Should Bungee Jumping be against the law?

Should Bungee Jumping be against the law?

  • YES

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 32 84.2%

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
And Officers have arrested teens using the supersoaker cause a guy used it on a moving vechile which caused an accident and he was arrested and judge made him pay a $1000 Fine and Parents must pay for both vechiles repair plus 200 hours of community service.
And Officers have arrested teens using the supersoaker cause a guy used it on a moving vechile which caused an accident and he was arrested and judge made him pay a $1000 fine plus 200 hours of community service.

That does not make the super soaker illegal. Lets say the kid sprayed a fire extinguisher instead and caused an accident. Would that make fire extingishers illegal in the city?

I could spit on you and it be a crime... but does not make it illegal for me to possess saliva in my mouth.

Reckless driving is a crime, but does not make cars illegal.
That does not make the super soaker illegal. Lets say the kid sprayed a fire extinguisher instead and caused an accident. Would that make fire extingishers illegal in the city?

I could spit on you and it be a crime... but does not make it illegal for me to possess saliva in my mouth.

Reckless driving is a crime, but does not make cars illegal.

:gpost: I agree.
That does not make the super soaker illegal. Lets say the kid sprayed a fire extinguisher instead and caused an accident. Would that make fire extingishers illegal in the city?

I could spit on you and it be a crime... but does not make it illegal for me to possess saliva in my mouth.

Reckless driving is a crime, but does not make cars illegal.

Go look under Baltimore City ordince laws.Its right there.You can only use the supersoaker in your backyard not on city property or on city streets.
Go look under Baltimore City ordince laws.Its right there.You can only use the supersoaker in your backyard not on city property or on city streets.

Steve, I posted a link to Baltimore City's ordinance in my previous post. I dont see it in there at all but there is no sense in arguing about it anyway. I am curious where you see it at because I'd like to see the ordinance since I've never heard of super soakers being banned anywhere (although down in Annapolis, they tried to ban toy guns a few years ago).
i voted no on bungee jumping.. cuz its a hobby everyone love to do that.. but for me.. im a chicken.. :D heh..

its a risk that everyone take.. but have to do it under professional people only.

but then we take alot of risks nowadays due to driving car, riding on airplane, mini scooter, bike, and so on.. so we ban it? NO.. only if we are responsible for our actions and be careful.. :)
I vote no. I have been done the bungee jumping twice. It's indeed fun experience.

I no longer cannot do again because I felt my body is getting old and cannot handle.
Bungee jumping is a thrill sport like skydiving. Of course, there are always risks of injury and death. The same goes for other sports such as football, baseball, etc.
The same goes for other sports such as football, baseball, etc.

Good point. As I mentioned previously, there has never been a confirmed bungee jumping death anywhere in the United States, ever. But every few years or so you hear about somebody being killed by a baseball or a golfball. It’s rare, but it does occasionally happen. But to prevent any further tragedies, I think we should immediately outlaw baseball. A little quick checking also reveals that as of April 2006 there have been 1,326 deaths directly attributable to boxing. Now there’s a sport which should be outlawed. If I were mayor of Baltimore, I would make it a federal offense to own boxing gloves in the state of Utah. Anybody caught with boxing gloves would get 20 years in prison and a $100,000 fine, and anybody who is even helping somebody else lace them would get 5 years and a $25,000 fine. Society needs to be kept safe for honest, law-abiding Slim Jim felchers.
Good point. As I mentioned previously, there has never been a confirmed bungee jumping death anywhere in the United States, ever. But every few years or so you hear about somebody being killed by a baseball or a golfball. It’s rare, but it does occasionally happen. But to prevent any further tragedies, I think we should immediately outlaw baseball. A little quick checking also reveals that as of April 2006 there have been 1,326 deaths directly attributable to boxing. Now there’s a sport which should be outlawed. If I were mayor of Baltimore, I would make it a federal offense to own boxing gloves in the state of Utah. Anybody caught with boxing gloves would get 20 years in prison and a $100,000 fine, and anybody who is even helping somebody else lace them would get 5 years and a $25,000 fine. Society needs to be kept safe for honest, law-abiding Slim Jim felchers.

Um. Isn't Baltimore in Maryland, not Utah? Unless I'm missing something....;)
Baltimore isnt in UTAH,Its in Maryland,,Thats like saying Okahoma City is in texas,No offnense Lucia :D
lol.. yeah bush said somewhere between okla and texas?? umm.. not so.. lmao! there is no state between okla and texas? they both are neighbors! ha ha ha ha.. bush is so stupid.. i never forgot that! ha..
No...... it's called Darwinism. If someone wants to do something stupid and get themselves killed, then let them. The smart people will live on with one less idiot in the gene pool.
Its no more dangerous than climbing Everest or jumping out of aeroplanes ( I have done that)
bungee jumpig is safe no doubt about it you try to make a law against it youll get thrown out of office you should do more researsh before saying something sould be outlawed, by your logic breathing should be illeagle.
Bungee jumping may be a dangerous sport but so can the others, so I vote "no"...
I vote no. Instead of trying to take away more civil liberties, shouldnt our politicians be advocating for better deaf rights? I mean there are tons of more important issues than bungee jumping geez.
where did the idia come from for tis poll in the first place did you get hurt or something? whay are you anti bungee jumping?
dude every sport is dangerous one way or other they all get hurt anyway like football all people is do is slam against each other and break bones just for an lemon shaped ball you think that s smart no but its fun its same as bungee jumping i wanna try thta