Good point. As I mentioned previously, there has never been a confirmed bungee jumping death anywhere in the United States, ever. But every few years or so you hear about somebody being killed by a baseball or a golfball. It’s rare, but it does occasionally happen. But to prevent any further tragedies, I think we should immediately outlaw baseball. A little quick checking also reveals that as of April 2006 there have been 1,326 deaths directly attributable to boxing. Now there’s a sport which should be outlawed. If I were mayor of Baltimore, I would make it a federal offense to own boxing gloves in the state of Utah. Anybody caught with boxing gloves would get 20 years in prison and a $100,000 fine, and anybody who is even helping somebody else lace them would get 5 years and a $25,000 fine. Society needs to be kept safe for honest, law-abiding Slim Jim felchers.