Should Men Go To Jail When They Fail To Pay Child Support?

What Reba and others are saying is this:

The father (or mother) doesn't HAVE to be around the kid.. they don't have to live in the same town or even the same state or interact with the kid when they are paying child support. What matters is that the parent is providing FINANCIAL means to support the child. Money is impersonal and doesn't matter to how the kid lives his life. Boneheaded people refuse to pay based on principle, spite, ignorance whatever so courts order garnishment of whatever income they have (I'm not sure if they are allowed to attach to stocks/bonds or other income if the parent has it). Garnishing is done by others with no control by the parent.

As others keep saying "being involved/present in the child's live" and "providing financial support" are two separate things.

One is not dependent on the other.

I understsnd this...but many eill choose to stick around due to it...
. I get it. Its aboit the money...
Franklybthebkkds r better of eith out the loser dads.loot or Anything...
As for jail...well. iTs bout making better crooks then sure thing...
Always does...
I wouldn't want guys like that around kids. I also wouldn't have a sexual relationship resulting in pregnancy with guys like that in the first place.

You're not the only person who can make opinions based on experiences. Just because you know some bad eggs doesn't mean that's how the majority of delinquent parents react. The whole system of enforced child support shouldn't be thrown out just because some guys have skewed reasoning ability.

i agree with this to a point...
The plm is as it stands clearly the system of inforced support isnt working..
. I dont want guys like this around my son either..
Thus one of points...
well i hope we as a society can come Up with a less savage solution got a better idea?...Just let 'em reproduce over and over?...These dead-beats are nothing but scum.
I personally know of a 74 year old man, who still has to work as a security guard in order to pay his back support....He fathered many kids...and he'll be paying thru the nose until he croaks....And since he's at least trying to pay what is owed...his kids come around once in a while, which does make him happy...otherwise, they would not have anything to do with him. got a better idea?...Just let 'em reproduce over and over?...These dead-beats are nothing but scum.
I personally know of a 74 year old man, who still has to work as a security guard in order to pay his back support....He fathered many kids...and he'll be paying thru the nose until he croaks....And since he's at least trying to pay what is owed...his kids come around once in a while, which does make him happy...otherwise, they would not have anything to do with him.

Considering how forced sterilization was used on the deaf in the past, i dont support its use on anyone deemed.deviant or beyond the "norm", what ever whims declare it to be or not.
Your last line essentialy is mu very point..though. they woulsnt hsve anything to do eth him unless.he was pay..
ThaT is my point.
Better no contsct period..if thsts what the dad wants..he loses it. Bybfkrcing payment in your exsmple the kkds wished for contact...
I was divorced from my first husband and he was supposed to paid child support for my son including my alimony. He never paid up for years until my son was 18 years old. Almost close to 15 years ago, he had passed away. My son had never seen his father since he was very little boy.

Anyway, he did not get good jobs very well and his income was not that great. So it depended how he could afford to pay for child support for my son. He does make his other woman pregnant and that is why he could not afford to pay for child support if he was not successful with his job or had low paying job.

I have noticed that men can be wealthy enough to afford to pay for child support for one or two children. That mean they have been successful with good jobs. But others, no.

Often men who were found to be in jails usually lost their job(s). So it is hard to find a job that the deadbeat father could not find the job with his resume or his jail record.

I was pretty upset and angry with my ex-husband for not paying to help my son to get his needs like clothes and food and whatever he need things from him. But that is the way he was back then not being successful. He was a loser. :(
How about... go to jail and have special program that force him to doing labor that will pay the child support. Ta-da?

looking after kids in some government creche that forced labour so looking after his own kid will be relief.Then teach him how to keep it in his trousers and man up pay surport
I do not believe anyone should be forced to pay child support. I have a son, whose sperm donner wants nothing to do with. He made is clear from the beginning. That is fine. The few times he has tried to be in my son's life caused nothing but hardship for my son. As for the child seeing what is proper adult actions or acceptable ones, that is up to the adults the child is around. If the mother allows the child around a bunch of dead beats of course the child will see this as acceptable...however if it is only the child's sperm donner that does this...well the kid learns that a few people suck. Also, someone stated that paying child support does not guarentee access to the child. Well it should. If a father pays child support and wants to be a part of the child's life, the mother should not be able to keep the child from him. Too many women play games with men by trying to control the father's actions or punishing them for "wrongs" done in the past. All these games hurt only the child, and that is a sad truth in life.
No I don't believe in child support. I don't believe in having a child and not be able to take care of the child be yourself. You never know what can happen. There can be a horrible accident and you lose the child's father. I think child support is just something to keep men in the system and a way for bitter women to have something to use as a threat. I would never put my boyfriend on child support. If a man doesn't have the common sense to take care of their child it's just a lost cause. I don't want to put my child through it and I don't want a paper forcing a grown man to do anything.

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And plus if they in jail you really not going to get anything but the court and jail will.

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I do not believe anyone should be forced to pay child support. I have a son, whose sperm donner wants nothing to do with. He made is clear from the beginning. That is fine. The few times he has tried to be in my son's life caused nothing but hardship for my son. As for the child seeing what is proper adult actions or acceptable ones, that is up to the adults the child is around. If the mother allows the child around a bunch of dead beats of course the child will see this as acceptable...however if it is only the child's sperm donner that does this...well the kid learns that a few people suck. Also, someone stated that paying child support does not guarentee access to the child. Well it should. If a father pays child support and wants to be a part of the child's life, the mother should not be able to keep the child from him. Too many women play games with men by trying to control the father's actions or punishing them for "wrongs" done in the past. All these games hurt only the child, and that is a sad truth in life.

sperm donner don't need be in childs life just pay support...actions have consquences....he donate sperm(I taking it that he an ex)as you did egg then money taken out of wages or as he deadbeat his benefits money..
you don't let kid see sperm donner,if allow him get away with it then he ends donating sperm everywhere and gets away with it
princess the child going to feel bitter if mother keeps child from father...years down the line child will blame mother and awful dad better than no dad everyman has the right be in kids life supervised
The bad choices we make when we're young...sometimes fall back on us....Some men will lie and deny the child and the Courts take a DNA to prove he is the child's father....the father moves around in order not to be arrested, as the police have better things to do than to look for a dead beat father.....When the child grows up without a father (especially with boys). the child has bitter memories and hated....
When the child turns of age...most likely he wants to find his father...and when the child does, lots of time the hatred and hurt are still there....The question they want to know is "WHY" the father has rejected them....

My own father never paid any child support and my mother struggled with 6 children....The last time I saw my own father...I was on a bus leaving NCSD for the holidays and going home....he was on that bus...It was so awkward....
going to prison then tax payer picks up bill and achives nothing shamed and named best dad bugger off to States after war sowed his seed there left my mum high and dry
princess the child going to feel bitter if mother keeps child from father...years down the line child will blame mother and awful dad better than no dad everyman has the right be in kids life supervised

I didn't say anything about keeping the child from the father I said I won't force a grown man to do anything. If he want to be in his child's life go for it.

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he should not get away scot free he sows the seed he pays for it bc believe me the mother will for next 18yrs or more and you don't know at some later date the dad may regret actions...the dad get some respect and pay for upkeep of child if he wants no physical contact then let it be but his wallet should be open for that child he may think twice before jumps into bed with no contraception
That's why I feel if someone can't take care of a child alone then don't even have sex. My cousin got pregnant with birth control and a condom so contraception doesn't mean anything.

And that's a risk any parent takes cause no one knows the future and people can change really quick when life unexpectedly happens.

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That's why I feel if someone can't take care of a child alone then don't even have sex. My cousin got pregnant with birth control and a condom so contraception doesn't mean anything.

And that's a risk any parent takes cause no one knows the future and people can change really quick when life unexpectedly happens.

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Children are beautiful and anyone that doesn't want to be apart of the life they created and take care of them has issues.

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