So...what you think about the health care bill?

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We need to take care of the younger people so that they can work and pay in money to support medicare and the other programs. If younger people don't have jobs or are ill, they can't support the system. The demographics are already problematic because our population is aging. We need to make it a priority to keep the younger population growing, healthy and employed.
And if they were employed, they would be able to take care of themselves...and yet unemployment is at the highest it has been in decades.
High unemployment and many working people cannot afford heath insurance. The unemployment is disproportionately effecting the young people looking for their first jobs. The middle aged employed people are the people who can least afford health insurance, because insurers often reject them as too risky, or they cannot afford the high health care premiums. Many senior citizens must take a job just to get by. It seems like there is plenty of misery to go around.
Why shouldn't people have access to military healthcare?

The amount they make is below minimum wage from what I understand. They get food, clothing and roof over their head in exchange for military services. It only makes sense they get healthcare as well in exchange for military service as well.

I means, hell, I dabbled with the idea of the military before because I didn't like the idea of receiving hourly wages. So, I don't see why people are bashing TRI-CARE....
You are correct that military health care is considered part of the compensation "package" that service members receive in lieu of cash wages.
Yep. And as for Social Security, what we pay into are for those who are already on SS. We wont' get ours until we retire and the working population pay for our SS. A pyramind scheme.
By the time I'm old enough to collect SS, I will have "contributed" to the program for about 50 years. Obviously I won't live long enough to collect for that many years. :lol:
That is....IF SS is still an option by that time.
Why should health insurance be employer based anyway? Employers don't provide car insurance, life insurance, homeowners insurance, etc.

What started out as an incentive for hiring quality employees has become another "entitlement."
there are less young people going to be paying boomers generation retiring, in creasing retirees...while at same time there will be less workers cuz of smaller families.
SS has always had enough money but government uses that money paid in for other borrows it but we lose interest and/or investment profits....sometimes it just takes it.
If SSis managed properly and invested it can work...will also require some readjustment. Don't freak out. Normal process to readjust something after 50 years or more. Don't try and use it for political points like everything else.
Reba, you could make it a long time, hopefully! My grandpa made it to 94 and he was in great shape until the end.
Reba, you could make it a long time, hopefully! My grandpa made it to 94 and he was in great shape until the end.
Well, if I retire at 65 (doubtful but just suppose), and live those 50 contributory years, that would make me 115 years old! :shock:

Thanks for the encouragement anyway. :lol:
Well, if I retire at 65 (doubtful but just suppose), and live those 50 contributory years, that would make me 115 years old! :shock:

Thanks for the encouragement anyway. :lol:

My grandmother was retired from att after working for many years when she was around 50's in late 1980's so she is just still healthy.
Well, if I retire at 65 (doubtful but just suppose), and live those 50 contributory years, that would make me 115 years old! :shock:

Thanks for the encouragement anyway. :lol:

The problem is that people do not realize that the SS money that retirees get from are from current workers who pay into the system. The number of workers it take to support one retired person to get his/her SS money continues to shrink. It's all about demographics. In 1950 it took about 16 workers to help pay for one retired person his/her SS benefit. Now, it's about 3 workers per retiree. And in about 15 years from now it'll drop down to 2 workers per retiree.
The problem is that people do not realize that the SS money that retirees get from are from current workers who pay into the system. The number of workers it take to support one retired person to get his/her SS money continues to shrink. It's all about demographics. In 1950 it took about 16 workers to help pay for one retired person his/her SS benefit. Now, it's about 3 workers per retiree. And in about 15 years from now it'll drop down to 2 workers per retiree.

Maybe or maybe not.

We have alot of birth as high as post-WWII due high teen pregnancy and high pregnancy among Latino.

I posted in other thread in about last several month ago and try to find it.
A lot of Latinos here are off the grid. They get paid in cash and they deal in cash. Not getting any SS contributions from them.
A lot of Latinos here are off the grid. They get paid in cash and they deal in cash. Not getting any SS contributions from them.

Illegal immigrants aren't counted to Census for population, that's only problem and many workplace does require legal document or SSN.
Foxrac said:
Illegal immigrants aren't counted to Census for population, that's only problem and many workplace does require legal document or SSN.
That is a completely fraudulent statement. ALL people are counted in the census. Look it up. I worked for the census in their clean-up crew (I found the people the others couldn't find) and know that we had to account for every individual living in our area, regardless of whether they were there legally or not. Sometimes it was very difficult to do because the illegals were wary of any government entity, so we would have to get information from neighbors etc. But yes, illegal immigrants ARE counted in the population census. And many workplaces do NOT require legal documentation or SSN. And many illegal immigrants have fraulent papers (fake green card, SSN, etc).
Maybe or maybe not.

We have alot of birth as high as post-WWII due high teen pregnancy and high pregnancy among Latino.

I posted in other thread in about last several month ago and try to find it.

It's a fact. The money you pay into the SS system isn't for you, it's for the people who are currently retired that are getting the SS benefits. We're already down to 3 current workers it takes to support one retired person his/her SS benefits when 4 or 5 decades ago it took 14 or so workers which means less, percentage wise, money taken out from each worker to help pay for one retired person his/her SS benefits. Now, we are forced to pay more and more money out of our wages to help support SS benefits.
Many businesses here do not require documentation, especially in the construction industry. The day labors get picked up in the parking lot in the morning and paid cash that evening. Some businesses take any documentation even though they know that it's probably fake. There's a reason that this continues--employers want cheap employees who don't complain about safety violations. I don't begrudge the people who want to work. The employers are at fault.

Lately, the immigrants who deal in cash are at increased risk for robbery because people know that they deal exclusively in cash without a bank account. This makes them more vulnerable to crime.
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