Service dogs for CI users and deaf people

Cats & dogs even know the sound of your car and will be waiting by the door or looking out the window before you even pull in the driveway.

One time we got back from a fest, and we were waiting by the door. The window onto the porch was open. (we had closed off the porch so the cats couldn't escape) Suddenly from the window we heard someone crying excititly............"MEOW! MEOW! MEOW! MEOW!!!!"
I don't think that you should have to worry about your opinion. You are very respectful.

I think, and this is just my opinion only and from my thoughts only, that people who were born deaf and raised in the awareness of what they need and such, have it easier than those who are wither late-deafened or did not have the awareness of products or such available to them...

I feel I was in that latter category: born deaf without the awareness of products available to me. Once I was on my own, I found I did not have all of the "tools I needed for some major life functions" that people who are "D"eaf or hearing seem to have. Whenever I tried getting technology to accomodate my short-comings, I got heat from family and "friends" when they had to "put up with it". For example, I found out how "inconvenient" it was for a hearing person to try to watch TV with captioning. I was worried about getting a service dog to assist me with those sounds, but apparently that was ok.

Then, there is another ADer (I will not name names as I do not want to start another problem), who was born with I think a severe to profound loss. Even though she had another family member who was deaf, this person was not raised in the Deaf community. However, this person was able to get involved in the Deaf community at a much younger age than I did, and was able to devote more time than I have been able to. This person may not need as much as I do since this person has some hearing with the use of HA's.

If the ADer you will not name is me, please let me know (if so I think there are a few discrepancies :lol: ). Don't worry about me; I will not take offense or fly off the handle. Often times, my psychological view on things allows me to see things how they were intended versus how they might be preceived. I think that's why I was given a name sign of "GRACE/GRACEFUL" since physically I am not graceful, but how I react is. Funny thing is, my name in Aramaic means "GAZELLE" or "GRACEFUL". Ok I am getting off topic again, someone slap me so I can think straight.
I don't think that you should have to worry about your opinion. You are very respectful.

I was lucky in the fact that my family has never minded the CC turned on with the television. It worked out as a positive since that is how my daughter learned to read. Also, my son has a moderate-severe hearing loss as well.

And no, the person I was referring to was not you. It was a person who has been on AD for a long time.

Now, for your final request - :slap: - now back on track!! :giggle:
The only time I can see having a problem when we get into the new house and after my mother is gone is for me to know when the washer or dryer are done. I still have not gotten a vibrating timer for myself and I know I need to do that. Luckily, I am getting all the other signalers in my house for the doorbell, telephone, smoke alarm, fire alarm and door knocking for bedroom.

I think, and this is just my opinion only and from my thoughts only, that people who were born deaf and raised in the awareness of what they need and such, have it easier than those who are wither late-deafened or did not have the awareness of products or such available to them. If I take a member of my Deaf club. She was born with a profound hearing loss to hearing parents. They had knowledge of the Deaf community and therefore, she was raised in the Deaf community and taught what she needed to know about daily life in the house and about town. Then I compare that to me. I was born with a hearing loss and at age 41 lost what little I had so that I am now total deaf. I never had the education of Deaf community or Deaf awareness. I am learning it in my adult years. Some things I have been able to deal with but others I have not been able to. Then, there is another ADer (I will not name names as I do not want to start another problem), who was born with I think a severe to profound loss. Even though she had another family member who was deaf, this person was not raised in the Deaf community. However, this person was able to get involved in the Deaf community at a much younger age than I did, and was able to devote more time than I have been able to. This person may not need as much as I do since this person has some hearing with the use of HA's. Three different cases and three different sets of needs in adult life. I do know of deaf with a CI who has a hearing dog and is training another hearing dog. That person feels they have a need for a hearing dog. I had thought it might be good for me, but I'm not so sure. Yes, I love dogs, but I know in my heart, that we would treat it more as a companion as opposed to a service dog, so, to that end, if we get a dog, maybe I will train it to hear for the dryer or washer, but still let it be a family pet and not a service dog.
Shel90?? :nono: So disappointing, to talk about people. :eek3:
Shel90?? :nono: So disappointing, to talk about people. :eek3:

I was not mentioning names at all. If I need to remove it, please let me know, but since other people quoted it, it will still show. That's why I did not mention names and when I was ask to clarify, I still did not mention a name.

Sometimes, I just can't win for losing.
I was not mentioning names at all. If I need to remove it, please let me know, but since other people quoted it, it will still show. That's why I did not mention names and when I was ask to clarify, I still did not mention a name.

Sometimes, I just can't win for losing.

You should remove it. You know that isn't nice.
I didn't see whose name was mentioned? What's going on?

Comparison of how much worse off one person is compared to another.

Along with the usual, "I will quit AD , please talk me out of it "manipulation in another thread.

Mrs. Bucket got it right about talking about others.
Feelings are not relative -- everyone has different feelings about everything.

But Mrs. Bucket got it right about talking about others? When has everyone NOT done that? Hmmm ...............................................................
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Feelings are not relative -- everyone has different feelings about everything.

But Mrs. Bucket got it right about talking about others? When has everyone NOT done that? Hmmm ...............................................................

You are right. I just can't take all the snarkiness tonight.
Feelings are not relative -- everyone has different feelings about everything.

But Mrs. Bucket got it right about talking about others? When has everyone NOT done that? Hmmm ...............................................................

Thats what I was thinking. Botts been railing Kristina the past year, nothing new.
Right. Like you and Grendel.

A bit different though. Grendel deliberately tries to obfuscate and such, I call her out on it. (Check out today, I did not reply, and many others picked her apart. I did not even have to do anything. Think about that one, sweets.)

You on the other hand just pick on Kristina whenever you can.
A bit different though. Grendel deliberately tries to obfuscate and such, I call her out on it. (Check out today, I did not reply, and many others picked her apart. I did not even have to do anything. Think about that one, sweets.)

You on the other hand just pick on Kristina whenever you can.

No. I go out of my way to try to be tolerant and supportive. Check my statistics and you can find far more positive than negative.