Ron, you keep referring to SSI. That is supplemental security income which can be obtained by anyone whose income falls below a certain amount. Many handicapped people cannot land in the better paying jobs and can thus qualify for SSI. So, one will not jeopardize their SSI by having a CI unless it results in a good income increase.
Now, if you are on SSDI or social security disability income like I am for profound hearing loss, the CI may or may not become an issue to losing. That is the circumstances I am trying to find out from someone. I get lots of comments such as "it shouldn't, I know someone who kept their SSDI after a CI, or the CI procedure will deafen that ear so you shouldn't.
The bottom line is none of those comments are saying, " I obtained SSDI due only to my hearing loss and not due to any other health conditions, I later had a successful CI, and over a yr later, I went through another medical exam for social security, I was tested with the processor on, and here is the result. I plea that someone is out there who can fit this hain of events and tell me about it