So, Ladies, Do you wear makeups?


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Nov 7, 2005
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I thought this time us girls can have a bit of a relaxing thread to have a 'girl' talk. Guys can jump in too. :D

As for me, I seldom wear makeups. I mean, I only would wear a little of a lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner from time to time and for special occasions. I don't like getting my face all caked up, ick, ha.

I'm sure there was another thread discussion about this issue but I thought, Why the heck not, there always can be a new discussion about this. :)

So, Girls, Whatcha about you?
Just a very light foundation with sunscreen in it. It protects my skin and evens out skin tone.
Very little goes a long way. Blush, gloss, mascara, that's it. But only for special occasions also. Other days, if I've got a bad hair day, I wear my old, old "I Luv NY hat". Has it 10 years or more! Or a pony-tail, and just some lip gloss if I feel like it.
VERY rare....I do have make up in my lien closet....not many though...I just don't like feel anything on my face..same with lotion. ick!
I haven't worn makeup in years. I guess you could say I am tomboy through and through.
Sometimes...depends on how much time I have in the morning.

If I'm going to a Goth party, I really do go all out. :)
Eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss is what I wear. At all times. I feel naked without that! I don't worry about foundation or blusher or anything like that. I am blonde and have nothing for color in my eyelashes so that is a MUST for me. I'm vain, yes. :giggle:
:giggle: @Jiro

I do wear make up, there are times, I do go without make up.
I do not wear make up, I use it wear a little when I was married . I never really like wearing it. I am also too cheap to buy make up for myself!
a light foundation at most of time. if i go out with my girlfriends then i wear a little make up. sometimes i don't. like for camping or play sport with kiddos, nope!

I'll say 50/50 chance that I'll wear make up, and the other chance I would not.
No you're not, Mrs Bucket. You're a beautiful natural looking woman. Most guys go for natural than women with make up, take my word for it. I knowwwwww.. :lol:
No you're not, Mrs Bucket. You're a beautiful natural looking woman. Most guys go for natural than women with make up, take my word for it. I knowwwwww.. :lol:

:naughty: Better grab me before CC Sinned does!! :naughty:

Heh heh! I'm being silly tonight! :giggle: