Stop Blaming Racism for the Failure of Black Parents

Rocking Robin, I'm sorry that you lost your mom so early.

My grandfather was in assisted living and it was a good place for him. The problem was that when a person in assisted living starts to decline sharply, the other residents distance themselves. It's a protective reaction. It's painful to keep losing friends. I don't know how to solve that problem. Sending a person to an isolated nursing home is worse than leaving a person in assisted living. Maybe it's a good idea to take them to a relative's home at that point, assuming that the person is willing.
Rocking Robin, I'm sorry that you lost your mom so early.

My grandfather was in assisted living and it was a good place for him. The problem was that when a person in assisted living starts to decline sharply, the other residents distance themselves. It's a protective reaction. It's painful to keep losing friends. I don't know how to solve that problem. Sending a person to an isolated nursing home is worse than leaving a person in assisted living. Maybe it's a good idea to take them to a relative's home at that point, assuming that the person is willing.

That's true. My parents are almost 90 years old, and they live in such a community. However, when I visit (which I do weekly) and wheel them around the place, it makes a difference. I cannot imagine turning my parents loose to the wolves.
Yep. I located said information in Climbing Jacob's Ladder, by Dr. Andrew Billingsly: chapters 10, 15, and 16. I have also done quite a bit a independent research on the topic, and have assimilated the knowledge. However, I will be more than happy to guide you to the journals that will contain said research and information.
Got the book here. The only thing I found that's any way related to your assertion is at the beginning of chapter 16 on page 334: "Most [single parents] are white, not black." Is that what you're referring to? Because that's quite different from what you asserted and I don't doubt it given the shear number of whites compared to blacks. That's not talking about per capita. Also, single parents includes divorcees, widows, etc.. We're talking about births where the mother is not married.

The CDC has data on it. It can be found here on page 6:

For 2007, the data indicates that the illegitimacy rates among blacks is 71.6% while among whites, it's 27.8%. As for the rates of women giving birth out of wedlock, among blacks, it's about 51 per thousand black women, and among whites, it's about 17 per thousand white women. The total illegitimate births for blacks is about 449,000 and for whites, it's about 643,000.

According to that data, the number of illegitimate births per capita among blacks is much higher than among whites. However, the total number of illegitimate births among whites is higher than blacks.
Got the book here. The only thing I found that's any way related to your assertion is at the beginning of chapter 16 on page 334: "Most [single parents] are white, not black." Is that what you're referring to? Because that's quite different from what you asserted and I don't doubt it given the shear number of whites compared to blacks. That's not talking about per capita. Also, single parents includes divorcees, widows, etc.. We're talking about births where the mother is not married.

The CDC has data on it. It can be found here on page 6:

For 2007, the data indicates that the illegitimacy rates among blacks is 71.6% while among whites, it's 27.8%. As for the rates of women giving birth out of wedlock, among blacks, it's about 51 per thousand black women, and among whites, it's about 17 per thousand white women. The total illegitimate births for blacks is about 449,000 and for whites, it's about 643,000.

According to that data, the number of illegitimate births per capita among blacks is much higher than among whites. However, the total number of illegitimate births among whites is higher than blacks.

There you go. The total number of illegitimate births is higher among whites. Single parent homes are also higher among whites. Yet, violence rates and incarcertation rates are higher among blacks. Looks like inequities going on to me. And, if you will read the other chapters and apply a little critical and objective thought, you will easily see that there are numerous sociological factors at work, not simply poor parenting practices. (And that last line was not intended to be critical, simply instructive.)
There you go. The total number of illegitimate births is higher among whites.
That's not what you said at first: "...per capita, there are more illegitimate births in the Caucasion population than in the Black population."

So now you're talking about total number rather than per capita? That's not exactly a subtle nuance. Did you think I wouldn't notice? I'd go on and talk more about this, but what's the point?
Why is it when violence is discussed "out of wedlock" birthrates is discussed?

Why is it said that youth violence is escalating when I no longer hear of Saturday night gang wars?

Exactly what is a bad parent or a good parent? Should we first issue college degrees in child rearing and only allow those people who pass with a grade "C" or above to have children?

How is blaming Black parents for poor parenting going to appear like a non racist statement to someone who believes racism is a serious problem.

Why does this thread confuse me?
Because the premise of this "Stop Blaming Racism for the Failure of Black Parents" thread is that black parents are failures. The premise assumes an unproven fact. It's a racist assumption. It's like the "When did you stop beating your wife?" question.