squirrel BE GONE!!!

I know that county animal control doesn't take care of injured or orphaned wild animals. If I needed someone to take care of an injured squirrel, I would contact a friend of mine who does squirrel rescues.

There are volunteers who specialize in each kind of wild animal rescue service.

I used to know another woman who did raccoon rescues.

Your local veterinarian might have a contact list for rescue groups.

nah. not here. they'll just kill it just like they did to deer which got hit by a car. They let the guy across the street to kill it with a kitchen knife :eek3:
I also said "or some kind of action in that direction" meaning an organization to take care of the animal if there is one, then again it's hard for me to answer your question about animal control since that kind of event has never happened to me before, what action they take may or may not be what you claim, that would have to be checked I am sure not all cities have the same policies maybe they don't even "take care of it" at all in the first place, thus again why I said "or some kind of action in that direction". I'm not indifferent to the situation and the well being of that animal in your video but I wouldn't bring it inside and feed it, some people would some people wouldn't. My OP isn't about this anyways, it's about should I trap and relocate them (and by trap I mean a humane trap so not to hurt them) or just leave as is:dunno:

I don't live in city and it's sad to know that we have kill policy here. the strays will be euthanized within few days.
nah. not here. they'll just kill it just like they did to deer which got hit by a car. They let the guy across the street to kill it with a kitchen knife :eek3:
"They" who?
I don't live in city and it's sad to know that we have kill policy here. the strays will be euthanized within few days.

That is sad, unfortunately the strays where you live can't be saved but maybe just a few in some exceptions. Maybe a petition could change that, laws can be changed.
I don't live in city and it's sad to know that we have kill policy here. the strays will be euthanized within few days.
Wildlife aren't "strays", and the volunteer wildlife rescue groups don't euthanize them unless the animals are too far gone to be healed.
That is sad, unfortunately the strays where you live can't be saved but maybe just a few in some exceptions. Maybe a petition could change that, laws can be changed.

petition won't help. We have had no-kill policy for a long while now. the law was recently changed to kill-policy due to deep debt.

many volunteer shelters are forced to revised its no-kill policy too because of lack of $$$. Nobody's donating much anymore..... :(
Why would people call the police for wildlife help?

there ain't no wildlife rescue group around here. they won't be able to arrive for a long while either. best to kill it.
Wildlife aren't "strays", and the volunteer wildlife rescue groups don't euthanize them unless the animals are too far gone to be healed.

Thanks for that distinction, I would have to check on that to see what the policy is like over here.
there ain't no wildlife rescue group around here. they won't be able to arrive for a long while either. best to kill it.
New Jersey, Central

New Jersey wildlife rehabilitators can also be located by region at

NJDEP Division of Fish & Wildlife - Licensed NJ Wildlife Rehabilitators

New Jersey,

Central region,

Mercer County



Dave Purdy, Mountain Wildlife Refuge, Inc.


New Jersey,

Central region


Timothy Steinbeiser,

Redbud Avian Rehabilitation Center, Inc.


Specialty: lots of experience with mourning doves of all ages, care and feeding of songbirds

New Jersey,

Central region


Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge


Specialty: Permanent resident GH owls for surrogating owlets.

Comments: Our facility is part of a 175 acre Refuge which borders N.J.'s Wharton State Forest so releasing at our site is most appropriate.

New Jersey,

Central region,

Philadelphia area
National Park


Carol Martino,

Wildlife Rehabilitation and Rescue Service


Wildlife Species: eastern grey squirrels, skunks, opossums, raccoons

New Jersey, Northern

New Jersey,

Northern region


Linda Mihatov,

Wild & Free

Specialty: white-tail deer fawns, small mammals, humane education programs; veterinary technician

New Jersey,

Northern region


Jennifer Norton,

licensed homewildlife rehabilitator


Wildlife Species: Wrens, killdeer, hummingbirds, aerial insectivores (flycatchers, swallows, etc.) and cottontails

Specialty: Successful rearing of hatchlings

New Jersey,

Northern region,

Sussex County


Carol Failla,

Wildlife Rescue


Wildlife Species: crows and raccoons

New Jersey,

Northern region


Giselle Chazotte Smisko,

Avian Wildlife Center

Wildlife Species: handle all wild species of birds and specialize in raptors and songbirds

New Jersey, Northwest

New Jersey,

Northwest region,

Warren County


Donna Fox, RN
executive director

Rocky Springs Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc.


Wildlife Species: small mammals, fawns

Comments: for 2003 hope to be ready to be licensed to do songbirds, waterfowl, and screech owls

all above - too far. about 2+ hrs. it will probably take about 4+ hrs for them to come. it was a crappy situation but oh well.......
all above - too far. about 2+ hrs. it will probably take about 4+ hrs for them to come. it was a crappy situation but oh well.......
There's probably more that aren't listed on that page.
:dizzy: I'll make my thoughts short.

gohabsgo, thank you for trying. people like in those videos (slingshots/launchers) irritate me. STUPIDITY. and believe me, I have zero toleration for it. for chrissake, they are hungry!

jiro, this is why I demand for ID/number once I surround any injured or stray animals so I could get the updates after on how they are doing that but the ones who wouldn't give me - red flag - I leave with them and try my best, research as much as I can before feed them anything.

a droplet of water could kill a bird, milk is not for raccoons, tuna aren't for cats either, those little things people assume whatever is okay to "save" them could kill them and have killed plenty.

The absurdity in that video was what made me laugh but in reality this isn't a laughing matter and shouldn't be replicated.