If a parent allows a minor child to drink alcohol, how does that parent know that he or she is not triggering an addiction for alcohol?
The parents can teach children how to drink, and relax. If parents refuse give the alcohol to the kids, then the kids will sneak away from parents and go to wrong drinkers, which parents could have taught them how to deal with the drinking and being drunk.
Do parents intentionally expose their children to other potentially dangerous situations just to "educate" them?
That is because parents won't let them to experience and they go other way which are wrong direction instead of follow parent's right way. That just don't applies to strict parents who refuse to drink alcohol, but the children need to experience. The parents are giving them no choice but go wrong way and learning their own.
Do you let your young kids:
* experience the flame on the stove
My parents do, they teach me how to cook
* drive the family car on the interstate without a license
That is different story than the drinking alcohol
Most of the time, the kids don't need to learn to drive because the parents will just give them the ride, or they can ride the city bus by themselves (speaking of my experience) and yes my parents DID let me ride on the motorcycle on the interstate at my 4 years old and got accident, now I learned my lesson never ride the motorcycle! I am very happy that I didn't save my experience till present, risking my live today no thanks.
* try various illegal drugs
The only way for that is when the kids tried themselves and learn their own. If the parents found out they are on the drugs, the parents can do something with the kids. I was used to be a crack addictor when I was 16, and guess who stopped me from using cracks? My parents!
* tease a strange dog
Kid will do that first place, and the parents will caught them, and teach them how to be kind to other pets. The only way when the kids learn how to be REALLY nice to the pets is when the pets fight back. There is nothing parents can do about this.
* play in traffic
That is so different story. I know kids are not that stupid. Plus not many kids was hit by car. What's your complaination about this?
* smoke
Well, I am a smoker since I was 14 years old. You know what my parents taught me? They taught me how to stand up for my rights. Also my parents offered me the non addictive tobacco, and offer me the Hookah, and everything that are way better than the cigarettes, and I learned how to control with my smoking habits. My parents quit smoking before I started smoking. They might pesting me to quit, but they respect me being a smoker as well as I am working on my life very well. Cigarettes is not a biggie, really.
* huff
Offer them the martial art classes. Offer them a self-defense class. I am sure they will be very into it, ratherly than punishing them being anger.
Or, do you explain the dangers and consequences, and tell them "don't do it"?
Telling them "Don't do it" just making them feel like they have no choice but lead to wrong direction.
Some kids will disobey and rebel no matter what. But why give their disobedience your blessing?
Can you tell me why they will disobey and rebel?
If drinking alcohol at their age is illegal but the parent allows it, what does the child learn? The child learns it's OK to break laws that you don't agree with.
FK LAWS! God don't create laws remmy that,
All they need is to learn about the people, not the laws. Laws is just making them like a zombie. Law is actually a evil in worldwide. I have been drinking with my families since I was 15 years old, and did we have any problem with the laws? Nope! Law are just preaching on us what to do, while we don't really need to follow, nor learning any new about the law. We learn through the experience with the people, not the rule.
How do kids learn self control and self discipline?
Talk with the kids very calmly. Use a sense of humors alittle. You will get their attention. Just remember, don't make them feel like they are your slave pets.