This ten-word idiom warns, “One should avoid an undertaking unless prepared for its consequences.”
The clues follow SEE order more than ASL. When someone gets the answer, as an example of the discussion in Permalink #138 of this thread, I’ll show how my sister's pure ASL version.
1. With the fingers of the F hand slightly apart and facing each other, move them up and down like a beam balance scale for “consider” and “evaluate.”
2. Point to the person being warned.
3. Both hands palms down and fingers together are held one above the other in front of you, then abruptly separated, right hand to the right, left hand to the left for “not able.”
4. Both hands palms down, fingers apart and curved down are moved busily back and forth in front of the torso for “action” and “performance.”
5. Fourth word not signed in ASL.
6. Tap the upper left wrist with the curved right index finger for “wrist watch.”
7. Thumb flips outward in “ten” sign.
8. Both hands palms down, fingers apart and curved down are moved busily back and forth in front of the torso for repeat of #4.
9. Ninth word not signed in ASL.
10. Side of right C hand strikes hard against open left hand for “forbid.”