My guess is that the reason different approaches are attempted is because language development is not occurring. So are you suggesting to stay with a given approach even of development is not happening? How can you ignore success stories? To me its deprivation to not find an approach that helps the child develop and grow. If bibi is not yielding results then why would you deprive the child of access to other methods which may prove successful? Who has the right to deprive a child of success no matter which method yields it. Would you remove children from programs that are working even if they are not BIBI programs? Nobody has the right to deny a deaf child access to the various methods because one of them may be exactly what proves successful. I don't think there is a conspiracy against deaf education or the bibi approach. Again I believe the reason there are so many methods is exactly because one size doesn't fit all. While BIBI might be successful for some, it won't be for all. And to leave a child in a program that is not working is just wrong.
I have never heard of a child being language deprived in a BiBi environment.

The reason for this is cuz both languages ..ASL and English are used and they are both fully accessible to the child. It would be like saying a spoken educational environment is failing hearing kids in which they are not picking up on spoken language. In those cases, that would be a sign of cognitive processing difficulties. That's why in my program, we have resources for deaf children with congnitive processing disorders to meet their needs. So, I dont know how deaf children (or even hearing children) are at risk for language delays in a BiBi approach. That's why the BiBi approach is usually the last resort for many parents and when those kids get referred to it, they usually progress. I havent seen a kid who did not make any progress simply because of the program itself.
If there are such cases where a deaf child is language deprived in a BiBi environment, I would like to know and I would find out what is happening and how to remedy it.
I am speaking of children being put in environments where the information, communciation, language, and socialization arent as accessible to them as they are to their hearing counterparts. That is what I am talking about.
I dont think anyone here really understands what I am trying to say. I would never ever be a party to forcing children to be in an educational program that is failing them. If I see a child who is not making progress, I find different teaching methods in my classroom that will fit the child.
The BiBi program uses both ASL and English but in each class, each teacher modifies their teaching style to fit the chidlren's learning needs. We all know that it is unrealistic to use one teaching style on all children.
U know what? I stand by my beliefs based on what I have seen over the years and in different programs.