Sorenson STILL laid off people after getting rates they wanted

The answer is no! They handed out the severance pay to those who qualifies and escort them out of the building.

That is it....

I expect the State of NH to come with some sort of penalty for closing a center. So we'll see what happens with that.
My point is you can't get discount when it comes to labor. All VRS companies are labor intensive. If you do the math with wages, benefits, etc etc with how many employees company has. To my calculation, somewhere in 9 figures.

With 20% cuts, that is significant.

Im not giving you support, Everybody loses including Deaf and you called yourself Activist for the Deaf, and that is doable. You would have remain neutral with any VRS companies. ALL VRS companies are in business for one thing.... PROFITS.

Trust me, once a small VRS that everybody loves to begin with will bash on later on when they get big.

Im sick and tired of seeing Deafies looking for freebies and taking advantage of it and bashing on them later on, instead of being grateful.

Mind you, if not for Sorenson we probably will never see VRS. Yet some of you bashing at them instead of thanking them for start up the VRS in the first place.

I am not sure what your point is? :confused: I already know it will cost mega-millions to just run Sorenson.

Also, thanks for giving support to my points - everyone is losing out on this. They shouldn't be.
My point is you can't get discount when it comes to labor. All VRS companies are labor intensive. If you do the math with wages, benefits, etc etc with how many employees company has. To my calculation, somewhere in 9 figures.

With 20% cuts, that is significant.

Im not giving you support, Everybody loses including Deaf and you called yourself Activist for the Deaf, and that is doable. You would have remain neutral with any VRS companies. ALL VRS companies are in business for one thing.... PROFITS.

Trust me, once a small VRS that everybody loves to begin with will bash on later on when they get big.

Im sick and tired of seeing Deafies looking for freebies and taking advantage of it and bashing on them later on, instead of being grateful.

Mind you, if not for Sorenson we probably will never see VRS. Yet some of you bashing at them instead of thanking them for start up the VRS in the first place.

I am not asking for discounts. Please go back and read the reasons I want to boycott Sorenson in my very first post in this thread.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate whoever started the VRS service - Although I don't like them taking advantage of profiting off the deaf. :)
Care to explain how they take advantage of profitting off the Deaf?

Deafies have NOT paid a penny to use their service, and how they can profit from them?

I couldn't see how they could profitting from Deaf, John Yeh, yes they are profitting from Deafies TSK TSK TSK on John Yeh.

I am not asking for discounts. Please go back and read the reasons I want to boycott Sorenson in my very first post in this thread.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate whoever started the VRS service - Although I don't like them taking advantage of profiting off the deaf. :)
Care to explain how they take advantage of profitting off the Deaf?

Deafies have NOT paid a penny to use their service, and how they can profit from them?

I couldn't see how they could profitting from Deaf, John Yeh, yes they are profitting from Deafies TSK TSK TSK on John Yeh.

If you could read my previous post - read my first post in this thread and you might understand what my beef is.
If that is because of high interest rate in loan?

If that is the case, that is because (Very obviously) there is HIGH risk investment, not many are willing to invest companies that depends entirely on government. Now that with 20% cuts, who hurts? Of course the investor. That is where you missed the point.

I know one person that bought house about a year ago with mortgage that bears 11% intrest rate, know why? That is because he gets income offshore and banks considered it as high risk, so interest rate jacks up.

Anyway, is it really Sorenson's fault for high interest rate? I don't think so, it has nothing to with mis management. It is just risk factor, if they had not borrowed money, we probably don't have nice equipment that we enjoyed.

If you could read my previous post - read my first post in this thread and you might understand what my beef is.
If that is because of high interest rate in loan?

If that is the case, that is because (Very obviously) there is HIGH risk investment, not many are willing to invest companies that depends entirely on government. Now that with 20% cuts, who hurts? Of course the investor. That is where you missed the point.

I know one person that bought house about a year ago with mortgage that bears 11% intrest rate, know why? That is because he gets income offshore and banks considered it as high risk, so interest rate jacks up.

Anyway, is it really Sorenson's fault for high interest rate? I don't think so, it has nothing to with mis management. It is just risk factor, if they had not borrowed money, we probably don't have nice equipment that we enjoyed.

I am not going to debate anything with you anymore. It's becoming more and more obvious that you don't even know what my issues are.

John Yeh is the only one person that I know he wanna profit. I know his family. Its sad.... One of my friend show me of John Yeh's son and son's girlfriend didnt have enough money to spend on their baby so John Yeh decided to rip off with very first VPAD and then later VPAD+ but it still rip off. Alot of deafies are so mad about first VPAD that was actually rip off. Then John got alot of profit and been SPEND on their kid to get CAR, baby room, and many fancy stuff.. "deaf dude took our fucking money" to spend their family etc.

Sorenson giving out a "FREE" Videophone. No rip-off at all? MMMMMM

and Sorenson is the one of top donate money to deaf community, its TURE.
Don't forget, other VRS providers had to sell their videophone devices to Deaf customers and still getting more bang per buck from FCC while Sorenson have never ask for a penny for anything, give customers VP-200 with full service at zero charge, yet getting less money from FCC. How can they called Sorenson greedy? I still can't seem to see that way.

John Yeh ripped off selling VP promised full refund, but in reality it is final sale. Whoa! Thats greedy, and that is what I heard from these viable customers. John Yeh seems dont get as much attention as Sorenson, again something is terrible wrong in this picture. We should have focus on John Yeh and see if he will be found guilty in the court of law.


John Yeh is the only one person that I know he wanna profit. I know his family. Its sad.... One of my friend show me of John Yeh's son and son's girlfriend didnt have enough money to spend on their baby so John Yeh decided to rip off with very first VPAD and then later VPAD+ but it still rip off. Alot of deafies are so mad about first VPAD that was actually rip off. Then John got alot of profit and been SPEND on their kid to get CAR, baby room, and many fancy stuff.. "deaf dude took our fucking money" to spend their family etc.

Sorenson giving out a "FREE" Videophone. No rip-off at all? MMMMMM

and Sorenson is the one of top donate money to deaf community, its TURE.
Care to explain how they take advantage of profitting off the Deaf?

Deafies have NOT paid a penny to use their service, and how they can profit from them?

I couldn't see how they could profitting from Deaf, John Yeh, yes they are profitting from Deafies TSK TSK TSK on John Yeh.

guys!!! guys!!! guys !!!!!!!! WE all need to calm down. MY whole point of this thread is the sensitivity from Sorenson. I personally know some people who were let go and they were upset. Some things were cut off without a "grace period" or time to switch over, etc. I am do not like the severe bashing here on this thread. Everyone has thier valid points, diehardbiker, posts from hell, eyesbluedeaf, royal, lilsbugs, and others I havent named yet. In my eyes, nearly all of you have good points, many speculations, opinions both good and bad.

Its VERY VERY easy to point fingers with facts, statements, speculations. I only want a killer VRS service, and its easy to blame the largest company. Just like people blame microsoft to apple. Look at it this way, there are more viruses and worms for pc's then apple computers because the largest target is what ? PC with MICROSOFT!!!!!!! same with VRS community. THE LARGEST provider is SORENSON!!!

Sorenson says they welcome competition, but somehow I don't think so. when post from hel lsays don't like profiterring from the DEAF, HMMMM:hmm:
we are deaf, the market is geared towards the deaf. The deaf doesnt pay money directly to VRS. We just don't have a direct voice. We have to go through Vrs comments or FCC complaint center. Take a moment and imagine all the hate mail from the deaf community going through FCC complaint center. I'd would HATE working there, trying to sift through all the complaints to group together the complaints to find the biggest issue to take care of first. But that can be another thread!! :D

Back to the point, posts from hell, if you are giving up trying to make your point, others will think others are winning over you. This is supposed to be a heathy debate. I do not agree with many things here, but you all have good points brought up and I have grown and learned from it. You readers are my fans. :ty:
Although I don't like them taking advantage of profiting off the deaf. :)

They don't profit from the Deaf. They profit from American taxpayers, who are both Deaf and Hearing (or is it people who pay a phone bill - can't remember). Argh, how about this...They profit from whoever funds the TRS fund, vague enough? :D

And again, what diehardbiker said, this isn't an attack just on Deaf people PFH. Hearing people use and pay for this service too. Plus, I think it's been said on numerous posts that the VRS industry is for-profit. Look, if you have something against this, attack Capitalism. Don't be fooled. Convo's out to make a buck too, and has just as much potential to get greedy.
They don't profit from the Deaf. They profit from American taxpayers, who are both Deaf and Hearing (or is it people who pay a phone bill - can't remember). Argh, how about this...They profit from whoever funds the TRS fund, vague enough? :D

And again, what diehardbiker said, this isn't an attack just on Deaf people PFH. Hearing people use and pay for this service too. Plus, I think it's been said on numerous posts that the VRS industry is for-profit. Look, if you have something against this, attack Capitalism. Don't be fooled. Convo's out to make a buck too, and has just as much potential to get greedy.

right!! just a tiny correction from my point of view. Its not really the taxpayers money. Its whomever is paying for communication services. Everything that is related in communication or video/audio transmission has a FCC tax tacked in the bill. Its DSL. cable. landline phones. cell phones. pagers. tv's. dailups. All of those FCC fees goes to the BIG money pie. VRS services takes a small portion of that money. the result is millions of dollars taking out, hence the reason for the word business.
Right, this is America, that is how Capitalism works. Thank god we don't live in communist countries where they don't thrive as well as here in Capitalism world. Hence the land of opportunities.

I am not here to attack anyone, I value VRS, I value capitalism, I value opportunities, and I VALUE DEAF WORLD and DAMN proud to be Deaf.

What is going on here with FCC and all VRS is really anti-capitalism as I see it, it is more of communist style. If you don't like capitalism, then move to Communist countires like Cuba, China, etc. Where they got full government control over who gets money, eeek!
Right, this is America, that is how Capitalism works. Thank god we don't live in communist countries where they don't thrive as well as here in Capitalism world. Hence the land of opportunities.

I am not here to attack anyone, I value VRS, I value capitalism, I value opportunities, and I VALUE DEAF WORLD and DAMN proud to be Deaf.

What is going on here with FCC and all VRS is really anti-capitalism as I see it, it is more of communist style. If you don't like capitalism, then move to Communist countires like Cuba, China, etc. Where they got full government control over who gets money, eeek!

China isn't typical communist state on economic and they are capitalism, same with Vietnam.

NK and Cuba are completely communist state.
Back to the point, posts from hell, if you are giving up trying to make your point, others will think others are winning over you. This is supposed to be a heathy debate. I do not agree with many things here, but you all have good points brought up and I have grown and learned from it. You readers are my fans. :ty:

I am perfectly calm :) Thanks.

I am not giving up trying to make my point. I have no will to try and explain one thing to a person when that person is on the other side of the wall on things and there is no way to show him/her my perspective. Been there done that way too much.
They don't profit from the Deaf. They profit from American taxpayers, who are both Deaf and Hearing (or is it people who pay a phone bill - can't remember). Argh, how about this...They profit from whoever funds the TRS fund, vague enough? :D

And again, what diehardbiker said, this isn't an attack just on Deaf people PFH. Hearing people use and pay for this service too. Plus, I think it's been said on numerous posts that the VRS industry is for-profit. Look, if you have something against this, attack Capitalism. Don't be fooled. Convo's out to make a buck too, and has just as much potential to get greedy.

So, in this scenario:

"Omg, FCC dropped tier III to 3.89 a minute (or something like that..) We're totally going down under.."
15 minutes later (not literally but...): Sorenson submits a letter to the FCC saying that the Deaf will be without equal accessibility if they go down, and they need higher rates to continue.

This is far fetched but perhaps these layoffs were a dirty business method to implicate fear of cutting rates any further? Just a thought. Not saying they're doing this.

Without any deaf people, there is no VRS.

So, how that is not profiting off the deaf?

Oh and by the way - I am not here to preach Convo. If a person tells me to show them at least one VRS company that does this or that, I'll give them an example, and most likely it will be Convo. You do see me vouching for other providers here as well.
This is also a thought... If a vrs company goes up to tier3 and asks for lower pay... That would be the day.

( I would do it, to crush competition)
This is far fetched but perhaps these layoffs were a dirty business method to implicate fear of cutting rates any further? Just a thought. Not saying they're doing this.

Without any deaf people, there is no VRS.

So, how that is not profiting off the deaf?

Gotta be careful with what you say and how you say them. These statements (The bolded points) nullify one another.

To say "just a thought" clearly indicates that the information is not factual. To say "So, how that is not profiting off the deaf?" indicates that the statements you made before the question were, in fact, factual. Which they were not.

If the "profiting off the deaf" statement is in direct relation to the "Without any deaf people, there is no VRS" statement, than this entire thread should just be deleted. All, for profit, companies profit from their consumers. Using this line of logic I can make the statement "Apple profits off of iPod users because they own an iPod. APPLE IS EVIL!!"

That being said, your comments have officially been stricken from the record. ;)

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