Still an analog hearing aid lover..WTH is wrong with me?


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Jul 10, 2014
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Spent 2 months in digitals.. now in a half digital and analog which were hand made for me for the last 4 months... Audiologist can't get me to my happy zone.. Cant return $4000.00 but he is willing to work with me anyway. I am still looking for reputable place to send my analog hearing aids to be repaired..simple things, just the t-coil and clean up.
Spent 2 months in digitals.. now in a half digital and analog which were hand made for me for the last 4 months... Audiologist can't get me to my happy zone.. Cant return $4000.00 but he is willing to work with me anyway. I am still looking for reputable place to send my analog hearing aids to be repaired..simple things, just the t-coil and clean up.

Hi, Melissa, nice to see you back, was wondering how you were doing.

For the one you want repaired, go here look around that site then e-mail them and ask if they can do what you want to your analog aid.

Good luck
Hi, Melissa, nice to see you back, was wondering how you were doing.

For the one you want repaired, go here look around that site then e-mail them and ask if they can do what you want to your analog aid.

Good luck

Thanks Annie. Been through a lot the last few months. Lost my most valuable tool to talk to about anything this October. My grandmother was 84 and my rock! Then an Uncle on my husband side of the family. Spent time with my grandmother before she passed. I still love my analog. Just want to trust someone to do a good job. Found a pair on Ebay. Putting a bid on it. Whether they really work or not, seller seems honest.
Thanks Annie. Been through a lot the last few months. Lost my most valuable tool to talk to about anything this October. My grandmother was 84 and my rock! Then an Uncle on my husband side of the family. Spent time with my grandmother before she passed. I still love my analog. Just want to trust someone to do a good job. Found a pair on Ebay. Putting a bid on it. Whether they really work or not, seller seems honest.

So sorry for your losses. Hope those e-bay aides work out. All the best!
What kind of digital hearing aids do you have?

I was an analog user until mid 2013. Wouldn't give em up until humidity and moisture killed it while camping during a high altitude rain/hail storm. So there's nothing wrong with you. But then my only option through my audiologist was the Phonak Naida Q. It was either that or go with no auditory stimulation. The Naida HA can give great output without all the fancy stuff that can be done with it and I found it to be a huge improvement over the earlier digital HA's. So I just wanted to put that out there. But different things work for different people, so I hope the ebay hearing aids offer you improvement.
What kind of digital hearing aids do you have?

I was an analog user until mid 2013. Wouldn't give em up until humidity and moisture killed it while camping during a high altitude rain/hail storm. So there's nothing wrong with you. But then my only option through my audiologist was the Phonak Naida Q. It was either that or go with no auditory stimulation. The Naida HA can give great output without all the fancy stuff that can be done with it and I found it to be a huge improvement over the earlier digital HA's. So I just wanted to put that out there. But different things work for different people, so I hope the ebay hearing aids offer you improvement.

Thanks- tried the same as you did for 2 months. How long did it take for you to adjust? I am in a quandary. The EBay aids are exactly like the ones I have. One works and one don't. Need to send them off for a clean up and repairs. The only issue I have now is.. Readjusting bank to my analogs despite my custom made ones has a different sounds. My hubby spent $4000 on the custom and audiologist can't seem to get it set. I like the simplicity of my analog but going to lose my mind trying to get settled. 6 months is way to long.
I, too, prefer the analogs but it is nigh onto impossible to find them anymore. What I have grown to adapt and accept is my audie taking a digital and reducing it down to close to being analog. In other words, many of the digital programs can be either eliminated or close to it....It isn't too bad....
there is nothing wrong with liking authentic analog sounds over so called corrected digital sounds
Thank you to everyone who has responded. I am leaning more towards just sticking with all four pairs of analog hearing aids I have and keep sending them off to be repaired until the can't be fixed anymore and if they all die then I have the custom BTE's analog/digital as a fall back. Maybe once I can get through some of my tough patches of life I have going on- ie.. One 19 yr old college auspie with severe OCD/ anxiety issues, a soon to be graduating from high school/ college bound, and 15 yr old daughter who thinks she's an adult.. I can then deal with the change. It's an emotional and stressful process for me. ❤️
Thanks- tried the same as you did for 2 months. How long did it take for you to adjust? I am in a quandary. The EBay aids are exactly like the ones I have. One works and one don't. Need to send them off for a clean up and repairs. The only issue I have now is.. Readjusting bank to my analogs despite my custom made ones has a different sounds. My hubby spent $4000 on the custom and audiologist can't seem to get it set. I like the simplicity of my analog but going to lose my mind trying to get settled. 6 months is way to long.

I wouldn't say it took me long to adjust. Everything sounded very natural. However when I talked, my voice sounded to me like it was talking into my own personal microphone. That took about 3 weeks to dissolve. Music was great once my audiologist added a music program, and then raised the treble in it a bit. Everyone's hearing is unique to them, so what some people do well with aren't what others do well with. I have a CI now so I no longer use the HA.
I liked my analog hearing aid than my digital HA. It did take awhile to get use to have a push button on my digital HA and I hated all the beeping it did . I had some of it turned off.
I wouldn't say it took me long to adjust. Everything sounded very natural. However when I talked, my voice sounded to me like it was talking into my own personal microphone. That took about 3 weeks to dissolve. Music was great once my audiologist added a music program, and then raised the treble in it a bit. Everyone's hearing is unique to them, so what some people do well with aren't what others do well with. I have a CI now so I no longer use the HA.
My daughter just now yelled at me.. Told me that if I had hung just a little longer with the digital I would be just fine. She was saying that I was hearing everything that they heard and that was good. She says that even if I were to try later to move to digital that I would have a much harder time. She tells me that I am not ever going to get over this.. I am not a CI candidate. For me, the audiologist tried to set it to where I needed to be but even then things were off including the music. It was very upsetting to be told that everything will sound different and that some music I may not enjoy anymore. I was just done with all the tweaks. My own voice was very low in the settings I had and even my kids/husbands was different. I just missed what I knew. I know I can say with out a doubt I was just an emotional mess.
new digital hearing aids, new programs, they will sound different at first but you should be able to get used to the "new" sounds. It's the same with cochlear implants. I remember every time I got a new hearing aid, I had an adjustment period where I needed to get used to the "new/different" sounds.

You just need to do what works for YOU, even if it means using the older analogs.
new digital hearing aids, new programs, they will sound different at first but you should be able to get used to the "new" sounds. It's the same with cochlear implants. I remember every time I got a new hearing aid, I had an adjustment period where I needed to get used to the "new/different" sounds.

You just need to do what works for YOU, even if it means using the older analogs.

Thanks~! so far I think just sticking with my analogs til they all die.. all four pairs whether they have been repaired or not.. til they absolutely do not work anymore. I can only hope that they will keep me happy as longs I live right? realistically probably not.. but I also have a custom bte analog/digital for later. hmmmmmm.
Spent 2 months in digitals.. now in a half digital and analog which were hand made for me for the last 4 months... Audiologist can't get me to my happy zone.. Cant return $4000.00 but he is willing to work with me anyway. I am still looking for reputable place to send my analog hearing aids to be repaired..simple things, just the t-coil and clean up.
Digitals didn't work for me. I used analogs. The cheapest analog repair I used for about ten years is Lloyds. They took care of now obsolete aids and repaired them. Customer service is very good and it is a family-owned business. I explored local repair shops and they were all too expensive.

Good luck.
Thanks~! so far I think just sticking with my analogs til they all die.. all four pairs whether they have been repaired or not.. til they absolutely do not work anymore. I can only hope that they will keep me happy as longs I live right? realistically probably not.. but I also have a custom bte analog/digital for later. hmmmmmm.

I have been a big fan of analogs too if for no reason other than that they are cheaper than digitals. I have a profound loss (115 db) and I had 2 analogs until one broke, and a new digital was given to me to replace it, but I actually can't tell the difference between the two. I'm that deaf! The one analog I have left is 10 years old, so it's only a matter of time before that one dies and I will have to replace it, and I'm dreading the cost of it.
I have been a big fan of analogs too if for no reason other than that they are cheaper than digitals. I have a profound loss (115 db) and I had 2 analogs until one broke, and a new digital was given to me to replace it, but I actually can't tell the difference between the two. I'm that deaf! The one analog I have left is 10 years old, so it's only a matter of time before that one dies and I will have to replace it, and I'm dreading the cost of it.
I truly feel your pain. I was fitted with analogs many, many years ago. I tried a couple of digitals but they're trickier to fit. I was on a countdown to going deaf (my analogs were dying) knowing the CI was a very, very scary option for me.

115 ... yes, you are deaf. I was in the soundproof booth and asked for the sound to be pumped up. The audiologist said she couldn't because at 110 db pulsing in the room, she heard it and I wanted it louder. I lost that one and when I knew she could hear the sound, so much for a soundproof room. Live and learn.
Digitals didn't work for me. I used analogs. The cheapest analog repair I used for about ten years is Lloyds. They took care of now obsolete aids and repaired them. Customer service is very good and it is a family-owned business. I explored local repair shops and they were all too expensive.

Good luck.

Thank you. I have looked into them a couple of times. I just sent off a pair to my audiologist that I grew up with back in my hometown. He is helping out for now. I am having to find a new one that I can trust after the one I had here where I live currently quit and go work out of Costco selling Phonak products. Miss him a lot even though he can not service me. I thank those who understand how I feel.
I have been a big fan of analogs too if for no reason other than that they are cheaper than digitals. I have a profound loss (115 db) and I had 2 analogs until one broke, and a new digital was given to me to replace it, but I actually can't tell the difference between the two. I'm that deaf! The one analog I have left is 10 years old, so it's only a matter of time before that one dies and I will have to replace it, and I'm dreading the cost of it.

I should be thankful for what I have and there's days where I just want to bang my head.. Agreed. The analogs are cheaper and what I feel is comfortable. I am having to readjust to the sounds. My audiologist who built the custom BTE's said I may not like them. My heart says one thing and my nerves says another. It's been a tough decision to make when I know my husband is a hard working man and putting $4000 down is not easy money. Anyway. Thank you!