Social Security Disability Reviews After C.I.

She started receiving SSDI 5 years ago. We had a review with the caseworker last year.

Sure not more like SDA or SSDA. I can't remember exactly, but one of those is the one for kids who have never worked. They collect off their parents.
Sure not more like SDA or SSDA. I can't remember exactly, but one of those is the one for kids who have never worked. They collect off their parents.

yes that's SSI. If she means that one. There is another way of the parent who is on disabled as well. Since kids have entitled to get benefits from their parents's benefit if they are on primary A ssdi.
Have you actually been through a continuing medical review since the implant? Sounds like you were deaf for many years. I have been told that since my hearing loss didnt begin until my early to mid 20's and was gradually that I stand a good chance of having very good results with an implant. My HOH is virtually equal in each ear so an initial implant is flip a coin as to which ear!!

no I haven't, but I know what I can and can't understand. I have to really concentrate what the person is saying in order for me to understand. It doesn't come naturally.

But if you were hearing, I suppose it is very easy for you as you heard sounds before and your brain acknowledge it.
She started receiving SSDI 5 years ago. We had a review with the caseworker last year.

Was the meeting prior to or post CI? Was she at 90% ir better at the meeting? There was no medical review involved I presume.
no I haven't, but I know what I can and can't understand. I have to really concentrate what the person is saying in order for me to understand. It doesn't come naturally.

But if you were hearing, I suppose it is very easy for you as you heard sounds before and your brain acknowledge it.

Good luck and hope things continue to improve with the CI. I dont have a CI,just 2 powerful BTE'S that mainly make what I already don't understand a louder situation of not understanding. I can do barely OK if in a totally quite room,one on one,face to face within 3ft and the person speaking very slowly. I still probably only fare maybe 50% speech discrimination then with some lip reading thrown in.
Ron, you keep referring to SSI. That is supplemental security income which can be obtained by anyone whose income falls below a certain amount. Many handicapped people cannot land in the better paying jobs and can thus qualify for SSI. So, one will not jeopardize their SSI by having a CI unless it results in a good income increase.
Now, if you are on SSDI or social security disability income like I am for profound hearing loss, the CI may or may not become an issue to losing. That is the circumstances I am trying to find out from someone. I get lots of comments such as "it shouldn't, I know someone who kept their SSDI after a CI, or the CI procedure will deafen that ear so you shouldn't.
The bottom line is none of those comments are saying, " I obtained SSDI due only to my hearing loss and not due to any other health conditions, I later had a successful CI, and over a yr later, I went through another medical exam for social security, I was tested with the processor on, and here is the result. I plea that someone is out there who can fit this hain of events and tell me about it


Sorry for the confusion. They sent me to get a hearing test to prove I was deaf before they would issue me SSI. So I figured it might be relevant.

Social Security Disability Income

"Also, I have seen on a law firm's website that social security has a proposed section 2.11 about hearing loss and treatment under social security disability. The law firm is non-responsive to my request to find out what this says and where to find it. I have searched the social security website and the internet trying to find the proposal to no luck. Maybe someone can steer me to this?"

Google and go to "Federal Register". Do a "Simple Search" (left side of page) Choose Volume 73 - 2008 and enter "cochlear implants" or "hearing loss" in the search criteria.

Look for: Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Hearing Loss
"Also, I have seen on a law firm's website that social security has a proposed section 2.11 about hearing loss and treatment under social security disability. The law firm is non-responsive to my request to find out what this says and where to find it. I have searched the social security website and the internet trying to find the proposal to no luck. Maybe someone can steer me to this?"

Google and go to "Federal Register". Do a "Simple Search" (left side of page) Choose Volume 73 - 2008 and enter "cochlear implants" or "hearing loss" in the search criteria.

Look for: Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Hearing Loss

Thanks,with your help,there was no problem to find it. There about 10 pages to read so will post significant changes I note for all to see

curious, did you try to search for another job?

Sorry, it took a couple of days to reply. In May of 2004, while in my 20th yr as a hospital chief financial officer, I began getting strong messages/signals that the CEO(my boss) and those above him in the corporate office hoped I would find another job and that they would then not have to fire me.
My hearing loss had already progressed to be severe and I didnt have an awareness of the CI as I had spent 16 yrs in isolated small towns USA.
For 2.5 yrs, I send resumes galore and had quite a few phone interviews. Most went nowhere and I am sure my hearing was the central problem. The few times I made it past the phone interview, the onsite interview went nowhere also.
Then in Nov of 2006, they gave me my pink slip. They were very careful to never directly address my hearing as an issue but I know in my heart it was THE ISSUE. I was told things like you are no longer an effective CFO,etc. It didnt take a rocket scientist to know why I was asked to resign or be terminated. I continued to look for another 6 months with 0 luck and gave up.
Being on a hospital "executive team" and having a very heavy "thinking and managing people" role for 22 yrs. is pretty much my sole skill. At almost 57 and out of work over 3 yrs. makes it vertually guaranteed that even with an implant that I could NOT land the same job again much less any accounting job for that matter. That is REALITY and several recruiters I have worked with for about 20 yrs say that it, unfortunately, that is the real world for my prospects. I saw that landing new jobs for me started getting a good bit harder when I got into my 40's even.
Sorry for the "book" on this
I am on SSDAC stand for Social Security Disability of Adult and Children with medicare. I got CI since last summer. It's nothing affect to my SSDAC. Because I don't have job.
Hello to all viewers. Even with all the posts so far, I stlll haven't heard from anybody who said they have experienced the exact chain of events I am hoping to hear about. (A).You are approved for social security disabilty payments solely because of your severe hearing loss. (B). You have a C.I. (C). Within 2 years after the the C.I. you receive a SSA-455 form which is a short six question form that you are asked to complete and return to social security. You list that you had a C.I. in question #5 that asks if you were hospitalized or had any surgery in past 2 years. You complete question #6 that asks for reasons and dates that you saw a doctor about your hearing loss in the last 2 yrs. The SSA-445 form is used to determine whether or not social security will request that you have a medical exam to determine whether or not you retain the SSDI payments. (D). You receive the SSA 454-BK (13 pages long) that has many personal and medical qestions and complete and return it to S.S. (E). You go to a medical exam as scheduled for you by S.S.
If anybody has has this exact experience, what state are you in and what was the result of all this? I recognize that much of this process may be actually performed by a state dept. of disability determination or similar name. Each state has such a dept that contracts with SS to do a lot of the "legwork" and forward their recommended action to S.S. S.S then has the final say-so on what action is actually taken with you. Of course, I realize an unfavorable decision can be appealed. Just for an F.Y.I., if you enter into an appeal, you can request that the SSDI payments continue pending the appeal ruling being performed. If you lose, SS has the right to ask for repayment of payments made while the appeal is pending. However,from my reading, a judge would often waive the repayment assuming you were not making a frivilous appeal in the judge's opinion.
I hope even if I dont get someone to reply that has gone through steps A-E that I have helped someone by providing information. I realize the information may not "set" for very for many. Please do not "kill the messager"(me) in replies.
I am going to try to get feedback from the Tx Dept of Disability Determination on reviews post C.I. I must admit,if they cooperate in providing guidance, it will be a pleasant surprise.
I sent SS an email once asking for how they would treat SSDI after having an implant. Their answer was " we cannot answer your questions about a what if scenario." I thought you guys are about as helpful as a heart attack !!
To get SSI you must be "disabled" or 65 and older with little or no income.
DAC means "disabled adult child" recieving benefits from a parent's soc sec number
... this is old news, even older news that hearings is always finding excuses to give us less and less, as some kind of punishment...its cruel...but that just goes to show that we are indeed NOT in an 'enlightened society' as we're lead to think...