Swine Flu Outbreak

Not to downplay the flu, but doesn't it seem to you guys that people are more scared of dying from this flu? In reality, it seems to be more of an annoyance to the sick person himself and more of a impact for the government and the economy? Since we have to provide medical care and a lot of people can't go to work? Of course, I'll do my duty and try to keep sanitary, but I hear from one too many people freaking out about it thinking it's the next plague.
Not to downplay the flu, but doesn't it seem to you guys that people are more scared of dying from this flu? In reality, it seems to be more of an annoyance to the sick person himself and more of a impact for the government and the economy? Since we have to provide medical care and a lot of people can't go to work? Of course, I'll do my duty and try to keep sanitary, but I hear from one too many people freaking out about it thinking it's the next plague.

I would say it's the name and the confusion created by media. "omg a flu from a pig! swine flu! that doesn't sound pretty! omgggg <thinking about the movie Outbreak>"

relax people... pretty much all of us have had flu once in our lifetime. as long as you're a pretty healthy person with good immune system... you won't die from it but you'll suffer from it :lol:
Outbreak just makes me think of cute Capuchin monkey! So cute! I'll even risk getting the virus just to pet him....
Outbreak just makes me think of cute Capuchin monkey! So cute! I'll even risk getting the virus just to pet him....


He doesn't look too happy about being petted...
RE: TDK , Joker (Heath Ledger) making a statement to Harvey about people freaking out because things "are not according to part of a plan". Perfect analogy.

What was in the 1900's was the 1900s, today lots of stuff are virtually eradicated thanks to the success of medical technology. Sure, there's no vaccine yet but give it some time for it to develop. BTW, the influenza types in the past are gone. These are mutated strains.

If anything, I'd be more concerned about a chemical warfare outbreak or something like illegal ricin spreading around.


Just my opinion, people are always afraid of what they do not understand. Someone dying is like spiking a coffee with digitalis.
His face is still too dang cute. It's not gonna stop me! *kisses* come here kitty.
One Texas baby died from Swine Flu. Doctors can't save baby life. :(

This baby was transported from Mexico TO Texas to be treated and had numerous health concerns and was unable to fight off the infection... Just as many people die annually from the 'traditional' flu because their general health is compromised and their immune systems can't fight the flu virus.
monkeys are notoriously NOT cuddly..........

well, we have three confirmed cases in the state and they've shut down six school in the metro area here. Yesterday there was a press conference with the mayor and health department.
in these situations it can be hard to judge what is sensationalism and what is unbiased...and the facts keep changing -
they're recommending people carry hand sanitizer, among other things....betcha there's gonna be lots of empty shelves-
Not to downplay the flu, but doesn't it seem to you guys that people are more scared of dying from this flu? In reality, it seems to be more of an annoyance to the sick person himself and more of a impact for the government and the economy? Since we have to provide medical care and a lot of people can't go to work? Of course, I'll do my duty and try to keep sanitary, but I hear from one too many people freaking out about it thinking it's the next plague.

well, people know their history and how many people died from viruses. Apparently, being alert is working. compare to people who didn't know what to do in the past.

Plus, I heard asthma is on the rise too so that's why they are afraid of it.
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This baby was transported from Mexico TO Texas to be treated and had numerous health concerns and was unable to fight off the infection... Just as many people die annually from the 'traditional' flu because their general health is compromised and their immune systems can't fight the flu virus.

Exactly. The very young, the very old, and those with a compromised immune system are at the greatest risk of death or complications from any strain of the flu. I think one of the things that has people so panicked is that we don't have a vaccine for this strain, and therefore, once an outbreak has begun it is so much more difficult to contain.
Jillio, Why does US can't close the border? I just wonders.
Calls to Shut U.S.-Mexico Border Grow in Flu Scare - TIME

They could, but at this point, it won't do much to contain the virus. There are already too many confirmed cases and exposed people in the United States. Now the biggest threat is it passing from person to person in this country. Closing the border is like closing the barn door after the horse has already gotten out.
They could, but at this point, it won't do much to contain the virus. There are already too many confirmed cases and exposed people in the United States. Now the biggest threat is it passing from person to person in this country. Closing the border is like closing the barn door after the horse has already gotten out.

Yup, I'm surprised that some Americans kept complain about illegal immigrants.

I'm not worried about illegal immigrants because ICE will going take care of them and some of them will face deport after immigration court says so.

Build new wall on border that where closer to homeowners are unacceptable and many homeowners have sue on US in court over situation about build the wall on border, even Mexican government condemn on build the wall because of could harm to nature and wild animals.

Take care by ICE is best option to control the illegal immigrants, also make bill to tighten every jobs to hire immigrants that has document that approved by US government, build the wall will not solve the problem.
Yup, I'm surprised that some Americans kept complain about illegal immigrants.

I'm not worried about illegal immigrants because ICE will going take care of them and some of them will face deport after immigration court says so.

Build new wall on border that where closer to homeowners are unacceptable and many homeowners have sue on US in court over situation about build the wall on border, even Mexican government condemn on build the wall because of could harm to nature and wild animals.

Take care by ICE is best option to control the illegal immigrants, also make bill to tighten every jobs to hire immigrants that has document that approved by US government, build the wall will not solve the problem.

Well, the concern with the spread of the flu virus is not from illegal or legal immigrants. It is from U.S. citizens who were visiting in Mexico, contracting the virus, and then returning home. For instance, the students in N.Y. who were confirmed with the swine flu that had gone on a school trip to Mexico.
Well, the concern with the spread of the flu virus is not from illegal or legal immigrants. It is from U.S. citizens who were visiting in Mexico, contracting the virus, and then returning home. For instance, the students in N.Y. who were confirmed with the swine flu that had gone on a school trip to Mexico.

Right! Also it is already in the U.S. You are more likely to contract it now, from one of your fellow Americans.

I wonder how many people are walking around with the Virus unknowingly, spreading it before they develop the symptoms.