
I prefer simple sweet tea like raspberry tea and iced tea. ;)
I switched from Coffee to green tea 3 years ago and
haven't been sick even once since. I drink uncle lee's
green tea because I can get 100 tea bags for under
5 dollars.

White tea is supposed to be better for you then green
so I drink white also.
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bbnt said:
I switched from Coffee to green tea 3 years ago and
haven't been sick even once since. I drink john lee
green tea because I can get 100 tea bags for under
5 dollars.

White tea is supposed to be better for you then green
so I drink white also.

White tea? I never heard of that? Where can i find one to buy it and try it out? Hmm
SmileyGin said:
White tea? I never heard of that? Where can i find one to buy it and try it out? Hmm

health food stores and Barnes and Noble has it in their
cafe's. I am sure there are more places you can but it.
white tea is not better for you than green tea, it's the same thing as green tea just with younger leaves... all tea comes from the same plant (camellia sinensis) and thus all tea has the same health benefits, the only reason green tea is so well known for health is because it's one of the only teas they've studied for that reason. Black tea is just as good for you but it has more caffeine, and most people add milk and sugar to black tea which takes away from the health benefits... rooibos is way better for you than tea tho, but I prefer tea for the flavour.
I only drink tea during winter time.
I'am absolutely crazy about the Green Tea Latte at 2nd cup, or the Chai Teas.

I barely ever drink coffee because it dehydrates me too much but lately I've been making about 2 cups of tea a day and I use the Tetley and put honey, cloves and cream in it (with lemon rind too).

I love the Japanese Teas, and Chai Tea is the best except the Lipton Chai Teabags are horrible!

I'd LOVE to try that apple tea.............yum!!!!
rabbit said:
white tea is not better for you than green tea, it's the same thing as green tea just with younger leaves... all tea comes from the same plant (camellia sinensis) and thus all tea has the same health benefits, the only reason green tea is so well known for health is because it's one of the only teas they've studied for that reason. Black tea is just as good for you but it has more caffeine, and most people add milk and sugar to black tea which takes away from the health benefits... rooibos is way better for you than tea tho, but I prefer tea for the flavour.

I disagree with you, Below is some info I read a while back and I left a link that explains more. Most people I have talked to believe white is the best but there have not been enought studies on it.

While black tea does possess health benefits superior to coffee, it does not have the powerful health benefits of green tea.

Green tea undergoes very little processing after the fresh leaves have been plucked. The enzymes need to be inactivated immediately, which would otherwise auto-oxidize the tea and transform it into the oolong or black varieties. For green tea, the fresh leaves are usually steamed. This again prevents the leaves from oxidation, which would change their nature.

Although black tea is thought to have the highest caffeine content of all tea, this is actually untrue. Green tea has more caffeine. However it must be understood that because of other compounds, the caffeine in green tea functions in a special and balancing way. The caffeine in green tea is surrounding by tannic acid compounds, which inhibit it from surging all at once into our bloodstream. In a sense, the caffeine in green tea is time-released into our bloodstream.

bbnt said:
I disagree with you, Below is some info I read a while back and I left a link that explains more. Most people I have talked to believe white is the best but there have not been enought studies on it.


Well no matter, I wasn't dissing green tea, I love green tea and it's one of the only types of tea I drink (the other being oolong)... all tea is good for you, some may be slightly better or worse than others, but in the thousands of years that it has been around they've found very little evidence of it being bad for you... they only continue to find good things about it. I think people should drink tea because they like it, not because it's an "alternative medicine" as so many advertisers are trying to portray these days... tea is a beautiful thing... like a fine wine.
hi all deaf... i used to drink tea........until i stopped a few years ago..... because caffeine from coffee or tea makes me sleep.....true...

take care
I have always like tea. After I moved to the South, I got really hooked on sweet tea. That is my favorite drink anytime, anywhere, and any season. When I drink hot tea, I generally drink Lipton's decaffenated tea.
I am a Tea lover also. I drink it all of my life. And Jeremy's homemade tea is just like my grandma's! I drink tea with ice everyday. I am not much of a coffee drinker.. only during winter weekends like french vanilla one.
I no longer drink Pepsi at work. Now I changed my diet for my healthy. I now drink is lipton iced green tea with sugar. it tastes so good and also has mild antioxidant. :) I still drink Pepsi at home lol. I once tried black tea long time ago not remember what was taste like.
i drank tea pom bottle recently. pomegranate lychee green tea. it is good for my health.
I don't like Tea, well not normal Tea. I have some "Whitards of Chelsea" stuff, which is barely tea, it justs tastes nice.
Today I went out and picked some red clover and made a clover and mint tisane, it was very good and relaxing, kinda tasted like chrysanthemum.
Oh I love both iced and hot teas..especially green teas.
In restauants, i always order Iced tea, of course, black teas as they
dont have green tea. At home, i always fix green teas.
I have been drinking green tea for about 5 years now..i love it.
I have black tea in the morning, a few cups of green in the afternoon, and an herbal at night.

Right now I'm drinking raspberry black tea :dance2: