Sorenson STILL laid off people after getting rates they wanted

Update: Tech Support center in St. Louis, MO is closed.

Sargeras--pls refrain from asking me the same question, ok.

Thank you.
Update: Tech Support center in St. Louis, MO is closed.

Sargeras--pls refrain from asking me the same question, ok.

Thank you.


Sorry that you lost and so do friends. The employee who lay off and their effort to works hard to provide the service for everyone nationwide. They get bruise everyday with customer over the videophone. They have trouble family at home and again they treat customer much possible to provide as awesome customer.

The time has come and become angry... The angry isn't going solve. It is begin...

The begin will impact another VRS soon when their earns go up to 5.07 and repeatly will affect their service.

As I know the Sorenson have new product that are expecting and become aware to those employee who laid off already know new product coming. They should have release sooner but source said two employee in Sorenson who develop the videophone or software has delay due two employee do nothing that lead delay service mean impact everything that Sorenson done for Deaf community wasn't possible due two person did damaged...

Again.. Sorenson has done and the friends skills and provide has come out from sorenson is great people but they are disappoint nothing can do but as they claim will not work for VRS ever! Due they are hurt enough...

Bless those people who have work for Sorenson who laid off...

Thank you...
More Updates:

El Paso, TX interpreter center is closed.

LI/NYC interpreter centers are still alive.

So far, I understand that only five centers are closed: El Paso, TX, Edison, NJ, and Concord, NH. I will find out about two more centers soon.
According to an interpreter which I recently talked with at work. She is still working for Sorenson as an interpreter in NYC.

Oh, I learned that those closed centers are small sized. Overall, 300 interpreters are laid off.

They cut CIR operators in half. FHD has only two tech supporters for Sorenson workers. The worst part is one CIR (wife) and one tech support (husband) both got laid off. Shit.
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YES, the Sorenson Edison NJ center has shut down. This is a fact so don't ask anymore what the God Damn source is.

This is because of a few things. First and foremost it is the rate cut from 6.24 a minute to 5.07 a minute. That translates into millions of dollars.

Second, Sorenson's greed to capture the VRS market by opening center after center after center and recruiting as many interpreters as it possibly can. They had a vision and it wasn't to HELP the deaf community. IT WAS TO TURN PROFITS. The more VI's the more money it makes.

Third, I personally blame VIABLE, Irma Azrelyant, Joshua Finkle, Kim E. Hawkins, Larry Berke, John Yeh, Joseph Yeh, Yosbel Buscaron, Lazaro Fernandez, and the rest of the Hearing and Deaf SCUMBAGS that opened a floodgate of investigations from the FCC.

Viable's greed had the FCC scratching their heads and saying to themselves, WTF are we paying all this money for?

So in the end it was a combination of reasons. The bottom line is if the FCC didn't cut the rates, there would be no closings. However, Sorenson's got to take some of the blame for being so God Damn greedy as well. NJ was probably shut down due to the high taxes and VI rates. Sorenson would just give more hours to the VI's in Kentucky who make $20 an hour tops. In the meantime, they SCREWED the VI's here. After they praised the VI's and bullshitted about everything from the "doing this for the DEAF community" to promises of loyalty.

It is truly a sad day for those who lives depended on VRS.
YES, the Sorenson Edison NJ center has shut down. This is a fact so don't ask anymore what the God Damn source is.

This is because of a few things. First and foremost it is the rate cut from 6.24 a minute to 5.07 a minute. That translates into millions of dollars.

Second, Sorenson's greed to capture the VRS market by opening center after center after center and recruiting as many interpreters as it possibly can. They had a vision and it wasn't to HELP the deaf community. IT WAS TO TURN PROFITS. The more VI's the more money it makes.

Third, I personally blame VIABLE, Irma Azrelyant, Joshua Finkle, Kim E. Hawkins, Larry Berke, John Yeh, Joseph Yeh, Yosbel Buscaron, Lazaro Fernandez, and the rest of the Hearing and Deaf SCUMBAGS that opened a floodgate of investigations from the FCC.

Viable's greed had the FCC scratching their heads and saying to themselves, WTF are we paying all this money for?

So in the end it was a combination of reasons. The bottom line is if the FCC didn't cut the rates, there would be no closings. However, Sorenson's got to take some of the blame for being so God Damn greedy as well. NJ was probably shut down due to the high taxes and VI rates. Sorenson would just give more hours to the VI's in Kentucky who make $20 an hour tops. In the meantime, they SCREWED the VI's here. After they praised the VI's and bullshitted about everything from the "doing this for the DEAF community" to promises of loyalty.

It is truly a sad day for those who lives depended on VRS.

Yes, that's what I recently talked with an interpreter about that. There are too many centers all over US and Canada. If everything is under control, then Sorenson does not need to add more centers.
Yes, I officially got laid today.

I will keep some cable wires, two remote controls, one wired router, and one switch box. Shh Shh

I will get a new phone number because I have to return my work VP back to Sorenson. Damn Sorenson HQ. I do like my VP number. Oh, well.

You can port out your favorite number to new VRS provider......
heard from the grapevine... unrealible sources

More Updates:

El Paso, TX interpreter center is closed.

Oddball... that is not valid I checked with the terps in el paso and they are still open and running.

be careful what you are saying...
WEll, Sorenson need to launch center in cheap state where they can afford. I'm sure interpreter would hate to live there while enjoy good salary.

Texas is welcome because it's know of largest corp home. :lol:

Big cut sound bad because the higher staff want money. damnit
WEll, Sorenson need to launch center in cheap state where they can afford. I'm sure interpreter would hate to live there while enjoy good salary.

Texas is welcome because it's know of largest corp home. :lol:

Big cut sound bad because the higher staff want money. damnit

That is not how it works....
It does seem shame that FCC decided that one company too successful for their own good. Tier 1 and 2 cut approx 3-5%. tier 3, serving most people in most efficient way cut 20%. Will benefit other companies if sorenson customers go to smaller companies, but now fcc will pay more $ per minute to serve those customers. Nice savings! And now those companies will be making the same rate that Sorenson made until the cut. Will every one now complain about their greed??? Sorenson will survive because they do smart business. my understanding is people were given 2 weeks pay when laid off. i also have several friends laid off. No one can say their wasn't any warning. Sorenson has been sounding the alarm since April!
Harrisburg, PA interpreter center is closed. One more left...I will still find out soon.

I learned that both wife and husband who worked for Sorenson recently bought a house. Now, they got laid off. My god.

Some of Sorenson employers were upset, crying, and angry. It was so horrible!

So far,

Estimation of laid off employers I know so far from some unnamed sources:

300 interpreters
22 Support Tech
40 CIRs
2 FHDs

How many trainers got laid off? Idk really.
Harrisburg, PA interpreter center is closed. One more left...I will still find out soon.

I learned that both wife and husband who worked for Sorenson recently bought a house. Now, they got laid off. My god.

Some of Sorenson employers were upset, crying, and angry. It was so horrible!

So far,

Estimation of laid off employers I know so far from some unnamed sources:

300 interpreters
22 Support Tech
40 CIRs
2 FHDs

How many trainers got laid off? Idk really.

Other VRS centers are closing in all Ohio?
Why don't Sorenson close the call centers in Canada ? Keep our American people working instead !!! Many deaf people in Canada complain about Sorenson hiring their interpretors so, close the Canadian call centers first ...
Yes, that's what I recently talked with an interpreter about that. There are too many centers all over US and Canada. If everything is under control, then Sorenson does not need to add more centers.

Maybe Sorenson have many centers in different places so that not drain interpreters from any one area. that's the piece people seem to miss when they complain about Sorenson is so big and greedy. Interpreters are a small work force. And they wont work a call center for less money than they get in the community. So Sorenson probably pays a competitive wage. And that can be pricey in many areas of the country. How many of you would take a 20% pay cut to keep your current job?
Counting hands now.
This needs to be clarification, the answer to the question whether Sorenson has closed or not. The answer is simple, no we are not closing Sorenson. I still have job with Sorenson.

You still can call and use Sorenson VRS. They are still there, also you still can contact Sorenson Tech Support and CIR at any time. They are there to assist you, however the waiting time might or might not be longer than used to be. :)

If you need Technical support we are still here to help you. :)

For more information, here is the source that you are waiting for.

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