Exactly what I was thinking. I knew it was going to come to this: a debate between CI's and communication, as has just about every other CI / HA / Communication thread here. I even said this on page 1. I did not vote because I am not pro-CI, against CI, even neutral. As far as I'm concerned, it is a PERSONAL choice for every adult, and a parental choice for parents making this decision for their child. What language adaption that comes after (or even before, or during) a CI decision is an entirely different issue. As far as I see it, parents opting for a CI for their child doesn't mean that parent will determine their child will be oral-only, or ASL-only, or whatever JUST BASED on a CI. The two are NOT necessarily synonymous. I'm tired of all the "numerous research studies show ..." blah blah blah because, frankly, what works as a "whole" does not necessarily work for an individual. Right now, I am seriously considering a CI, but my thoughts/decisions on that are based on me, and me alone -- with others' feedback, of course, but ultimately, the decision is about me wanting to do this; it is not about what type of communication I already have, what may change with that after -- it is the same with parents making decisions on what seems to work best for their child (after tried and tested methods, as have been indicated by some parents here.) I have always been exposed to the total communication method and that worked well for me, but that had NOTHING to do with a CI. It had EVERYTHING to do with what my parents thought best for me. Me, as an individual.