Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Got this in my inbox....just passing it on!
Sign our petition here:

Bush's War on Iraq was based on two Big Lies: that Iraq had weapons of
mass destruction and Iraq was helping Al Qaeda terrorists.

Bush knew they were lies, but Bush wanted to conquer Iraq to steal its
oil for Cheney's Halliburton and the oil companies that fund his
political campaigns.

Bush's Big Lies caused the deaths of nearly 300 American soldiers, with
more dying every day. They also caused the deaths of over 6,000 Iraqi
civilians, and the slow deaths of thousands more - especially children -
through unexploded weapons, toxic uranium dust, and untreated water.

Now the bill is coming due for Bush's Big Lies - and it's enormous.

Bush has already spent $79 BILLION of our hard-earned dollars on Iraq.
Now Bush wants $87 BILLION MORE. And that only pays for the next few
months, while the occupation of Iraq could last for years.

America's working families cannot afford these huge bills. Because of
Bush's massive $2 TRILLION tax giveaways to the rich, state and local
governments are cutting essential services for working families,
including education and health care. And Bush's massive increase in our
national debt is slowing economic growth and creating a crushing national debt
- a "birth tax" on future generations.

We, the taxpayers of America, refuse to pay for Bush's Big Lies. Bush
and his rich friends should pay the costs of rebuilding Iraq.

We demand an immediate repeal of Bush's tax giveaways to the rich to
pay for the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq.

Sign our petition here:
Now that a good reason

However IMO I wud prefer the xtra $ from taxing the rich go toward Health Care reform

Go Dean/Clark 2K4!
Thanks all....and please feel free to copy, paste and forward on to your friends....the more people that sign this thing, the better!
This is a downright silly and immature petition - not everyone who happens to be rich supports the war on Iraq.

This is nothing but class warfare.

Putting the shoe on the other foot, suppose we had an equally absurd reason to incarcerate all of the poor people, throw them in jail cuz they contribute nothing to society, but drag it down? No? You disagree?

Then you will see my point that bad generalizations about a group of different people are always immature and idiotic.
The Heretic said:
This is a downright silly and immature petition - not everyone who happens to be rich supports the war on Iraq.

This is nothing but class warfare.

Putting the shoe on the other foot, suppose we had an equally absurd reason to incarcerate all of the poor people, throw them in jail cuz they contribute nothing to society, but drag it down? No? You disagree?

Then you will see my point that bad generalizations about a group of different people are always immature and idiotic.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, but this technique is just as "fair" as the technique Bush used to convince us that there are MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WMD IN IRAQ!

I'd say we shovel as much BS as we can down our President's throat.

Have a nice day.
Sure hope they'll impose a higher tax upon the rich as they get away with a lot of things and get lots of stuff for 'free' or at a low price. *smh*
It's unfair for the average taxpayer as we work extra hard to meet ends and have at least a life outside work.
what a wonderful non-sequitur

Bush_in_2004! said:
Maybe, maybe, maybe, but this technique is just as "fair" as the technique Bush used to convince us that there are MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WMD IN IRAQ!

Wrong. Political rhetoric does not justify a class tax. As usual, your posts remain staunchly content-free. Do you know how to address what i wrote? Give it the old college try!
Bush_in_2004! said:
I'd say we shovel as much BS as we can down our President's throat. Have a nice day.
Why? Just because a lot of people are gullible doesn't mean we should shovel horse manure down his throat.
"As usual, your posts remain staunchly content-free."

I have been trained well. Thanks to Professor Newt Gingrich I've become a master basher after watching the republicans bash clinton every step of the way for 8 years.

"Political rhetoric does not justify a class tax"

probably not. but nothing is "justified" in politics. One has a vote and they're free to use it any way they want.

"Why? Just because a lot of people are gullible doesn't mean we should shovel horse manure down his throat."

I'm sorry, I take that back, we should shovel the additional pollution the BUsh adminstration has foisted on our environment (by rolling back the clinton-era EPA standards) down Bush's throat. Our grandchildren will thank us.
Bush_in_2004! said:
I have been trained well. Thanks to Professor Newt Gingrich I've become a master basher after watching the republicans bash clinton every step of the way for 8 years.
So you say. Obviously the transition from watching TV and reading the news to the discussion boards did not go well.

bushin2004 said:
probably not. but nothing is "justified" in politics. One has a vote and they're free to use it any way they want.
Another sterling example of content-free nonsense from the house of Bushin2004. Keep them coming, i need the laughs. My TV is on the fritz.

bushin2004 said:
I'm sorry, I take that back, we should shovel the additional pollution the BUsh adminstration has foisted on our environment (by rolling back the clinton-era EPA standards) down Bush's throat. Our grandchildren will thank us.
When the going gets rough, you move the goalposts and talk about Bush's evironmental agencies. Stick to the topic, please: Why should we tax the rich alone for the foibles of the politicians?

Why is it their responsibility and not the middle class, or the poor folks?

After all, you just said that everyone has the opportunity to vote. Whatever Bush has done is an indirect reflection of the will of the United States. Try again, and do try not to piss in the well in your next post. But then again... i might be asking for too much. Right? :zzz:
"Whatever Bush has done is an indirect reflection of the will of the United States."

oh really. funny how he didn't get the popular vote. while the electoral collage and Sandra Day OConnor along with help from Clarence Thomas got Bush the title of "appointed president," he didn't have the "will" of the american people behind him from day one.

"Why should we tax the rich alone for the foibles of the politicians?"

because for one thing, unlike most of the middle class, or especially, the poor, they can't "buy" their favored canidate into office. They usually have to do it the more difficult "grass roots" way.

Speaking of which, with Bush's big tax cut, the upper 1% rich is more likely to divert some of that to Bush's re-election campaign while the middle class will be spending it on making up the shortcomings in their health benefits.
H sez: "do try not to piss in the well in your next post"

Whats with the insults? I'm not a public figure. Bush is. So is Clinton. Direct your piss comments at them. But if you LIKE to dish out insults to strangers in a forum, remember, everybody can play the same game, so here's a roll of toliet paper to wipe that poop off your face.

Lets keep the insults to ourselves, or at least behind our backs off the forum.
Bush_in_2004! said:
oh really. funny how he didn't get the popular vote. while the electoral collage and Sandra Day OConnor along with help from Clarence Thomas got Bush the title of "appointed president," he didn't have the "will" of the american people behind him from day one.
All you need to win the presidency is win the majority of the electoral college.

"When the American people vote for president and vice president, they are actually voting for slates of electors pledged to their candidates. Because the electors usually are chosen at large, the electoral vote of each state is cast as a unit, and the victorious presidential and vice presidential nominees in each state win the state's entire electoral vote. The candidates receiving a majority of the total electoral vote in the United States are elected.

Get a clue already. So spare me the popular vote stuff and all that jingoistic agitprop of the lefties. I'm sure Al Gore has gotten over that by now. Why haven't you? By the way, the Supreme Court only sent back the case to Florida and passed the buck. They don't deserve all the credit.

Bush_in_2004! said:
because for one thing, unlike most of the middle class, or especially, the poor, they can't "buy" their favored canidate into office. They usually have to do it the more difficult "grass roots" way.

But you are still stuck on the idea that the rich is a homogeneous entity that functions like a unified integrated object. That class distinction does not fly in the least, because you are talking about a broad spanse of people with different interests. A rich man may be a philantropist, and another rich man may be a greedy exploiter. This is nothing more than a crippled tool of the ideologues, yet class distinction remains a popular boogeyman those marxists use to scare others.

Try again!

Bush_in_2004! said:
Speaking of which, with Bush's big tax cut, the upper 1% rich is more likely to divert some of that to Bush's re-election campaign while the middle class will be spending it on making up the shortcomings in their health benefits.

Not every rich person will slavishly contribute to Bush's campaign. After all the movie moguls and lawyers are in the pocket of Democrats.
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oh puh-leez

Bush_in_2004! said:
Whats with the insults? I'm not a public figure. Bush is. So is Clinton. Direct your piss comments at them. But if you LIKE to dish out insults to strangers in a forum, remember, everybody can play the same game, so here's a roll of toliet paper to wipe that poop off your face. Lets keep the insults to ourselves, or at least behind our backs off the forum.

The phrase "piss in the well" is an idiom for a debating tactic designed to poison the topic so no discussion is possible. Get a clue, genius, and look it up. :zzz:
Bush_in_2004! said:
"Why should we tax the rich alone for the foibles of the politicians?"

because for one thing, unlike most of the middle class, or especially, the poor, they can't "buy" their favored canidate into office. They usually have to do it the more difficult "grass roots" way.

Speaking of which, with Bush's big tax cut, the upper 1% rich is more likely to divert some of that to Bush's re-election campaign while the middle class will be spending it on making up the shortcomings in their health benefits.

One question in which I hope you'll be capable of answering.

What is the percentage of the total income tax paid by the "rich" as compared to the rest of the tax paying public that are not bracketed in that category.

Keep in mind, the "Rich" only accounts for 2% of the tax paying population.

Please . . *ahem* . . .enlighten moi.

Praise Umanità!

~Al- Khawarizmi

hey genius, talk about getting off topic. the results of the electoral college has nothing to do with the will of the people. And the will of the people spoke this way: Gore. Besides, I SUPPORT the electoral college. I'm a democrat from a small state. I'd be an idiot to not support it. the thing in florida wasn't a simple tally of rounding up the e-votes and announcing a winner.

btw, I'm a residential school grad, idioms is not a big thing with us Harlan Lane kids since he says ASL is our natural/native language, NOT English -- you'll have to excuse the many naunces of English many of us have been deprived of. Since there is no way to communicate in ASL, perhaps you ought to can the "get a clue" business, or at least do it behind my back if it fancies you.

Al K.,

"What is the percentage of the total income tax paid by the "rich" as compared to the rest of the tax paying public that are not bracketed in that category."

try besides, "rich" is relative. 1%? 2%? 10%? I've heard all these numbers at one time or another to define "rich".
Bush_in_2004! said:
Al K.,

"What is the percentage of the total income tax paid by the "rich" as compared to the rest of the tax paying public that are not bracketed in that category."

try besides, "rich" is relative. 1%? 2%? 10%? I've heard all these numbers at one time or another to define "rich".

Please address me as Al-Khawarizmi, I've shown the same courtesy when addressing you by your chosen signature name, Thank you.

I know the answer to the question I presented to you earlier, for I've done my homework before posting.

I had a niggling feeling that you haven't quite examined the very question itself of how much the "rich" actually pay in the total income tax as compared to the others in a different income bracket. I felt compelled to allow you to save 'face' by redeeming thyself in that department that you seemingly to be lacking in, namely "actual knowledge".

It's an interesting statistic compilation. Please let the audience know what you've discovered.

Let's make it easier for you:

(all in Federal Income Taxes)

What does the Top 5% of the wage earners pay?
What does the Top 10% of the wage earners pay?
What does the top 50% of the wage earners pay?

Praise Umanita.

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Bush_in_2004! said:
Hec, hey genius, talk about getting off topic. the results of the electoral college has nothing to do with the will of the people.
That's quite incorrect, and a wonderful demonstration of your ignorance. The electoral college is not an disembodied entity that determines the presidency - in fact it is determined by the popular vote in each state. Please read the link i gave you above. The EC is a reflection of the will of the people - as it was fashioned in the US Constitution, Article 2, Section 1.

And the will of the people spoke this way: Gore. Besides, I SUPPORT the electoral college. I'm a democrat from a small state. I'd be an idiot to not support it. the thing in florida wasn't a simple tally of rounding up the e-votes and announcing a winner.
Uh, then you just shot yourself in the foot with this admission. If you support the EC then you must know what a democratic tool it is, and how effective it does represent the will of the people.

btw, I'm a residential school grad, idioms is not a big thing with us Harlan Lane kids since he says ASL is our natural/native language, NOT English -- you'll have to excuse the many naunces of English many of us have been deprived of. Since there is no way to communicate in ASL, perhaps you ought to can the "get a clue" business, or at least do it behind my back if it fancies you.
That's not my problem. You're writing in English. Play by the rules of grammar and spare me your excuses. I come from the same background.
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you can conduct the search yourself and post the results here.

I'm not twisting anybody's arm to sign the petition. If you don't like it then for heaven's sake DON'T SIGN IT!

If you don't like class warfare, well GUESS WHAT -- You got company! The Cheneys, Lays, and Grassos are ready to welcome you into the fold with open arms. Enjoy!
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