Survey for cochlear implant users


New Member
Mar 19, 2010
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I am considering for CI. My main reason for having a CI is just want to be able to have a telephone conversation. Also, I am wearing glasses, it is very tired to have two impaired.

To know which brand that can help me achieve my goal, I would like to have a little survey. If you're CI users, would you please participate in answering these questions ^_^
1. What CI brand are yours?
2. Can you have a conversation on phone? for many times have you been using telephone since your first CI activation?
3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users?

Thank you very much for your participation! Cheers!
as far as understanding telephone, It shouldn't be your only reason for CI... or you'll end up being very disappointed. Because not every person with CI can understand phones. they still need assistance.
as far as understanding telephone, It shouldn't be your only reason for CI... or you'll end up being very disappointed. Because not every person with CI can understand phones. they still need assistance.

Yea, so far out of the numerous of CI users I have met or have known, only one can use the phone.
As the others have stated, very few with CIs can use the phone on a regular basis.

I ought to know as I'm one of the few. I attended a CI seminar in January of 2008. They asked who could use a phone pretty well and only 3 out of 50 of us raised our hands. That somewhat surprised me as I have no problems whatsoever using the phone.

To answer your questions...

1) I have the Freedom (Cochlear Inc.)
2) I used the phone two days after being turned on and was pretty much a regular user of them the week after that.
3) No, I have never been dizzy with my CI. On a side note, it has been said that a CI helps those with Menerie's disease.

To keep from being totally discouraging about phones, I have seen several who are occassional users of phones but not on a regular basis.
1) I have the MED-EL Sonata Implant with the OPUS 2 Processor
2) I have a really hard time understanding people on the phone, I pick up maybe 3 out of 5 words.
3) I have Meniere's Disease and I have no vestibular function left I balance with my eyes the only thing the CI surgery helped with is the Tinnitus as its gone now.

I think if your wanting a CI just for talking on a phone your expectations aren't realistic
Everybody, I would like to thank you for all your honest answer ^_^ please feel free to answer to my next survey
1. What CI brand are yours? Nucleus Cochlear
2. Can you have a conversation on phone? for many times have you been using telephone since your first CI activation? Yes but not a lot. I use the phone conversation with my family memebers. If urgent, I have to ring my parents for some reasons.
3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users? no, didnt have an issues.
1. What CI brand are yours?
I have the Nucleus 5. I was activated Dec. 21, 2009

2. Can you have a conversation on phone? for many times have you been using telephone since your first CI activation?
After 4 months I'm now able to make short phone calls. I can't yet handle any real elaborate phone calls yet but I'm only just starting out so I'm confident that will improve. The simplest things are easier. For example if I'm at the store I can call home to see if we need anything. Hearing will not happen over night. It'll take some time and effort on your part. I don't suggest focusing on the phone right away. Enjoy all the small sounds you pick up. As time goes on those sounds will start to get clearer. What didn't sound right one day could sound right a day or weeks later. The phone is down the road for most of us. Possible but keep in mind you'll still won't have perfect hearing. But I love how much I'm hearing now. I even went and watched a movie in a theater. First time in almost 20 years.

3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users?
I experienced a littly dizziness the fist couple of days after surgery. Nothing major though. I think it was mainly due to the surgery itself (The meds). But it wasn't bad at all. I was alert and awake the day of the surgery. I even came here to alldeaf and posted about 4 hours after my surgery.

Ron Jaxon
1. What CI brand are yours?
It doesn't really matter. If you don't train your brain, any CI is not going to go very far.

2. Can you have a conversation on phone? for many times have you been using telephone since your first CI activation?
No. I am 15 months post-activation. Daily one hour therapy should enable me to use the phone after five years provided I continue to train my brain. I am auditory prelingual.

3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users?
Which company implant: Advanced Bionics- Harmony Atria
Telephone use: NO-can hear the dial tone but not anyone speaking. I understand from Sunnybrook Cochlear Implant section: most people that they have deal with-can't either. Not a surprise. Just continue using my UltraTec 1140-TTY/Text phone. Access the Relay Service- here in Ontario 711. My phone company-Bell Canada- has TeleMessage service ( tape) which the Relay service can access on my behalf. Just give all the numbers. Had this since 1996.
The telephone had no bearing on the process of getting an Implant. I don't recall anyone asking me about phones. Mentioned I had/used a TTY phone.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony Atria activated Aug/07
Answering on behalf of my 4YO:
1. What CI brand are yours? Cochlear Freedom implants, Nucleus 5 processors (bilateral)
2. Can you have a conversation on phone? for many times have you been using telephone since your first CI activation? Yes, on both iPhone and traditional phone; but long conversation is easier/more effective when on speaker phone.
3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users? Not that I've noticed.
1. What CI brand are yours? Chochlear nucleus 5
2. Can you have a conversation on phone? sorta but I have not been really mapped yet but I can hear some of the conversation
3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users? Nope not at all didnt get any dizziness from surgery or from the actual stimulation the ci gives while its on.
I am considering for CI. My main reason for having a CI is just want to be able to have a telephone conversation. Also, I am wearing glasses, it is very tired to have two impaired.

To know which brand that can help me achieve my goal, I would like to have a little survey. If you're CI users, would you please participate in answering these questions ^_^
1. What CI brand are yours?
2. Can you have a conversation on phone? for many times have you been using telephone since your first CI activation?
3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users?

Thank you very much for your participation! Cheers!
What's your history? Late deafened? HOH, etc?

Cause what's your history can have an affect on how well you could do with a phone after you have your CI.
I am considering for CI. My main reason for having a CI is just want to be able to have a telephone conversation. Also, I am wearing glasses, it is very tired to have two impaired.

To know which brand that can help me achieve my goal, I would like to have a little survey. If you're CI users, would you please participate in answering these questions ^_^
1. What CI brand are yours?
2. Can you have a conversation on phone? for many times have you been using telephone since your first CI activation?
3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users?

Thank you very much for your participation! Cheers!

1. Medel Opus 2. Implanted Mar 2009, Activated Apr 2009
2. Yes, I can use the phone, but with difficulty. Familiar words work fine, names are almost impossible. I also miss details. I hope it will improve.
3. No problem with dizziness.

Additional info: I am 66 y/o male. Quiet was very nice. All of a sudden, I am hearing sounds that I did not recognize since I hadn't heard them for decades. Bird chirping is much overrated. It was a big surprise to learn that peeing makes noise. On the positive side, I am able to participate in group discussions much more than before. I always did well one-on-one. Good luck!!

I am considering for CI. My main reason for having a CI is just want to be able to have a telephone conversation. Also, I am wearing glasses, it is very tired to have two impaired.

To know which brand that can help me achieve my goal, I would like to have a little survey. If you're CI users, would you please participate in answering these questions ^_^
1. What CI brand are yours?
2. Can you have a conversation on phone? for many times have you been using telephone since your first CI activation?
3. Have you ever got any dizziness during being a CI users?

Thank you very much for your participation! Cheers!

1) the Nuclear Freedom

2) Not quite. Although I got to practice a little using the phone with my therapist at the auditory verbal therapy lessons. That's still more than what I was able to do with my HA's when my phone usage was almost nil.

Generally speaking, I've been hearing better with my CI, no question about it. For instance, sometime I could understand the speaker without looking at them. Not necessarily indulging in long conversations, but hearing simple, common few words / short sentences phrases at the cashier or at restaurants, etc. Again, that still more than what I could with the HA's, etc. And from what I've gathered your hearing can also improve over the course of time, the longer you have your CI, etc.

3) Yes, I did get dizzy after I had my CI although it was mostly just within the 1st week after I had surgery. And has had them less often the longer I had my CI, etc...
Nucleus Freedom 5 Just had 3 month mapping and next one is in March. No dizziness at all. phone works quite well. Not perfect but acceptable most of the time. Don't use a lot but much better by far than before CI. Use speaker phone or T coil and neck loop . Phonak Naida on left ear. 79 years young. Yes I heard a LOT of things I have not heard in years when first activated. Chose Nucleus because of history and reliability or at least all the information I could find on them. I'm very happy with my choice. It is doing more than I ever thought possible. Long time hearing aid user. 50+ years. Good luck on your choice. Everyone is different and most have different results as far as I can tell.
There are also CI support groups out there you could go to, to have some of your questions answered. Including those asked in this thread.
Another manner in which one's environment helps in "getting used to your Implant". Single dances! No not ChaCha/dance steps but Loud music to quiet persons speaking to you at the same time. Since I actually having doing this years -just continued after Implant activated -yeah 3 days after! Sounded weird in comparison to my previous Phonak LL6 BTE. Programme altered forthwith.
I understand all of this ties into the "neural plasticity of one's brain" which takes lots of time. Now part of the support group here in Toronto at Sunnybrook. Prior to becoming deaf-Dec 20/06 also part of Cdn Hearing Society- Hearing Help group-1992 onwards.
I will be 74 in November, and have had hearing problems from my father over 40 years . The world of hearing has changed a great deal since then!- much better Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implalnts!

Advanced Bionics-Harmony Atria activated Aug/07
Katie Leclerc of 'Switched at Birth' was diagnosed with Menier’s disease at age 20, and one of the symptoms is fluctuating hearing loss. She said "Within the next five years or so, there may be a cochlear implant specifically designed for Ménière’s patients." She may plan to got CI???
Katie Leclerc of 'Switched at Birth' was diagnosed with Menier’s disease at age 20, and one of the symptoms is fluctuating hearing loss. She said "Within the next five years or so, there may be a cochlear implant specifically designed for Ménière’s patients." She may plan to got CI???

if that's what she wants to do.