Should public school teachers go on strike?

Is it out of the norm for teachers to take to the streets and protest in US?
No, that's not right. It was not a Nazi salute.

"Reverend Francis Bellamy would do this in 1892 by adding a national salute to honor Columbus Day celebrated at the National School celebration held on October 12th. This salute would become known as a hand gesture (called the Bellamy salute) to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance which he was also part author."
The Life and Death of the Bellamy Salute - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

You see, it was created by an American, for Americans, in 1892, long before Hitler adopted it.

When Hitler did adopt a similar salute, and America joined the Allies in World War II, FDR revised the American salute to the current hand-over-heart.

If you go back even further in history, you'll notice that the straight arm salute was used in ancient Rome.

It wasn't original to the Nazis.

I didn't say it was. I called it as I see it. :lol:
Whatever you want to call it is fine with me. I just thought it was interesting that FDR felt we needed to revise it.
Not necessary, democracy is about election to elect the representatives, president, state legislative, governors, local government, etc.

Check CIA Factbook, if you disagree so I don't care, let move on.

It's called a Representative Republic. Not a Democracy

If we were a democracy Prop 8 would be law....the people have spoken. However since we are a republic with a constitution Prop 8 is still in question.
According to the CIA Fact Book, the United States is:

"Government type:
Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition"
Probably not enough math and science teachers, especially highly qualified ones.

I would love for our teachers to get better pay and working conditions. Happy teachers make for happier kids.

Couldnt have said it better.
Who passed it?

Who has been President for over 2 years? Why hasn't he changed it?

What happened to hope and change???

BTW as for who passed it.....congress....and it was bipartisan
Wirelessly posted

Who is a superhuman? Oh wait... we don't have a benevolent dictatorship-- only monotheists do.
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Who has been President for over 2 years? Why hasn't he changed it?

What happened to hope and change???

BTW as for who passed it.....congress....and it was bipartisan

Who passed it?
Who passed it?

Like I said the first time......Congress.

House (R) 186-34
House (D) 197-10

In the Senate there were 8 no votes.....6 of those 8 were Republicans.

Looks like The Democrats passed it by a larger % in both houses.

EDIT: I was going to provide a link for those numbers but I see Foxrac did that already.
I wouldn't cross a picket line. Or in this case, leave my fellow union workers behind. I definitely would have called in. *shrug* It's not like I can legally strike or bargain anyway, right? (this is all as if I lived in WI, which I don't)

Anyway...I'd like to see how union members respond. They were talking about a general strike. So let's see if it happens.

If I were still fulltime teaching, I'd do it too for Chavez Day (March 31 is when everyone is proposing) but our schools have that day off anyway! It's a holiday here. :P
I wouldn't cross a picket line. Or in this case, leave my fellow union workers behind. I definitely would have called in. *shrug* It's not like I can legally strike or bargain anyway, right? (this is all as if I lived in WI, which I don't)

Anyway...I'd like to see how union members respond. They were talking about a general strike. So let's see if it happens.

If I were still fulltime teaching, I'd do it too for Chavez Day (March 31 is when everyone is proposing) but our schools have that day off anyway! It's a holiday here. :P
So you would put the demands of the union above the needs of the school children?