Should public school teachers go on strike?

When there is educational reform, no one listens to the teachers. It's crazy.

The testing is out of hand. People don't realize how much time is spent on teaching to the test. The only thing that testing has done is make some testing companies profitable. NLCB and a Bush's testing company? Coinkydink?

Daily Kos: NCLB, Bush, and the Testing Industry
Since that was written seven years ago, has anyone done anything about all the testing? What has the Obama administration said or done about the testing? Has it been reformed since he became President? :dunno:
Many of my old teachers from elementary, middle, and high schools in Milwaukee went to the protests in Madison. I support them 100%! They deserve better than what they were getting!
Many of my old teachers from elementary, middle, and high schools in Milwaukee went to the protests in Madison. I support them 100%! They deserve better than what they were getting!

How do you know this? If I recall correctly, you hated the place and couldn't get out fast enough.
Reba, no reform. My kids are being tested to death (especially the elementary school aged child). The teachers drill them because poor scores will affect them. It's enough to make any kid lose enthusiasm for learning. The only good thing to come out of testing is that science testing has put science back in the classroom. The state of science education in the U.S. is really bad. :|
I hesitated to go in here because what I will write is something am sure everybody's read and so on - BUT I want to share my experience - I was THERE on SATURDAY and it was AMAZING! My mom is a longtime public schools and community activist, involved in civil rights struggles...for me it was part of our household growing up and it was how WE were Jewish....I remember going to picket lines with her as a young kid. I'm in WI and I went to stand with everyone there fighting for human rights.I decided to go on Friday night and registered online and went the next morning. I went with a bunch of teachers and staff and students from one of the schools, part of a caravan of 11 buses.
They had at least one terp that I saw.

100,000 people .... POWERFUL

I hesitated to go in here because what I will write is something am sure everybody's read and so on - BUT I want to share my experience - I was THERE on SATURDAY and it was AMAZING! My mom is a longtime public schools and community activist, involved in civil rights struggles...for me it was part of our household growing up and it was how WE were Jewish....I remember going to picket lines with her as a young kid. I'm in WI and I went to stand with everyone there fighting for human rights.
Which human rights were you fighting for in WI?

I decided to go on Friday night and registered online and went the next morning. I went with a bunch of teachers and staff and students from one of the schools, part of a caravan of 11 buses.
They had at least one terp that I saw.

100,000 people .... POWERFUL
According to the state capital building janitors, 100,000 people make a powerful mountain of debris. :eek3:

That's interesting except the USA and each state is a republic, not a democracy.
Which human rights were you fighting for in WI?

According to the state capital building janitors, 100,000 people make a powerful mountain of debris. :eek3:

That's interesting except the USA and each state is a republic, not a democracy.

No, USA and rest of their states are republic and democracy because we have election to elect our representatives and president, in state, governor, representatives and senate. Republic is opposite to monarchy, not opposite to democracy.

USA and France are republic and democracy.

UK, Sweden and Japan are monarchy and democracy.

Saudi Arabia is monarchy with no democracy.

Egypt, North Korea and Cuba are republic with no democracy.

Check out the CIA Factbook if you are interested to check about government system in all countries.
No, USA and rest of their states are republic and democracy because we have election to elect our representatives and president, in state, governor, representatives and senate. Republic is opposite to monarchy, not opposite to democracy....
Look for the word democracy in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and even the Pledge to the Flag. No democracy, only republic.
Look for the word democracy in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and even the Pledge to the Flag. No democracy, only republic.

Not necessary, democracy is about election to elect the representatives, president, state legislative, governors, local government, etc.

Check CIA Factbook, if you disagree so I don't care, let move on.
Look for the word democracy in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and even the Pledge to the Flag. No democracy, only republic.

True, the USA is a republic governed by a representative democracy.

And did you guys know that the Nazi Salute was used when the Pledge of Allegiance first came out? And that the words "under God" were added in 1954? Interesting.
True, the USA is a republic governed by a representative democracy.

And did you guys know that the Nazi Salute was used when the Pledge of Allegiance first came out? And that the words "under God" were added in 1954? Interesting.

Exactly, that what I tried to say.

Update: After talked with Reba in PM about between democracy and republic, I'm just got it now after she explained on difference of democracy and republic. :ty:
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True, the USA is a republic governed by a representative democracy.

And did you guys know that the Nazi Salute was used when the Pledge of Allegiance first came out? And that the words "under God" were added in 1954? Interesting.

Careful there, you may shatter some people's bubbles.
...And did you guys know that the Nazi Salute was used when the Pledge of Allegiance first came out?
No, that's not right. It was not a Nazi salute.

"Reverend Francis Bellamy would do this in 1892 by adding a national salute to honor Columbus Day celebrated at the National School celebration held on October 12th. This salute would become known as a hand gesture (called the Bellamy salute) to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance which he was also part author."
The Life and Death of the Bellamy Salute - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

You see, it was created by an American, for Americans, in 1892, long before Hitler adopted it.

When Hitler did adopt a similar salute, and America joined the Allies in World War II, FDR revised the American salute to the current hand-over-heart.

If you go back even further in history, you'll notice that the straight arm salute was used in ancient Rome.

It wasn't original to the Nazis.
Republicans suck.

Why? You should blame on voters for elect the republican politician.

Republican Party seems not bad at overall but most of their social views turned me off, also some of fiscal policies as well.
Look for the word democracy in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and even the Pledge to the Flag. No democracy, only republic.

It's my understanding that USA is a Republic with a strong democratic tradition. I think Foxrac was trying to drive that point home.