DeafDoc and jillio, u Jewish<part> too? As someone who is female Jewish bisexual with LD , with Roma <Gypsy> and possibly Native heritage and having been in Special Ed. as a child, I understand being on the "outside" looking "in", or having another perspective. Having LD helped me a lot when I worked with people with alleged mental retardation, autism, etc.
When I was in college - at a very white/non-diversified small-town school for certain reasons at the time which did not work out - some school group put on this program which involved a "cultural awarenes" role-playing game. Or they tried to - hardly anyone came. And they had all these little nametags for people put on that had words that identified them differently than what they actually were - for example, a student who was white or Christian <which was 99% of the students there > would wear a tag that said "African-American" or Jewish; someone who was straight would wear a tag from the GBLTQ spectrum and then there would be a role play involving this. As it turned out, there were very few tags left for me to wear.......
When I was in college - at a very white/non-diversified small-town school for certain reasons at the time which did not work out - some school group put on this program which involved a "cultural awarenes" role-playing game. Or they tried to - hardly anyone came. And they had all these little nametags for people put on that had words that identified them differently than what they actually were - for example, a student who was white or Christian <which was 99% of the students there > would wear a tag that said "African-American" or Jewish; someone who was straight would wear a tag from the GBLTQ spectrum and then there would be a role play involving this. As it turned out, there were very few tags left for me to wear.......