South Carolina policeman charged with murder

Guys, I know why he took the license back to his car. I know he was checking for warrants.

What I am trying to say is that in most encounters I have had with LEO in similar stops, is they will just tell me to fix the light after chatting with me briefly.

If something signals their BS alarm, they will take my license back to their car. I am always honest with LEO, so they always bring my license back to me.

But in the majority of instances ... they just tell me the light needs to be fixed without taking my license.

most encounters? um.... fix yo' dang light already!
makes you wonder what your experience would be like if you were a black guy

It would have been the same. Then again, I wonder what would have happened if Walter had been white? What if a white dude bolted then tried to wrestle the Officer?

Maybe the Officer would instead, give him the secret white people's club handshake, and let him go on his merry way?

I doubt it ...
it's a standard procedure. the police does this to me all the time. I guess it's not like those country cops where everybody knows everybody.
from what I understand it is.

Recently my aunt and I were on our way to the movies when we were stopped by police at an intersection (there were a few police cars there)- they wanted to check her license. Of course this was done for everyone coming up to that intersection.

Every time I've been stopped (for different things), the cop took my license back to the car. I will have to ask a friend who is a cop if they still would take the license back to his car even if it was a routine traffic stop like a broken tail light or broken headlight. I would think they would still do that even when just chatting and letting you off with a warning.
The license check is also to find out if the license is fake, expired and matches the owner of the vehicle as well. If a cop takes the time to pull a person over, the time is used for the officer's benefit not the person's.
It would have been the same. Then again, I wonder what would have happened if Walter had been white? What if a white dude bolted then tried to wrestle the Officer?

Maybe the Officer would instead, give him the secret white people's club handshake, and let him go on his merry way?

I doubt it ...

Yeah right ! I was pulled for just for being with a Black man and the White cops said they would go after any time they saw us ! And they did ,we 'walking' home and the SOB cops jumped out their car and ran after us no reasons at all , only that they did NOT like seeing a Black man with a White woman! This happen in the late 60's and it there is racial profiling
going in Boston .
I believe that law enforcement agencies are less harmful in SC than St. Louis County that where you can get ticketed for revenue purpose in STL County.
I believe that law enforcement agencies are less harmful in SC than St. Louis County that where you can get ticketed for revenue purpose in STL County.
The only time that's a problem here (SC) is the last three days of each month. I don't know if they have to meet some kind of monthly quota or what but there are always more cops making traffic stops then. Of course, most drivers know that so they're more careful with their speed then.
It's part of investigation that police has to figure out what happened and to why and making sure the passenger is not accessory to a crime. If I was seated in that car, I would certainly be detained but I'd cooperate with the investigator and give them the answer they want to know.
Can't they do that outside of the police car?

There's no excuse to put innocent people in the back of the police car. For example, if I was his grandfather as a passenger and was put in the back of the police car at my neighborhood, everybody I knew came out and saw me inside the police car thinking that I did something wrong. I'd feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Wouldn't you?
Can't they do that outside of the police car?

There's no excuse to put innocent people in the back of the police car. For example, if I was his grandfather as a passenger and was put in the back of the police car at my neighborhood, everybody I knew came out and saw me inside the police car thinking that I did something wrong. I'd feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Wouldn't you?

Sometimes it is used to protect the person they put in car but mostly it probably is just to keep things in control while they figure things out.

I once was given a ride somewhere that I had to get there in a hurry and policeman put me in back of his car. That was an interesting experience.
Can't they do that outside of the police car?

There's no excuse to put innocent people in the back of the police car. For example, if I was his grandfather as a passenger and was put in the back of the police car at my neighborhood, everybody I knew came out and saw me inside the police car thinking that I did something wrong. I'd feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Wouldn't you?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with sitting in the back seat of a police car. Lots of time people do that and they aren't suspects or in custody. They can be witnesses or someone who needs help.

No, I wouldn't feel embarrassed or uncomfortable in that situation unless I had done something wrong.
Sometimes it is used to protect the person they put in car but mostly it probably is just to keep things in control while they figure things out.

I once was given a ride somewhere that I had to get there in a hurry and policeman put me in back of his car. That was an interesting experience.
Yes, it can be interesting. I rode to lunch with a cop friend, and I had to sit in the back seat. The only reason I didn't like it was because it was a K-9 car and the back seat was all shredded from the bored police dog chewing on the upholstery.
Yes, it can be interesting. I rode to lunch with a cop friend, and I had to sit in the back seat. The only reason I didn't like it was because it was a K-9 car and the back seat was all shredded from the bored police dog chewing on the upholstery.

For me, the interesting part was the whole back seat was plastic with space behind for hands if handcuffed. It is obviously designed to be hard to be damaged and easy to be cleaned. It was more comfortable than it looked. :cool2:
What the hell kind of threat could the guy been with 5 bullets in his back had been to the cops that he had to be handcuff too ! :mad: Disgusting !
They can detain you in the car or outside and have you seat on the curb or what they tell you to do. The only thing that would be embarrassing is the mug shot they take of you. That is when they arrest you and book you to jail. Detaining someone is not arrest and they need to figure out what happened and see both sides of the story. In some cases, they detain a witness to protect in a crime scene such as gang activity.

If they detain me, it's not hard to cooperate with the investigation and once they figure out what happened they would let me go on my way. Detain means hold a person for questioning or a situation such as domestic or your friend committed a crime. If you go with a friend.. and your friend stole something, the police will think you're involved and detain you until they determine that you are not involved and set you free.

Can't they do that outside of the police car?

There's no excuse to put innocent people in the back of the police car. For example, if I was his grandfather as a passenger and was put in the back of the police car at my neighborhood, everybody I knew came out and saw me inside the police car thinking that I did something wrong. I'd feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Wouldn't you?

This is interesting that the National Bar Association wanted to arrest the second officer to be the same as being charged along with Officer Slager.

The second officer was administering trying to take care and get the emergency ambulance to come and take care of the Mr. Walter Scott. He may have taken the report from Officer Slager who was trying to cover it up by lying.

I don't understand why the second officer had to be blamed as he was not there right away before the incident. Beside, it is all mess up. :hmm:
They can detain you in the car or outside and have you seat on the curb or what they tell you to do. The only thing that would be embarrassing is the mug shot they take of you. That is when they arrest you and book you to jail. Detaining someone is not arrest and they need to figure out what happened and see both sides of the story. In some cases, they detain a witness to protect in a crime scene such as gang activity.

If they detain me, it's not hard to cooperate with the investigation and once they figure out what happened they would let me go on my way. Detain means hold a person for questioning or a situation such as domestic or your friend committed a crime. If you go with a friend.. and your friend stole something, the police will think you're involved and detain you until they determine that you are not involved and set you free.
Robbery cases are much different from this incident where the driver who might have a court warrant escaped from the cop while the passenger who had no idea sat in the car.