Silent Treatment Relationships:


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Have you ever went out with a woman or a guy who avoids talking more like giving you a silent treatment? Do you prefer to stay with a person that ignores the problems and plow ahead? Or do you prefer a person to sit down and confront the issues, instead of hiding from them? Discuss please ;)
i rather have the silent treatment than saying something u will regret and unable to take it back, my partner if shes mad will give me the silent treatment and then calm her self and i rather that than voilence or if im mad i ll walk away give the silent treatment and then calm down and then communicate when things are clamed.
I don't like silence treatment, I prefer to talk it out and solved it....Communicate is important and being able to sit down and talk it out as two mature and loving adults....
Will collapsed communcation key!

Treatment til solved will come clear up the speaking truth set you free!
I cannot stand silent treatments. It really sucks. Communication is one of the keys in a relationship. Yea, I used to be in a relationship with this guy who have always gave me a silent treatment and sometimes he refused to talk or solve problems with me. I decided to break off with him.
I agree with you girls, :grouphug: Silent treatment is not for me, Communication is the key to a successful relationship, I used to date a guy who was so darn quiet, refused to communicate. I had to break up with him too. :smash:
ButterflyGirl said:
I cannot stand silent treatments. It really sucks. Communication is one of the keys in a relationship. Yea, I used to be in a relationship with this guy who have always gave me a silent treatment and sometimes he refused to talk or solve problems with me. I decided to break off with him.

Wow, that's sounds exactly like my ex.....
GalaxyAngel said:
Will collapsed communcation key!

Treatment til solved will come clear up the speaking truth set you free!

I agree. Great post, GalaxyAngel!
I don't like silent treatment, Communication is VERY IMPORTANT to me!!!
Communication is very 100% important to me!

I would rather to dicussion with someone to solve the problem INSTEAD having silent treatment. :ugh:
I'm agree that communicate is a mainly important key, not silent treatment.

I would ignore and walk away if anyone who give me silent treatment because it's no sense to try anything with anyone who play childish immature. It's ME.

Like what GalaxyAngel said "Treatment til solved will come clear up the speaking truth set you free!", that's way what I like. I'm a straightforward person and tell what I think... I prefer to solve this issue and have a good talk as mature adult with anyone.
did you guys know that giving someone the silent treatment is CONSIDERED as ABUSE??? --- so i don't believe in silent treatments... nor will i TOLERATE them either... :nono:
FeistyChick said:
did you guys know that giving someone the silent treatment is CONSIDERED as ABUSE??? --- so i don't believe in silent treatments... nor will i TOLERATE them either... :nono:

I'm afraid yes.
FeistyChick said:
did you guys know that giving someone the silent treatment is CONSIDERED as ABUSE??? :nono:

No, I haven't consider that as an abuse, More of ignoring the problem refuse to face the person and let them know what is bothering them or run away from problems instead of facing it with the person to solve it. :P
Cheri said:
No, I haven't consider that as an abuse, More of ignoring the problem refuse to face the person and let them know what is bothering them or run away from problems instead of facing it with the person to solve it. :P

There're kind of silent treatments between marriage partners/living together partners and friends... I think Feistychick mean it's husband/wife or living together partners in household, not friends.
Hey, I had that same problem 6 years ago, complete silent treatment from bitch K. I tried to ask her to repeat what she said, then she screamed harassment and did everything to get cops in the way!!!
If she had said clearly that she needs a time out, or need to be left alone because she got her own issues, I won't have problem leaving her alone for a while til she comes back and discuss whats really bugging her. Today, I really do not have any clue to WHY she got pissy.But I am starting to see possible WHY... She thinks I am like other abusive guys which isn't true. Cheri herself, and my recent ex gf witness and said I couldn't be abusive guy, no way!

I will NOT tolerate any silent treatment without clearly telling that need to "Time out".
I don't like silent treatments either. It was a big reason my last relationship didn't work out - ex was an alcoholic and too many unresolved problems just stressed me out... that I had to end it for my own sanity. If you need more time to think, just say so.. and make a cuppa o' joe for me. That's okay too. :D

Posting in forums is different for me, though. I can choose to ignore a member or a few members if they are being problems for me to focus on at the time. I don't know if I have to announce to everyone everytime this happens, risking an off topic offense??
Liza said:
I don't like silent treatments either. It was a big reason my last relationship didn't work out - ex was an alcoholic and too many unresolved problems just stressed me out... that I had to end it for my own sanity.

Same here, but the bad thing is I still do see him around because he is my son's father. :dizzy:
Good thread, Cheri ! :applause:

Well, as for me, it depends on the situation. I go both ways ( silent treatment & communication ).