The threads in this forum are really interesting these days. Melissa, the woman at Lloyd's said if my analog couldn't be fixed they could get something similar. Analog is old technology and can be reproduced in something this small if we're willing to pay for the price. But you've also received other recommendations for analog repair here.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I too still have a couple of my earmolds. I still prefer these analogs- honestly still fighting the blues and it bites! I still think about these all dying on me.
To those who enjoy digitals, I have a decent old memory when emotions are attached to it. I went to a local hearing aid dealer (dangerous* to many people but not to me) and he allowed me or rather wanted me to listen to classical music with a digital aid. I was in a sound-proof room with him and it brought tears to my eyes because the music was so pure. But I understood voices better with the analogs.
I understand waiting and being very concerned about the aid dying. I lived it for so long. Changing religions here just for a moment because it's the silly analogy I've maintained. At Chanukah (the festival of lights), it was all about the Jews being attacked en force. They were in a temple with the odds of surviving against them. They had enough olive oil to keep light in the temple for one day. Miraculously, it lasted eight days. So, that was my analog. It had enough left in it to last maybe five years and miraculously, it lasted seven and my hearing gave out . It's just a story and works for me.
In Peace.