Sound and Fury DVD

Exactly. He is obviously overly concerned with it, and fails to defend himself with accuracy. The wider "deaf community" that he refers to is the "oral only deaf community."

Likewise, he continues to state that he is here to correct mispresentations of the CI being presented as a "cure". Why is it then, that the majority of his posts have absolutely nothing to do with that issue, but rather with the issue of his disdain for the Deaf community and the individuals that claim membership in that group? It is evident that his motives are not as he represents them to be. Additionally, he claims to be here to provide advise to parents that request it. Parents come here seeking advise from the Deaf community, and he has already stated his disdain for such, and the fact that his daughter is not a member of that community. Therefore, how can he possibly provide any information to someone seeking the advise of the Deaf community? The answer to that is, he can't.

Many parents consider themselves fortunate to have found this forum, and to have the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with those who have actually lived with deafness on a daily basis. They have already had their fill of the audist attitudes encountered in the hearing communities, and rick is just one more example of such. It is not the advise of the audists that parents come here seeking. It is the advise of the Deaf, and of hearing parents who have connected with the Deaf community.

Of course, there are always the select few, in which category rick is included, that seem to come here to promote their audist views, and let the Deaf community know just exactly how ill informed they are regarding their own deafness and their own experience. But they are quickly seen for exactly what they are, and there is no exception in rick's case.

Can't there be something inbetween? Who says that a child with a CI who uses spoken language can't later use ASL as well? Why do you think they are "oral only" just because they don't ID themselves as Deaf?

At JTC, we had a panel of oral deaf adults. They all went to JTC when they were small. All but one now knows at least some ASL. They still ID as deaf, and oral. They use spoken language as their mode of communication.
Can't there be something inbetween? Who says that a child with a CI who uses spoken language can't later use ASL as well? Why do you think they are "oral only" just because they don't ID themselves as Deaf?

At JTC, we had a panel of oral deaf adults. They all went to JTC when they were small. All but one now knows at least some ASL. They still ID as deaf, and oral. They use spoken language as their mode of communication.

I do believe there are many in-between. I sat in a room with at least 50 CI users at the HLAA convention. Many use oral and some use ASL. Even me who does not know as much ASL as I would like, was able to communicate with a few signs. It is a matter of what the person is comfortable with. The one thing I found in this room was respect, we respected whatever form of communication the person wanted to us.

The idenfitication of either deaf, Deaf, deaf with CI, Deaf with CI, or hard of hearing is a personal choice and it seems related to environment. I would not call myself Deaf with CI because I am not around a large environment of Deaf individuals. That does not make me any less deaf. If just makes me deaf.

And Rick - I respect your choices in raising your daughter. I'm sorry for the horrible encounters with people who did not respect those choices.
Vallee and loml,

Thanks for your kind words. As I stated, in a way although it was terrible for us and our daughter to be called the things we were, in the end it led us to a wonderful group of people in the deaf community who accepted us, and more importantly, our duaghter for who we are and not how we choose to communicate. So in the end, it worked out much better for our family.
Disagree with out being disagreeable

We can all disagree but their is no reason to insult anyone's personal choice for themselves or their famiy. Also that clarify what I ment about CI' being a cure is that from a marketing standpoint CI companies (Not ethical & proffessional medical practitioners) have to some extent exagerated CI's effectiveness. I read a lot of ad for digital Ha's and some of their claims push it a bit. That being said whatever choice someone makes as long as it assists them in communicating better and provides them with good quality of life, that is all that is important!
Not that I am trying to talk you into have a CI but if you do want one an dyou live in the United States I can help you find the funding, how old are you.

QUOTE=sara1981;1265238]i watch that dvd also from library

i know that not so easy for adults and kids should have CI or without! but my parents wont let me have CI dues prices reasons![/QUOTE]
Saying that a CI represents a "new life for a child" is certainly not misleading. Many children benefit from having implants. Some don't, but the majority do, so this comment is valid and very true in most cases.

Hear Again,
I couldn't have said it better.
Why would a represent a new life for a child? Parents complain about deaf people saying that CI change people but yet would accept this "new life for a child". Isnt that hypocritical? It either changes one's life therefore changing the person, or it doesnt.

I am not sure how other parents of CI kids or adults with CI feel but CI has changed my children lives before a CI they couldn't hear now they can hear, they are still the same person being deaf but they can now hear when they have their CIs on.
I feel that it is a parent's right to get a CI for their child or not get one. Parents just need to get all the information and make an informed decision. I have been told so many times here and else where that I did not have the right to implant my children that if my son or daughter wanted to get an implant later on in life they could but it was not my right to make that decision. This is where people are wrong, they are my children and I have a right to make an informed decision. And I made an inform decision. I did not take this decision lightly but it was mine to make. Recently my 16 year old son made the decision to get a 2nd implant, he made this decision not me because he could and he was old enough to make his own decisions.

You're right, it would have been no different if it were the NAD's logo that appeared. But the point I'm trying to make here is not that Cochlear was wrong to display their logo; they are free to do whatever they want, and yes, people can think whatever they want after watching the video. (I would hope, though, that they are more familiar about the subject than this one video so that they can make an informed opinion.) What I am saying is that it gave a clue as to what biases might be in the video. Do you think Cochlear would have put their logo in the movie if it had ended up being overtly against CIs? Of course not. They have a financial interest in seeing that CIs are portrayed in a positive light. So, unfortunately that simple little appearance of the Cochlear logo compromises the movie's whole objectivity.

Personally, I am definitely pro-CI. I'll be a candidate for one in the near future, if I'm not already (whether I will get one or not is an entirely different matter). I don't think they are the end of the Deaf world (CIs have been around for 20 years, but the Deaf community has only grown stronger in that time), nor are they a "cure" for something that does not necessarily need a cure. But, I think the world is changing very rapidly in all areas of technology--communication, computational, transportation, etc.--and the Deaf community is just as affected and should embrace that change, which I think it already is. There are many types of deafness, and people with CIs are but one of many kinds of Deaf people--yes, they are still Deaf.

However, we do not need movies with biased views sending wrong messages to a hearing world that does not even understand the issues in the first place. That's my main problem with the movie. Hearing people will see it and think, "Jeeze, what's wrong with those Deaf people? They are so ignorant and closed-minded. Why don't they want to "fix" their hearing?"

There's a point in the movie where the parents who get the CI for their child actually say that the other parents are "abusing" their children by not getting the CI for them. Do we really want hearing people to go around thinking that any Deaf person who doesn't get their child a CI is abusive to their children?
You are 100% right CIs are not a cure for deafness, it is a tool to help hear sounds that person who is deaf cannot hear.

I have given this some thought & do not want to rile anyone(just my feeling on the issue). The root of the problem as I see it is how CI's were presented from the start(probably maketing by CI makers). They were presented as a cure, we all know that in some cases they are very helpful but they are not a cure. Also if you present something as a cure you implie a defect.
I agree with other member about CI doesn't cure for Deafness. Just use a tool to hear and can't hear the sound. Hearing aids doesn't help profound hearing loss to hear better. The best is CI to hear. I am telling you the truth, My least favorite old teacher's deaf education with attitude about oralism and against CI. Many deaf people doesn't support the oral to communicate with hearing people. The hearing people don't know ASL or sign language. The deaf people prefer ASL interpreter and can't understand speak and lipreading. There can't change into parent implanted children and babies.

Cochlear imlant

Pro-Life "against CI and prefer to be natural with no sound"

Pro-Choice "It's all deaf, hoh, hearing's choice for cochlear implant when they get hearing loss and not hear. This is problem with communicate with other and can't hear."

I disagree with few members of "youtube" vlog with against CI. They think CI need to be political.
dont forget to view sound and fury 10 years later version ive seen it too their daughter now speak both english and italian!!!and her mom got ci too her dad gulped in end and accepted it
dont forget to view sound and fury 10 years later version ive seen it too their daughter now speak both english and italian!!!and her mom got ci too her dad gulped in end and accepted it

Dad still wouldn't take CI for himself. He's happy for who he is. He accepted that his family got CI included his sibling.
Oh wow, this thread brings back memories. One of the first I ever posted in and, lol, reminds me again why I, and so many others here, dislike Rick48's presence on this board. Reading it again, I just laugh at how he just stuck his little nose into this thread, which had nothing to do with him or his daughter, and turned it into his personal crusade against Deaf Culture for the hundredth time.

No wonder I never responded to his last post. I was too busy :roll:
I'd say, then, as now, people responded not so much to your daughter's implant, but to your off putting attitude. People continue to respond to such, and your daughter isn't part of the equation. The common variable is your nastiness and your attitude of superiority toward the deaf, most especially deaf that disagree with your A.G. Bell oral only stance.

How long ago did your so called rejection from the Deaf community occur, rick? Twenty years ago? Let go of it. Obviously, it is something you need to deal with, because you have been taking it out on Deaf that had absolutely nothing to do with it for over 20 years now. Obviously, you are still attempting to find that acceptance you were denied over 20 years ago. Unfortunately, you are going about it the wrong way.

Its mutual. The respect level for you isn't exactly high around here, either. Yet you continue to return, again and again and again, just to insult and attempt to bully. Definately something pathological going on there in that behavior.
Ditto!!!! We understand that you had a tough time......but it was 20 years ago. Acceptance has come VERY far since then. You know, Deaf culture is no longer a "voice off" only for severe - profound kids community. Were you aware that when they were first introduced, HEARING AIDS were demonized by the Deaf community?
ne of the first I ever posted in and, lol, reminds me again why I, and so many others here, dislike Rick48's presence on this board. Reading it again, I just laugh at how he just stuck his little nose into this thread, which had nothing to do with him or his daughter, and turned it into his personal crusade against Deaf Culture for the hundredth time.
LOL..tell me about it. Yes, there are some Deafer then thou Deafies, but if Deaf culture was so anti hoh, then how come so many hoh people feel drawn to it?

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