CI is very controversial (debatable)
I don't have a cochlear implant (CI), but as many of us know, there are pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages of CI. I'm hard-of-hearing with about 25 decibel hearing in the left ear and 15 decibel hearing in the right ear. I am fortunate that I have as audiologists say, perfect speech and others say "according to your hearing, your speech is fantastic! Here I go again, "Aww, gee! Thanks, heehee! Now with the aid of telephone amplifiers, I can carry normal conversations over the phone just as smooth and slick as any hearing person and anybody talking to me will never know I'm hearing impaired. Okay, if somebody asked me, "If you were deaf child, would you choose CI?" Whoa! Let's put this question off until later. I have this to say before answering that question... A deaf man who is a friend of mine had CI performed on him. He had it removed 1 week later following surgery, because he did not like the noise! The sounds of a woman's high heel shoes, or any clacking sounds or just practically any sound annoyed him. He was born deaf.
Another deaf man who was deafened by middle age just got his CI and he was happy. Well, he had normal hearing to begin with during his early life until after he was married. I don't know how he lost his hearing, maybe it had something to do with his wife having such a crush on him, I don't know! (humor) But anyway, it seems that those who had hearing to begin with and lost it later in life probably would benefit "getting hearing back again". I liked Heather's informational post, but as some say, it may be (or is) outdated because technology is better now.
I'm sorry, but I agree with ‘eternity' on one thing, .... let the child grow old enough to make his/her own decision after given full information including pros and cons of cochlear implants. That question, "If you were a CHILD, would you choose CI? Excuse me, small children cannot decide for themselves until they are old enough to fully understand issues. I personally don't approve the idea of parents deciding cochlear implants for their child. It is a form of force against freedom of choice! I would not want to be "shoved" into CI against my will when I am not old enough to decide for myself, because it is MY BODY! And to put it in a strong way, I would feel exactly as Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death! That's my feeling! I strongly believe that every child and every person on this land, USA, should have freedom of choice as long as there is no life threatening situation. CI is a choice, but leave it to the child to decide! And as that informational post Heather shared that CI had very little or no benefit to implanted children.
One man born deaf did not like CI, another did and was happy, CI implanted children showed little or no progress or a lot of progress depends on the individual and that sounds like gambling. Some win (worked well) and some don't. With CI, I still don't like the gamble nor would I want CI for myself had I lost the remaining hearing I have.
By the way, besides peeves with electromagnetic fields at workplaces, automated doors for wheelchair persons, airport check-in, etc. what are the pros and cons for implanted humans going into showers, swimming pools, heavy rainstorms, falling into a snow bank, shampooing hair and so forth? I'm curious.
Bullymom, are you for CI? In case you are, please don't assimilate me!