skin of smoker

Way to go RD! I can't imagine how hard it must be so I applaud you. :)
Way to go RD! I can't imagine how hard it must be so I applaud you. :)
Thanks Shel!! It is very difficult to quit smoking especially when you have been a long time smoker as I was most of my life. Sadly I started smoking when I was only 10 years old. What a stupid stupid thing to do as a child but in my defense, I was not old enough to make sense of it other than being cool like everyone else that smoked. If I only knew then what I know now.
I'm not sure on this e-smoke, it sounds like a hokie-pokie thing. I mean come on? The company promises you "restored freedom", "quality time with your family", "and opportunity" in terms of money and fancy things. Yeah I'll buy into that, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I've never been a smoker but I have the vertical "pucker" wrinkles around my lips just like a smoker. :( I think it might be from the many times my lips swelled from hives. They swell up huge, then go down. Up and down, many times over the years. Ugh!
lol I'll leave it at that :dunno:

right - which is why FDA rejected them several times. It contains -

plus - e-cigarette manufacturers have not publicized their documentations & testing conducted by FDA
-they "claimed" it can reduce your smoking addiction and yet.... there's no actual proof or clear process on how that can be achieved. All I see is lot of marketing's fancy eye-catching gimmicks and terms hence a false illusion
-American Lung Association said there is no research to prove its claim and safety

in short - both e-cig and real cigarette will kill you. period.

Propylene Glycol? I thought that I found this word about some laxatives used but mine is mistaken, it was called Polyethylene Glycol, that what laxatives used.

Kinda confused with two different words.
Cigarettes are disgusting and a real turnoff for me, but I love my cigars and I also find it sexy when a woman smokes one with me. But then, I only smoke a couple cigars a month, on average (none in the winter, cause it's too cold to enjoy them outside). I see them more as enjoying a fine wine or brandy rather than getting a nicotine fix.
there you go.


Not bad, but it would be better if it were you :D
Cigarettes are disgusting and a real turnoff for me, but I love my cigars and I also find it sexy when a woman smokes one with me. But then, I only smoke a couple cigars a month, on average (none in the winter, cause it's too cold to enjoy them outside). I see them more as enjoying a fine wine or brandy rather than getting a nicotine fix.

I am sorry I dont smoke cigars!!!! :(
Cigars??..Oh no...can't deal with the odor. I do enjoy the smell of cherry tobacco smoked in pipes, especially during the holidays, tho'.....I've been an on-and-off smoker for years. No picnic! It's a digusting and expensive habit....I also change my air filters 2-3 times a month and opening my doors/windows when the weather permits.
I've never been a smoker but I have the vertical "pucker" wrinkles around my lips just like a smoker. :( I think it might be from the many times my lips swelled from hives. They swell up huge, then go down. Up and down, many times over the years. Ugh!

I believe the name for this is "Prune Lips", Reba.....could be from "squenching" ur lips a lot also....Had a friend that had them, and she was not a smoker. But she had a nip-and-tuck, and had her "prune lips" done at the same time....looked very good!
Cigarettes are disgusting and a real turnoff for me, but I love my cigars and I also find it sexy when a woman smokes one with me.
I've never smoked cigar, so who knows I like it a bit when I try it? but I'm sexy either way. ;) clove smokers and cigars are only smells I can stand....
I've never smoked cigar, so who knows I like it a bit when I try it? but I'm sexy either way. ;) clove smokers and cigars are only smells I can stand....

I find cloves to be too much to put up with sometimes. Cigars... ugh. To think of it, I can't stand any of it.
I don't smoke and I never did.

I had two mates when we were kids swore we all would never ever smoke in our life and when they reached late teens (17-19) they did smoke in end except me. I just don't see the point of it and wonder why people started one in 1st place. 1 of them said he started only cos everyone is (except me), other one said he started it cos he was feeling bit stressed out from lots of work.
That is not good because you worst lung because you will cancer, or you addiction smoke!!!
I've never smoked cigar, so who knows I like it a bit when I try it? but I'm sexy either way. ;) clove smokers and cigars are only smells I can stand....

Same here..I am always beggin my husband to get cigars or cloves instead of those nasty cigarettes!