Sex Offender Just Moved Into My Neighborhood

need citation? or not, i dont think this warrent a 'citation needed' whisperhorse got a good point, we 'worry too much' most of them after being jailed and convicted just dont want to go back, but sometimes since soceity taunts them so much to a point they re-offend just - to go back inside...
its plausible though

Thank you. yeppers, i agreed with you. Even if they only did it ONCE but refused do that EVER again. *sighs*

So sorry if my post piss you guys off but I just wanted to tell you what the fact is that's it.
Thank you. yeppers, i agreed with you. Even if they only did it ONCE but refused do that EVER again. *sighs*

So sorry if my post piss you guys off but I just wanted to tell you what the fact is that's it.

Your post didnt offend me but I do have a question...even if they say they wont ever do it again, can anyone really trust their word? After all, they did commit a crime in the first place. No offense, but sex crimes isnt like getting a speeding ticket. Someone has to be really really sick to commit a sex crime especially against children.
Your post didnt offend me but I do have a question...even if they say they wont ever do it again, can anyone really trust their word? After all, they did commit a crime in the first place. No offense, but sex crimes isnt like getting a speeding ticket. Someone has to be really really sick to commit a sex crime especially against children.

It's well known that there is no cure for child molesters. Once out, they will reoffend again.

I recall reading a newspaper of a guy who was released from jail and 2 days later, he was caught red-handed by a cop who's been keeping an eye on him. The perv stuck his hand in the girl's underwear when the cop busted him and he ran. Didn't get very far as the cop had the taser on hand and nailed him.

Is that man a level 3 sex offender? If he is, it means he rapes children out of pure instinct, Meaning he puts no thought into it, he just do it.

one of the sex offenders in my area moved away because of all the harassment from his neighbors. if he left the house without a group of family members to protect him, he would get beaten. so he moved back to NY....

another offender around here: guy was in his late 50's,(59 i think) the girl was 12 when he started molesting her. they had a child. they are now married and the child they had together is now 13...
Erm.. What does you mean by that? Because I know that it means for having a speed ticket but... explain please.

When I say "citation needed" it means that I want sources, something that has been researched by professionals (with credentials) that backs up your claim.

one of the sex offenders in my area moved away because of all the harassment from his neighbors. if he left the house without a group of family members to protect him, he would get beaten. so he moved back to NY....

another offender around here: guy was in his late 50's,(59 i think) the girl was 12 when he started molesting her. they had a child. they are now married and the child they had together is now 13...

Now that's farked up.

Isn't it a well-known fact that the majority of victims were molested/raped by a relative/family friend/friend? Even if there is a sex offender living in your area, you are highly unlikely to be victimized. Unless he is a serial rapist.

People have to be realistic, there is a large, and I mean large number of sex offenders and potential sex offenders out there. They can't all be accounted for because many has not been convicted of such a crime or even accused of to start with.

The important thing is, be aware of that person and make sure your children are safe. However, I strongly advise against rallying and making the sex offender's life a living hell because you may end up regretting your actions.

Your emotions can get the best of you if you let it take control of you.
Isn't it a well-known fact that the majority of victims were molested/raped by a relative/family friend/friend? Even if there is a sex offender living in your area, you are highly unlikely to be victimized. Unless he is a serial rapist.

People have to be realistic, there is a large, and I mean large number of sex offenders and potential sex offenders out there. They can't all be accounted for because many has not been convicted of such a crime or even accused of to start with.

The important thing is, be aware of that person and make sure your children are safe. However, I strongly advise against rallying and making the sex offender's life a living hell because you may end up regretting your actions.

Your emotions can get the best of you if you let it take control of you.

Great post, it's better to learn how to control of yourself and keep eye on them instead of make their life so difficult. :gpost:

I hope they wouldn't interfere your life or your families' life and I have never live in neighborhood that closer to sex offenders.
I have never gotten a notice or anything, but when the link was put up last night I checked it.

I found out a registered sex offender lives next door to me.

I also read that his crime was in 1988 and involved an adult. He is just an average grandfather.

I wonder do these people stay on the registry for life?
Child Molester Statistics

"The serial killer has the same personality characteristics as the sex offender against children"
-Dr. Mace Knapp, Nevada State Prison Psychologist.

• "There are 400,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, and an estimated 80 to 100,000 of them are missing. They're supposed to be registered, but we don't know where they are and we don't know where they're living.
- Ernie Allen, President of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Childrento co-anchor Hannah Storm on The Early Show

• The most serious and chronic offenders often show signs of antisocial behavior as early as the preschool years.
- (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) (was in Juvenile Justice Bulletin: Nov 1998 OJJDP: U.S. Department of Justice)

• Dr. Gene Abel estimates that between 1% and 5% of our population molest children
-CNN Specials Transcript #454-Thieves of Childhood.

• Nearly all the offenders in sexual assaults reported to law enforcement were male (96%).
- Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement, 7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• Overall, 23% of sexual assault offenders were under the 18 and 77% were adults - Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• 40% of the offenders of victims under age 6 were themselves juveniles. A similar proportion (39%) of offenders of victims ages 6 through 11 were also juveniles. For older juvenile victims, the proportion of juvenile offenders dropped to 27%.
- Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

•Adults were the offender in 60% of the sexual assaults of youth under age 12. Rarely were the offenders of young victims strangers. Strangers were the offender in just 3% of sexual assaults against victims under age 6 and 5% of the sexual assault of victimizations of youth ages 6 through 11.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,
7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• 1 in 5 violent offenders serving time in a state prison reported having victimized a child.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• 2/3 of all prisoners convicted of rape or sexual assault had committed their crime against a child.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Acquaintance perpetrators are the most common abusers, constituting approximately 70-90% of all reported perpetrators.
-Finkelhor, D. 1994.

• 89% of child sexual assault cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance.
-Diana Russell Survey, 1978

• 29% of child sexual abuse offenders are relatives, 60% are acquaintances, and only 11% are strangers.
-Diana Russell, The Secret Trauma, NY:Basic Books, 1986.

• For the vast majority of child victimizers in State prison, the victim was someone they knew before the crime. 1/3 had committed their crime against their own child, about 1/2 had a relationship with the victim as a friend, acquaintance, or relative other than offspring, about 1 in 7 reported the victim to have been a stranger to them.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• 3/4 of the violent victimizations of children took place in either the victim's home or the offenders home.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Males are reported to be the abusers in 80-95% of cases
-Thoringer, D., et al., 1988.

• About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
-Mendel, 1993.

• All but 3% of offenders who committed violent crimes against children were male.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

•The typical offender is male, begins molesting by age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense.
-Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study.

• Offenders who had victimized a child were on average 5 years older than the violent offenders who had committed their crimes against adults. Nearly 25% of child victimizers were age 40 or older, but about 10% of the inmates with adult victims fell in that range.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• 71% of male offenders are under the age of 35.
-Dr. Ann Burges, Dr. Nicholas Groth, et al. in a study of imprisoned offenders.

• 3/4 of sexual predators are younger than 35. About 80% are of normal intelligence or above.
-Profiles from the FBI Academy and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

• Though officially, not considered abuse, the highest incidence of incest occurs among siblings.
-Waterman & Lusk, 1986.

• Many clinical settings currently are witnessing a dramatic increase in the number of adolescent offenders who have committed sexually aggressive acts against other children.
-Conte, Jon R., 1986.

• While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Inmates who victimized children were less likely than other inmates to have a prior criminal record-nearly 1/3 of child victimizers had never been arrested prior to the current offense, compared to less than 20% of those who victimized adults.
--BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Violent child victimizers were substantially more likely than those with adult victims to have been physically or sexually abused when they were children..
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• 50% of reported child molestations involve the use of physical force and child molesters produce as much visible physical injury as rapists-39% of victims.
-Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study.

• About 14% of child victimizers carried a weapon during the violent crime, compared to nearly 1/2 of those who victimized adults.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• About 10% of violent offenders with child victims received life or death sentences and the average prison term was 11 years, somewhat shorter average sentences than received by those with adult victims.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• More than 1/2 of all convicted sex offenders are sent back to prison within a year. Within 2 years, 77.9% are back.
-California Department of Corrections.

• Recidivism rates range from 18-45%. The more violent the crime the more likelihood of repeating.
-Studies by the state of Washington.

• 3 in 10 child victimizers reported that they had committed their crimes against multiple victims: they were more likely than those who victimized adults to have had multiple victims.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

• Like rape, child molestation is one of the most underreported crimes: only 1-10% are ever disclosed.
-FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.

• The behavior is highly repetitive, to the point of compulsion, rather than resulting from a lack of judgment.
-Dr. Ann Burges, Dr. Nicholas Groth, et al. in a study of imprisoned offenders.

Source: Pedophile and Child Molester Statistics - Yello Dyno
Another one...

"The serial killer has the same personality characteristics as the sex offender against children"
-Dr. Mace Knapp, Nevada State Prison Psychologist

Abel & Harlow Child Molestation Prevention Study (2001)
Findings and conclusions of a study of 4,007 adults, ages 18 to 95, who admitted that they had sexually molested one or several children.

Office of Juveniile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
These two lengthy studies provide a wealth of information: Child Molesters, A Behavioral Analysis (2001); and Child Molesters Who Abduct Children, Summary of the Case in Point Series (1995).

Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement, 7/00, NCJ 182990, USDOJ: Complete report

Child Molester Statistics from Child Protections LifeTips. Taken from the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Female Sex Offenders - Texas Department of Health Services

Juvenile Sex Offenders - various sources

• Many child molesters know their victims. Some stalk their victims, observing their habits as they walk to and from school. They often try to buy houses near schools or parks.

• Pedophiles have a strong, almost irresistible, desire to have sex with children. The average pedophile molests 260 victims during their lifetime. Over 90% of convicted pedophiles are arrested again for the same offense after their release from prison.

• The best protection is to help your children learn to resist unwanted advances and to learn about threats in your neighborhood.


• "There are 400,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, and an estimated 80 to 100,000 of them are missing. They're supposed to be registered, but we don't know where they are and we don't know where they're living.
- Ernie Allen, President of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Childrento co-anchor Hannah Storm on The Early Show

• The most serious and chronic offenders often show signs of antisocial behavior as early as the preschool years.
- American Psychiatric Association, 1994; was in Juvenile Justice Bulletin: Nov 1998 OJJDP: U.S. Department of Justice

• Dr. Gene Abel estimates that between 1% and 5% of our population molest children.
- CNN Specials Transcript #454-Thieves of Childhood.

• Nearly all the offenders in sexual assaults reported to law enforcement were male (96%).
- Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement, 7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• Overall, 23% of sexual assault offenders were under the 18 and 77% were adults.
- Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement, 7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• 40% of the offenders of victims under age 6 were themselves juveniles. A similar proportion (39%) of offenders of victims ages 6 through 11 were also juveniles. For older juvenile victims, the proportion of juvenile offenders dropped to 27%.
- Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement, 7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

•Adults were the offender in 60% of the sexual assaults of youth under age 12. Rarely were the offenders of young victims strangers. Strangers were the offender in just 3% of sexual assaults against victims under age 6 and 5% of the sexual assault of victimizations of youth ages 6 through 11.
-Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement, 7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

• 1 in 5 violent offenders serving time in a state prison reported having victimized a child.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• 2/3 of all prisoners convicted of rape or sexual assault had committed their crime against a child.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• Acquaintance perpetrators are the most common abusers, constituting approximately 70-90% of all reported perpetrators.
- Finkelhor, D. 1994

• 89% of child sexual assault cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance.
- Diana Russell Survey, 1978

• 29% of child sexual abuse offenders are relatives, 60% are acquaintances, and only 11% are strangers.
- Diana Russell, The Secret Trauma, NY:Basic Books, 1986

• For the vast majority of child victimizers in State prison, the victim was someone they knew before the crime. 1/3 had committed their crime against their own child, about 1/2 had a relationship with the victim as a friend, acquaintance, or relative other than offspring, about 1 in 7 reported the victim to have been a stranger to them.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• 3/4 of the violent victimizations of children took place in either the victim's home or the offenders home.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• Males are reported to be the abusers in 80-95% of cases
-Thoringer, D., et al., 1988

• About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
- Mendel, 1993

• All but 3% of offenders who committed violent crimes against children were male.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

•The typical offender is male, begins molesting by age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense.
- Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study

• Offenders who had victimized a child were on average 5 years older than the violent offenders who had committed their crimes against adults. Nearly 25% of child victimizers were age 40 or older, but about 10% of the inmates with adult victims fell in that range.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• 71% of male offenders are under the age of 35.
- Dr. Ann Burges, Dr. Nicholas Groth, et al. in a study of imprisoned offenders

• 3/4 of sexual predators are younger than 35. About 80% are of normal intelligence or above.
- Profiles from the FBI Academy and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

• Though officially, not considered abuse, the highest incidence of incest occurs among siblings.
- Waterman & Lusk, 1986

• Many clinical settings currently are witnessing a dramatic increase in the number of adolescent offenders who have committed sexually aggressive acts against other children.
- Conte, Jon R., 1986

• While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• Inmates who victimized children were less likely than other inmates to have a prior criminal record-nearly 1/3 of child victimizers had never been arrested prior to the current offense, compared to less than 20% of those who victimized adults.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• Violent child victimizers were substantially more likely than those with adult victims to have been physically or sexually abused when they were children.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• 50% of reported child molestations involve the use of physical force and child molesters produce as much visible physical injury as rapists-39% of victims.
- Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study

• About 14% of child victimizers carried a weapon during the violent crime, compared to nearly 1/2 of those who victimized adults.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• About 10% of violent offenders with child victims received life or death sentences and the average prison term was 11 years, somewhat shorter average sentences than received by those with adult victims.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• More than 1/2 of all convicted sex offenders are sent back to prison within a year. Within 2 years, 77.9% are back.
- California Department of Corrections

• Recidivism rates range from 18-45%. The more violent the crime the more likelihood of repeating.
- Studies by the state of Washington

• 3 in 10 child victimizers reported that they had committed their crimes against multiple victims: they were more likely than those who victimized adults to have had multiple victims.
- BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991

• Like rape, child molestation is one of the most underreported crimes: only 1-10% are ever disclosed.
- FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

• The behavior is highly repetitive, to the point of compulsion, rather than resulting from a lack of judgment.
- Dr. Ann Burges, Dr. Nicholas Groth, et al. in a study of imprisoned offenders

Source: Pedophile and Child Molester Statistics - Yello Dyno
The typical offender is male, begins molesting by age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense.

-Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study.

I'll like to know how they conducted this study. An average of 117 youngsters is a whopping big number and would be somewhat difficult for one to get away with it. But child molesters are highly skilled at manipulating a child into being submissive to one's orders.
A patient serial molester is far more dangerous than a impatient one.
I'll like to know how they conducted this study. An average of 117 youngsters is a whopping big number and would be somewhat difficult for one to get away with it. But child molesters are highly skilled at manipulating a child into being submissive to one's orders.

Oh they do get caught in between. Alot of them that get sentenced is usually months to a few years. They get out, move away and start over at molesting before they get caught again.

Rinse and repeat.

Unless you read the sources for yourself, I would not be citing them over a public forum. Every paper out there has a bias, and I can already see a few. Especially in regard to female rapists, considering we have a social stigma against males perceiving female sexual advances in such manner.

So, go and sit down and read through them. :) Anyone can come up with a list of sources to support their skewed view, but very few people actually read the material.
Oh they do get caught in between. Alot of them that get sentenced is usually months to a few years. They get out, move away and start over at molesting before they get caught again.

Rinse and repeat.


Yeah, I'm aware of that. But I'm not really talking about that. I'm talking about the claim that the typical offender molest around an average of 117 youngsters.

What is the "typical" offender? Serial or rapists/molesters in general? The reason why I'm asking a question is because I recall reading that a rapist who is convicted of a sexual offense is more than likely to be a serial criminal rather than a serial rapist afterward.
I think the point of this thread is that we need to be vigilant and not let our guard go down just because we live in a "nice neighborhood" or "we are miles from anyone else". As mentioned, most offenders are a person the child knows such as a coach, a family member in some cases, as well as a neighbor that allows all the neighborhood kids to come over. Sometimes it could even be a minister.

You just have to watch for signs of changed behavior in your child. Don't think just because your child is a teen means they can take care of themselves. A teen may feel too ashamed or embarrassed about the incident to tell anyone about it and so they live with it for months, maybe even years, before they break down from the emotional stress.