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EVERYONE has the sin.

Homosexuals, murders, sex before marriage, lyings, etc are sin. God looks at it as the same sins.

But I think that God looks at the different levels of sins. Like murders are much worse than sex before marriage.

That's my opinion.

Sure, I had the sin....I did have sex before marriage which is a sin....I did lie to my friends when I was young which is a sin....I did swearing rarely which is a sin. NOBODY is perfect.

For instance, the Bible is encouraging people NOT to have sex with many people due to AIDS, Herpes, etc....The Bible is to teach people what's not to do and of course, the stories are shared with people. It's so hard to understand the stories in the Bible.

The MOST important part is to ask God to FORGIVE you for what you made a mistake for having sex before marriage, being homosexuality, abortion, etc. God will FORGIVE you once.

NOBODY is perfect.
I don't believe in the concept of sin, but I do believe in human evil and ignorance. The absence of love and the existence of malice. The rest is just a series of mistakes we've made in our lives.. we just learn from them, and move on. It's not evil or mistake being gay or black - or jewish, italian, norwegian, being curly haired, etc etc - it's genes. It just happens. All we can do is be the best human beings we can be and contribute greatness to humanity with our lives. If Jesus is a real person, he contributed greatness to humanity with his life - and he showed how this could be done. I certainly never heard him ranting about homosexuality or murderers. He just lived out his own example.

Have a good week :)
"Sin" is just a way to control people. Scare people by making them believe they have sinned, and you own them.
The worst of all is the belief that people are born sinners!

A friend of mine could look at his daughter and declare that she was a sinner. He told her off, she got crossed and defied him. So, she sinned. And she couldn't help it because that's just how it is. "We are all born sinners."

Life is hard enough without "sin". It takes away beautiful moments (sex before marriage) or prevents awkward situations (lying to someone) and in the end just takes away the beautiful colours of an otherwise beautiful life.

Forget "sin" and get the colours back in your life!
"Sin" is just a way to control people. Scare people by making them believe they have sinned, and you own them.
The worst of all is the belief that people are born sinners!

A friend of mine could look at his daughter and declare that she was a sinner. He told her off, she got crossed and defied him. So, she sinned. And she couldn't help it because that's just how it is. "We are all born sinners."

Life is hard enough without "sin". It takes away beautiful moments (sex before marriage) or prevents awkward situations (lying to someone) and in the end just takes away the beautiful colours of an otherwise beautiful life.

Forget "sin" and get the colours back in your life!

Yes, you are right!
By saying sin scaring people? No. Its the fact of what we are born from. Like a little kid saw hot stove, or chemicals or poison spray or ect. As what kids see seems harmless, its similar about sin. We see looks good, but couldn't see what will affect you. How a little child has hot temper? Lie? Steal? Say no to mommy and daddy? how does kid gets that? Sin. Many getting the wrong idea how to view of sin, even tho sin will be judged, even try to make it right will still be left in stain. God wants us have a great life, but, BUT, He doesn't want to see yourself hurt or destroy. Sin left us stain, but only one that can take our place, is Jesus Christ. Does that called love? Yes. But many look for the other way. By saying bec trying to scare us is not true, till the judgement come will be different. God doesn't want us to be scare,. But trying to avoid what God has offer, there is lots to worry or scare about. Does that sound harsh? Seem like it, but it isn't. Its out of love. If you love your child, you would let ur child mess with chemical or hot stove or stuff that harm or life threatening to your child similar as what God is doing.
"Sin" is just a way to control people. ...
Forget "sin" and get the colours back in your life!

I agree with you totally. It seems to me that many people have not matured enough to a point where they can assume self-determination, and know what is right and wrong within limits. Instead, they follow masses of man-made doctrines to cover for the lack of their ability to know what to do. It seems to me they are like sheeps blindly following the words of preachers (which could be manipulated to their advantages) without questioning anything, because they believe that it is the true word.

Total balderdash, if you ask me. It is same thing at the university where I tutor at; so many students expect me to spoon-feed them all the answers, when I try to question them to make them think about stuff. They don't want to think at all, but to have an easy way out of life. How can they go through life without really using any critical thinking skills? Instead, they just pray, leave it to God and hope that the problem solves itself without them having to move their butts to do anything about it to solve the problem.

I would like to use the zen philosophy here; to achieve the zen of something is to use the zen to get there. That is the essential thing to do; JUST DO IT YOURSELF! There is also a famous French proverb: "God helps them who help themselves."

I understand what you're trying to explain. BUT...well, what about "no sex before marriage"????? It does NOT make a sense to me.

I know that it's not a good idea to have sex with so many people before marriage. But I think it's fine for people to fall in love and somehow they want to have sex before marriage because of the love and also, to make sure that you really love that person so it's worth to have sex before marriage. If you believe not to have sex before marriage, will you be happy with your spouse after you get married and have sex????? Divoriced???

My strong belief is that it is FINE for having sex before marriage. That's what I don't understand why God would say that in the Bible?????? OR a different interpretation??????? Maybe no sex before marriage means that God does not want people to have sex with so many people before marriage???? I think God allows people to have sex before marriage - only one or two or three times with different person to make sure if they love them or not before they make the decision for marriages.
Sometimes a lie can kill a person.

Just like in India, someone yelled out a lie, "There's a Suicide bomber!"

And cause thousand of people's death by stampede.

Right now I lied... and I will get in big trouble for that, once
people found out what I did. I don't know how many people
will be hurt by this.:eek3:
Well,we are human. In Book of Judges says, people do what they believe in their own eyes what seems right to them. Why did God extablish marriage? What is the point of it? Marriage is a person who commit their lives together which become one flesh. Outside of marriage shows as still separate flesh. And other thing, by saying people aren't mature and by saying preachers feed them with spoon, which is totally absurd and wrong. By saying that is the one is not mature. God called us to teach others, if not, that person will have blood in their hands by not sharing others, if a person did share it, then is not guilty. Many debauchery people are like kids has no respect of their own parents similar as no repect of God. Mostly, debauchery hates love. Thinking being rude to someone, cold hearted or cold shoulder is cool, which is not andits inhumane.
Yeah I know a woman who lied to a man that she was pregnant with
his child and the man's true lover left him...
So he decided to marry the woman who was pregnant with his child...
And 40 years later, he found out that the child is not his.

So he married a woman he didn't love... and couldn't be with his true love.

Oh, sorry, it is the Bold and the Beautiful soap opera storyline.:giggle:
True, things seems harmless really suffer consequences. Little laie can harm big and even little lie grows. God does set boundaries bec what He knows best. But sadly, too many people now in days outsmart God and seeing the lives destroying themselves. Each person make a choice, we can't force them not to or do so. At the same time can live foolish life by doing ur own thing or do wisely what God teach us to do so. He enable us to fight thru our weaknesses. God doesn't make people decide, God left us a choice everyday.
Like Everyone are sinners...

Ask God for forgive the sin..

So am I sinners.. Nobody perfect lives here..
I do cuss, bitch'n, and so many different lifestyles on this earth.. I do love Jesus all my heart.. Jesus knows my life and his plan for me as same for my family.
Cloggy's words of wisdom! I personally hate the concept of sin, even more-so when people purposefully commit one because they get a kick out of it, sick and sad but true.

I just live my life as I see fit and do what I please. Sin or not, I consider myself a decent person as well do others, so that's all that matters to me.
Quotation of the day from someone else:

"Oh yeah? My Original Sin is bigger than your Original Sin!"
It is better for ALL of us to not commit any kind of SIN at all.... that way our LIFE would be so much BETTER.

We all should live like the Amish, they are so peaceful.
I believe sins are about us being separate from God. If we want to have sex outside marriage so be it but it does not mean we are right with God because He gave us a free will to what to do with oursleves and we choose sex over God. Sins are about us not finish our life as God want us to be but our own choices which it is not right with God. U know none of us are saint and can't be so holy purest people God want us to be but what can we do about it? Now other story, that was reason why Jesus Christ came along to saved us from our own suffers. He died for our sins, to wash our sins away to be free from it.
It is better for ALL of us to not commit any kind of SIN at all.... that way our LIFE would be so much BETTER.

We all should live like the Amish, they are so peaceful.

How can we avoid sins, we can not and amish people are not perfect either.
How can we avoid sins, we can not and amish people are not perfect either.

you can avoid sins.

think of all the SINS you have done in year 2006...

And do you think those SINS were necessary????

Have you ever lie, then people eventually find out you lie anyway,
was it worth it?

We really don't need to sins...

Come on, we women don't have to have sex, we could wait after marriage
or have no sex at all.

And men, they can just get a wife and have sex with their wives...
They don't need 100 or more people to have sex with... Do they
feel better after having sex with many people??????????


Orgasm is orgasm.

Come on. Is it worth getting yourself Sexually Tranmitted Disease or having 10 babies you can't afford, born out of wedlock....????
Orgasm is orgasm.

Come on. Is it worth getting yourself Sexually Tranmitted Disease or having 10 babies you can't afford, born out of wedlock....????
You should try this..

Make love to the one that you love and who loves you back.

I'm sure you'll find that "Orgasm is not orgasm"

And "Sexually Tranmitted Disease or having 10 babies you can't afford" that happens with married people as well. And most of the time is does not happen.

As for "born out of wedlock".. what's wrong with that. Only smallminded people looking down on that.
My son was born out of wedlock. We married after he was born.
But the.... "wedlock" means nothing to me.
Having a child together was a bigger and stronger commitment than marriage.!
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