Skyscrapers in other countries

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please do not tell me its impossible. research is your friend, dude. I did not estimate it and the web link I gave you has the info buried on the site.

I guess australia has a different way of grouping suburbs and the city. I read somewhere that sydney only has 145,000 in city with metro of 4 million. I don't know their way of classifying the city limits and stuff. Australian cities have a confusing system for their metro area classifications.

Tokyò is much worse how their metro system, they divide it by districts, there are no real suburbs there.
please do not tell me its impossible. research is your friend, dude. I did not estimate it and the web link I gave you has the info buried on the site.

I guess australia has a different way of grouping suburbs and the city. I read somewhere that sydney only has 145,000 in city with metro of 4 million. I don't know their way of classifying the city limits and stuff. Australian cities have a confusing system for their metro area classifications.

Tokyò is much worse how their metro system, they divide it by districts, there are no real suburbs there.

I know that, Sequoias. I have been to Sydney too many times, and I know that the average of people in a suburb is 310,000 - that can tell of the crowded city!
I know that, Sequoias. I have been to Sydney too many times, and I know that the average of people in a suburb is 310,000 - that can tell of the crowded city!

suburbs can come in many sizes. it can be almost big as the primary city sometimes.

For example, Aurora, Colorado has about 270,000 and Denver, co has 557,000. The largest ''suburb'' of Seattle is Tacoma which has nearly 200,000. Its not really a suburb cuz its got their own shipping port, skyscrapers, streetcar line, commuter rail station and many other stuff, too.
Seattle metro area has 5 cities and several suburbs. The 5 cities are Bellevue, seattle, everett, olympia and Tacoma.
suburbs can come in many sizes. it can be almost big as the primary city sometimes.


For example, Aurora, Colorado has about 270,000 and Denver, co has 557,000. The largest ''suburb'' of Seattle is Tacoma which has nearly 200,000. Its not really a suburb cuz its got their own shipping port, skyscrapers, streetcar line, commuter rail station and many other stuff, too.
Seattle metro area has 5 cities and several suburbs. The 5 cities are Bellevue, seattle, everett, olympia and Tacoma.

Wow, that is a lot, as it would match the whole population of USA. :lol:
haha yeah, there are so many cities in the united states. I believe at least 20 to 30 of cites with more than 500,000 or more.
also, about maybe up to 20 metro areas with more than 1 million people. I will need to find a list of metro area and city populations. I think the united states has the highest count of skyscrapers than any countries in the world.
haha yeah, there are so many cities in the united states. I believe at least 20 to 30 of cites with more than 500,000 or more.
also, about maybe up to 20 metro areas with more than 1 million people. I will need to find a list of metro area and city populations. I think the united states has the highest count of skyscrapers than any countries in the world.

It is, and also the lowest skyscraper city would be England, I believe?
It is, and also the lowest skyscraper city would be England, I believe?

I am not sure but maybe parts of africa's countries. The whole contient has only under roughly 300 skyscrapers or so.

africa do not have flashy skyscrapers, ok maybe a few of them because I don't know yet. United states has over 15,000 skyscrapers in total with at least 12 stories or more.
I am not sure but maybe parts of africa's countries. The whole contient has only under roughly 300 skyscrapers or so.

africa do not have flashy skyscrapers, ok maybe a few of them because I don't know yet. United states has over 15,000 skyscrapers in total with at least 12 stories or more.

What happened to your friend, research? :lol:
well, its from top of my head. I researched that long time ago. :)

Oh really, but what about google research as it is modern search engine of today's technolgy? ;)
Oh really, but what about google research as it is modern search engine of today's technolgy? ;)

yes, I know. the skyscraper constructions around the world is rapidly going very fast and we cannot keep up with accurate count of skyscrapers around the world. sometimes many of them go undocumented. there is over 100,000 skyscrapers worldwide. I just recently researched that usa still leads the world, for most skyscrapers in a country. china has 14,092 skyscrapers while usa has 19,630. of course, asia leads the world with most on a contient, europe comes in 2nd and north america comes in 3rd. north america has 26,000, meanwhile asia has 37,000.
yes, I know. the skyscraper constructions around the world is rapidly going very fast and we cannot keep up with accurate count of skyscrapers around the world. sometimes many of them go undocumented. there is over 100,000 skyscrapers worldwide. I just recently researched that usa still leads the world, for most skyscrapers in a country. china has 14,092 skyscrapers while usa has 19,630. of course, asia leads the world with most on a contient, europe comes in 2nd and north america comes in 3rd. north america has 26,000, meanwhile asia has 37,000.

How many do you think Australia has ? :lol:
they could surpass us recently, we don't know. US has tons of cities with skyscrapers that you may never heard of.

Hong Kong just beat New York City by number of skyscrapers in one city. Plus China has over 1.2 billion people compared to USA's 303 million people. Both countries got many big cities too. China is running out of room to grow which is why they're being forced to build skyscrapers to make room for everyone. USA still have plenty of lands to grow on. Some part of USA like Seattle, Bellevue, New York, Miami, Chicago, Portland, San Diego, Las Vegas, Sacramento, Austin, and some more US cities that I am not aware of are experiencing huge high rise booms right now. Most of these US cities I listed are not really forced to build skyscrapers but it is becoming a trend now because more and more Americans are tired of commuting and want to live in the city to be near their workplaces, stores, restaurants, and everything within walk-distance.
Hong Kong just beat New York City by number of skyscrapers in one city. Plus China has over 1.2 billion people compared to USA's 303 million people. Both countries got many big cities too. China is running out of room to grow which is why they're being forced to build skyscrapers to make room for everyone. USA still have plenty of lands to grow on. Some part of USA like Seattle, Bellevue, New York, Miami, Chicago, Portland, San Diego, Las Vegas, Sacramento, Austin, and some more US cities that I am not aware of are experiencing huge high rise booms right now. Most of these US cities I listed are not really forced to build skyscrapers but it is becoming a trend now because more and more Americans are tired of commuting and want to live in the city to be near their workplaces, stores, restaurants, and everything within walk-distance.

yep, the sprawling community is a thing of the past and skyscrapers are the thing of our future, basically. I'm not surprised abt hong kong surpassing nyc. they have been constructing them like jackrabbits.
yep, the sprawling community is a thing of the past and skyscrapers are the thing of our future, basically. I'm not surprised abt hong kong surpassing nyc. they have been constructing them like jackrabbits.

Yeah. I am not sure this trend of high rise construction in USA will last for long time compared to China. We will see about that.
yep, the sprawling community is a thing of the past and skyscrapers are the thing of our future, basically. I'm not surprised abt hong kong surpassing nyc. They have been constructing them like jackrabbits.

HAHA, so true, and no wonder where these money come from? ;)
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