Like what PuyoPiyo said is enough but I would to add bit.
If the parents didn't teach the children to respect the alcohol then they would end wrong path because they thought alochol is the fun which is not.
Not all. There are plenty of kids who grow up in non-drinking homes, and they don't become alcoholics or binge drinkers.
If we do not drink alcohol moderately front of my children or not teach them to respect alochol then they will end into wrong path thru peers...
That's not a factual statement about all children.
It also depends on the peers. Some kids actually hang out with
good peers.
Yes, it's not just stove but 2 fire-places, candles, etc. I taught my children to not touch because they are too hot but I know it doesn't help because they are stubborn curious so I lit a candle and show my toddlers and told them that it's Occchhh hot.... I point my finger near the candle and feeling it's hot... Ouuccchhhh it's hot... They were like not beleive in me and point their finger and feeling it's hot when their finger goes near and near the candle... Oouuccchhh... They know now it's hot...

Call DSS!
I allow my boys to read about addiction and TV that's and how the people killed by drug overdose because they have the right to know what it is about. I taught them about drugs, etc. I opened my boys about my sister until they saw themselves that my sister died of drug overdose last year.
But do you allow them to
use drugs in your home? Why not? Isn't it better for them to learn how to use drugs in your home? If they can drink alcohol, why can't they use drugs? If you don't allow drugs in your home, won't your boys be curious and go out and try them with their peers?
That's the same excuse for alcohol.
Honestly, we have no experience like this here in Germany.
Really? German dogs are different from American dogs? German dogs don't bite?
...Here in Germany is very strict... We adult and children must stay and wait until the traffic light tell us to walk... I taught my children to wait until the Green light said "Walking" then we walk... If the Red stop said "Don't walk" then we wait. If police sees us ignore the traffic light then we pay penalty fine. Its about children protection.
Again, you miss the point.
If you can strictly teach your children not to play in traffic, and expect them to obey, why can't you strictly teach your children not to drink and expect them to obey?
Oh yes, my 9 years old sister taught me how to smoke when I was 10 years old and don't like it...
That's not the same as a parent teaching a child to smoke.
Oh yes, my boys experienced smoking out of curiousity at 2 years ago. Should I angry with them for that? No, I educated them positive ... If I punish my boys for that and scream to them "Don't do that again" then they will ignore it because they don't know what it is about because it's just because we are angry and said "Do not that again"... and end to addict smoking more and more...
I never said anything about screaming at them. You keep missing the point.
So, you allow them to smoke in your home? If they can drink at home, why can't they smoke at home? If you don't let them smoke at home, they'll rebel and smoke with their friends, right?
Again, PuyoPiyo said is correct. Thats' why I got my boys sports and go out bit often than stick front of the computer or watch on TV... Sports helps to rid of aggressive.
I guess you don't know what huffing is. It has nothing to do with sports or aggression.
Depend on parental's form of discipline how to expose the children to disobey and rebel like this. That's why I am for open communication and listen.
It also depends on the free will of the child. No matter how "perfectly" parents train their children, some children will still rebel. It's in their nature.
Well, the law is for public only, not at parent's house. 
I taught my children to respect/obey public law and respect/obey my house rule.
This is a difference.

Wow, you don't see the hypocrisy and rebelliousness of that?
I thought in previous threads you stated that you always obeyed the laws of Germany. But now you post that it's OK to pick and choose which laws to obey.
There's nothing more I can say to that. I'm speechless. :-o