squirrel BE GONE!!!

There's probably more that aren't listed on that page.

I can assure you that there's nada around here. sad.
Very strange.

not strange. it's typical of "McMansion" area. this is a highly urbanized area with a very dense population. The shelters you listed above.... it's more of rural/semi-rural areas and widespread... sleepy town.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzgC2DXP0OM]YouTube - Spinning Squirrel[/ame]

There was a bear near where I live. Teen boys were driving a vehicle and they hit a bear. Bear ran away limping and polices came (because vehicle got bang up badly or something) and police followed the bear and called wildlife dept in term of what he should do. Wildlife dept said just to leave the bear alone.

I guess bear died later or something. I don't think any creature that is limping away will survives for long. :-(

I kinda wish wildlife dept would come in and take care of it or something. Since it wasn't bear's fault to start with.

So I was wondering, how do they decide which creature get rescued and which one don't?
Here's me feeding a gimpy chipmunk (a scarred and injured right hind leg) on Mt Howard (8150 ft) near Wallowa Lake (Joseph, Oregon - eastern Oregon) on August 20, 2010.


Somebody pointed out something about my "tummy" see in my chipmunk photo. I had a green, thick long-sleeved shirt that I tied around my waist with the knots up front when it got too warm for me to wear up at 8,500 feet on Mt. Howard. The knots apparently got under my shirt giving that illusion. Sorry to disappoint the idiots out there.
:) yea, i was throwing that in there to throw this thread off.

I believe the red squirrel in europe is on the endangered list. The flying squirrel here too.

American Chronicle | The Northern Flying Squirrel—Endangered

Squirrel (Red) :: Animal Facts :: Young People's Trust for the Environment

I once had a teacher who was from England, she mentioned that somebody brought over some grey squirrels from North America to the country. As a result, the grey squirrels wiped out the red squirrels by taking all of their resources.
Somebody pointed out something about my "tummy" see in my chipmunk photo. I had a green, thick long-sleeved shirt that I tied around my waist with the knots up front when it got too warm for me to wear up at 8,500 feet on Mt. Howard. The knots apparently got under my shirt giving that illusion. Sorry to disappoint the idiots out there.

And the fanny pack? The chipmunk stuffs its cheek pouches with nuts. Did you have nuts on your ass?

Sorry, couldn't resist. :lol:
:laugh2: @ this thread.. I have too many squirrels in backyard cuz of plums... but I don't harm them but yeah my dad used to eat squireels in past when he was living out of country before he became ciziten of US.. years ago :P but I refuse to eat animals yuk but of course i eat meat but go figures :P
:laugh2: @ this thread.. I have too many squirrels in backyard cuz of plums... but I don't harm them but yeah my dad used to eat squireels in past when he was living out of country before he became ciziten of US.. years ago :P but I refuse to eat animals yuk but of course i eat meat but go figures :P

They eat plums? That's a new one for me......better set out some napkins. :lol: