Teacher in Colorado arrested for asking for topless photos

yep. pedos are protected. the are legally protected on the inside from everyone else. who will kill them, its almost impossible to get at them..they are a protected class inside.
they are not even on the same range or they are done

Oh wow, it looks you have experience with prison.

I know jail and prison are really horrible, no freedom, no delicious food and inmates have to follow the correction officer's order.

Why you went to prison?

Please don't commit crime again and don't give up. I know that life with ex-felon convicts can be very tough and some jobs hire them because of tax purpose - it means they receive tax break for hire anyone who served in prison because of felony crime.

I have sympathy for ex-convicts who involved drug possession like meth, heroin, hashish, cocaine, LSD, etc so prison time seems overkill and they need be in drug treatment center.
yes i do have experience which is why i think sending a guy like this up for life is silly.
that signed
the gov isn't asking for life, he wont get life. this entire discussion has been on a what if.
base don people misuse of medical terminology regarding a legal matter
as for me my life is great. i work full time (martial arts instruction), own property, i'm only moving up. my time was a long time ago for me. both physically a sin some years and spiritually. im a very different person and being then i was.i have only my sensei and karate to thank for that.
i haven't looked back
back to the thread.......
if your gonna suggest sending him to certain death, why not just execute him?
if your gonna suggest sending him to certain death, why not just execute him?

Death? Naw. Maybe teach him how WE feel about pervs. A place like that would have him singing a different tune in a hurry.
........ship him to Argentina....thats solves it
Not like they don't have their own plms,, to now be terrified of an American teacher wishing to take pictures of mid teenager breasts....
(sips drink, sits back)
........ship him to Argentina....thats solves it
Not like they don't have their own plms,, to now be terrified of an American teacher wishing to take pictures of mid teenager breasts....
(sips drink, sits back)

Yeah? You know what they do to people like him there? It ain't pretty, short of decapitation.
nah. I would prefer this - very dangerous people should go to supermax and rest of the scumbags should go to Gulag prison

Where is that, by the way? That one is one I've not heard of.