking, and it has nothing to do with this thread topic.

It has everything to do with it. Laws don't exist in a vacuum

Within one year of being a legal adult is not the same as being a legal adult.
How about if it was a day. A week. A hour? See blindly following laws and obeying like sheep is fine. Human critical thinking exploring laws ramifications is something all together different.

Yes, the law can decide when someone is a legal adult.

It sure does. Just like it used to decide when a deaf person wasn't a human. No doubt. Can't argue with you here. Biology argues with you. I don't.

"What if?" This is not a "what if" case. He did proposition these girls (more than one) who were all under 18 years old. He did continue bothering the girls even after he knew the police were investigating him. Those are the realities. Yes, this guy needs monitoring. He can't be trusted.

If your going to blindly obey laws, your correct. But exploring the ramifications of laws is what a healthy society would do. Then again American society is deeply and profoundly dysfunctional when it comes to anything regarding sexuality it's the exact opposite of healthy. Period. This guy can't be trusted he may well ask to see pictures again gosh the horror....

Because you said you had a hard time wrapping your head around this. Maybe you need help with empathy for victims.

I think the victims are tougher and stronger then You hold them. I think these girls will suffer worse in life as they grow and live then a guy asking to see naked photos of there breast. But I know how evil men can be so yeah that's a no brainer for me.

Some of your arguments aren't rational but I'm not insulted.

Demonstrate which arguments of mine aren't rational. Use critical reasoning. Not just emotion.

If he's released and can't follow the conditions of his parole, then how would you propose he be kept from re-offending?

I think the states resources should be better put to use in hunting and catching and keeping the real monsters. Of which this guy is not one.
...So if he just surfed online for pictures of mid teenager girls breast of whom he did not know, you would have no plm nor outrage not issue with this? Nor wish this man prosecuted and hunted for the rest of his life?
Surfing child porn is also illegal. I have no problem with the enforcement of anti-child-porn laws.

Out of fear of prosecution or a belief unjust laws should regardless be obeyed?
Neither. BTW, this thread isn't about me.

So you wish this man to be hunted for the rest of his life over being lustily disrespectful? I think Christ would forgive him.
You're confusing two issues.

1. The enforcement of society's laws for law breakers.

2. The forgiveness of sin's penalty by Christ for a repentant sinner.

Since we aren't allowed to discuss "religion" at AD, we have to focus on #1.

I do not think he is sick. Others here by insisting on the use of the medical term pedophile for him do. Frankly a man being attracted to fully developed teen girls are normal. My grandparents merited at 14 my grandmother had her first at 15 i do not hold neither to be sick pedophiles.
A man being attracted to a girl who appears to be fully developed is one thing; following up and acting on that attraction is something else.

I also notice that your grandparents were the same age. It wasn't a case of an adult teacher hitting upon minor students. Not comparable.

It has everything to do with it. Laws don't exist in a vacuum

How about if it was a day. A week. A hour? See blindly following laws and obeying like sheep is fine. Human critical thinking exploring laws ramifications is something all together different.
I thought you weren't going to repeat yourself.

Just because one obeys laws doesn't mean they are being blindly followed.

It sure does. Just like it used to decide when a deaf person wasn't a human. No doubt. Can't argue with you here. Biology argues with you. I don't.

If your going to blindly obey laws, your correct.
Again, one can obey laws with eyes wide open, and this thread is about the perv teacher.

But exploring the ramifications of laws is what a healthy society would do. Then again American society is deeply and profoundly dysfunctional when it comes to anything regarding sexuality it's the exact opposite of healthy. Period. This guy can't be trusted he may well ask to see pictures again gosh the horror….
A healthy society can also be a moral society. It can't be legislated but hearts can change, if individuals are willing. So far, there isn't much willingness.

I think the victims are tougher and stronger then You hold them. I think these girls will suffer worse in life as they grow and live then a guy asking to see naked photos of there breast.
That's not for us to judge about the victims.

But I know how evil men can be so yeah that's a no brainer for me.
What is a no brainer for you?

Demonstrate which arguments of mine aren't rational. Use critical reasoning. Not just emotion.
No repetition, remember?

I think the states resources should be better put to use in hunting and catching and keeping the real monsters. Of which this guy is not one.
That's your opinion.
Surfing child porn is also illegal. I have no problem with the enforcement of anti-child-porn laws.

So you believe a 17 year old to be a child? In Colorado you can drive being younger further the age of consent is 17. So now then we have you believing not only a 17 year old is a child, contrary to reality and medical science but that even the state government allows children to consent to sex and children to drive a motor viehecle. Interesting.opinion. Either a 17 year old is a child or she is not. Which is it?

Neither. BTW, this thread isn't about me.

No it's not. But I am discussing it with you. If you do not wish to discuss it with me. Stop replying to my posts.

Since we aren't allowed to discuss "religion" at AD, we have to focus on #1.

If you didn't want Christ talked about you shouldn't of brought the man up.

A man being attracted to a girl who appears to be fully developed is one thing; following up and acting on that attraction is something else.

Yes he asked for photos of mid teenager breast. One of which was 17.

I also notice that your grandparents were the same age. It wasn't a case of an adult teacher hitting upon minor students. Not comparable.else.

I didn't compare anything. I was trying to have you understand that the law cannot dictate biology. Clearly I failed.

I thought you weren't going to repeat yourself..

I thought you weren't either

That's not for us to judge about the victims.

No. It's up to me to formulate my own thoughts on the matter

What is a no brainer for you?lse.

That this man. Is not a monster and should not be treated as such lest we make him one.

No repetition, rememberl

Why are you repeating yourself..?

That's your opinion.

Indeed it is. Reba. Would like me to post some one else's opinion?
I skimmed thru some posts here. I agreed very much with the most of Reba's. Darn, she is very wise woman.

I would like to share the short story about my former pervert boyfriend as well as his past profession in a field as a teacher aide at a deaf school. A few friends and I still use in a term of 'pedo or 'perv steve' that refers to him in a conversation to this present day. He had worked at a deaf school for a year, not far from my hometown, there were about 6-7 females that had filed a complaint against him for sexual harassments and inappriorate conduct around the girls whose had unwanted flirty manners approached by him that were involved inside the school and online after school. 5 of 7 females were students, three of them were Seniors (they were 17 and 18) and one was in her sophomore year. Another one was suspected to be mentally disabled 15 years old girl. Two were school staffs. The school board and the superintendent called on him out for an unexpected conference right before 2006-07 school year comes to an end, he was all on his own and opened the conference room's door. There was many sitting around the table, it was principal, counselor, teacher staffs as witnesses, psychologist, some other school workers. Of course, there was a school security standing by near the doors. So, you know the rest questions they asked him inside the closed doors and perv steve kept denying on everything trying to look like an innocent of wrongdoings even that they already have gathered the clear as a crystal evidences, unwanted sexual obscene
letters that he sent to two female staffs, documents including AIM/email conversation with 17 years old student. they gave him an ultimate choice: confess for the last time or arrest. He finally admitted what he did and aim and email address was his. He was given the decision to be terminated and is not allowed to work again at any deaf school or regular school in special education ever again. I believe that he is banned from being on deaf school campus for life that including any event such as apple festival that takes place at a deaf school.
May I ask, do I know this person?? katz?

Not really. Not sure if you have ever met him in person. He went to SUNY Oswego from 1999 to 2004. He might have hung out a several times for deaf event in Syracuse. And Rochester too. Few of your people you know from old school around your age are still employed at that school. They knew what was going on. My deaf friend from next door (next street by thru between the woods) she told me everything. She was one of the witnesses.

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