At first I'm

after read your post about
"hid a gun in a purse" because purse size is the same as male wallet. I'm sure that it's handbag, you talking about. I beleive that we misunderstand between American and British language... about "purse" until I found out what you all talking about... Aahhhh
"purse" is for American language... , not ladies wallet... correct?
"handbag" is for British language..., not purse...
"purse" is for British language is ladies wallet (American language)...
Now I know what you all talking about "purse" is handbag... "ladies Wallet" as purse.
For male: Wallet..../for female: purse in British language.
Sorry confuse between British and American language.
Now I know what you all talking about.
Students use backpacks to go school are very common here in Germany. They have already female and male wallet and small pocket with zip
inside backpacks for "private things". It's not just for female but male as well... I didn't see that many female student carry purse (handbag) everywhere but left things in their backpacks. Oh yes they brought female and male wallet with them because they need something to pay...
To my opinion, bann a purse (handbag) does not solve anything but teach them paraniod more and more which is no good... They can hide any weapons in sock, etc...