Summary of opinions against cochlear implants
Several implanted children derive little or no benefit from the implantation even after long auditory therapy, so they do not in fact gain enough access to language at the critical age for language acquisition using the oral method.
Due to the length of therapy, some children, who might benefit from CI, may realize the benefit only after they passed the critical age for language acquisition using the oral method.
Invasive surgical procedure, which has its risks.
Possible risks include dizziness and very mild form of eczema.
People who are implanted face risk from very strong magnetic fields (due either to pulling of magnetizable metals by the magnetic field or to induction currents from time-varying magnetic fields). Thus they cannot safely work at jobs which require working with very strong magnetic fields (such as practicing some fields of experimental physics).
The MRI non-invasive medical examination method is dangerous to people with implants, due to its usage of very strong magnetic fields.
The long-range Safety of the procedure in children was not conclusively established, especially the long-range effects, and in particular, the effect of the child's growth on positioning of the implant in the cochlea.
Implanting a child may cause his parents and teachers to neglect more traditional (and successful) methods of deaf education, in the mistaken belief that the child can be considered to be "hearing".
The implanted child is being 'married' for life to a group of medical experts who will monitor his cochlear implant operation and adjust his speech processor.
The implanted child would have the non-healthy self-concept of having had something wrong with his body, which was (partially, because cochlear implants are not perfect substitute to normal hearing) fixed - rather than having the healthy self-concept of a proud Deaf.
An implanted child is liable to being labeled or teased, due to his being special in having an implant in his ear and carrying a signal processor on his person.
(Information is up to date as of November 1993.)
Statements in favor of cochlear implants
It is possible to overcome several negative after-effects of cochlear implants by the following means:
Sensitivity to various electrical and magnetic fields - by using non-ferrous materials in the implanted electrode, and by using the right kind of geometries.
Psychological effects of implants - by ensuring that the implanted child and his family receive psychological counselling.
Disappointment - by ensuring that one does not expect too much from the implant.
Inability to benefit from the operation - by careful screening of candidates for cochlear implanting, and not implanting those who have very little chance of benefitting.
Malfunctioning electrode - by explanting the electrode and re-implanting another electrode (it is possible!).
Ensure that the people involved are well-informed and can give informed consent to the procedure. The people involved should be familiar with both sides of the situation.
General Anesthesia is always a risk.
Surgery. No matter how slight, all surgery carries a risk factor.
Risk that the CI child will not learn spoken English well. Learning spoken English is extremely difficult for any deaf child, regardless of method of intervention.
Risk that such child, in turn, will not learn ASL well. Demands in terms of time and effort may unwittingly preclude mastery of ANY language.
Risk in delay in accepting deafness on part of child and family.
Risk in the unknown. To use an argument others have advanced before, Dow-Corning quit making silicone breast implants.
Deafness is not life-threatening. There is no evidence that the implant must be done while the child is young. The surgery is not life-saving.
Decisions are made by families wishing the child to be "normal."
The child may turn out to be neither culturally deaf nor culturally hearing. There are plenty of living examples.
There is no evidence of material benefit to the deaf population.
There is no evidence that speech perception is enhanced.
There is no evidence that the implant enhances acquisition of language.
There is no evidence that children with the implant will enjoy greater educational success.
There is even evidence that, in profoundly deaf children, conventional amplification enhances speech perception better than the CI.
Invasive surgery should be reserved for life-threatening situations, not simple life enhancements.
Offered the choice, knowledgable adults overwhelmingly reject the implant.
Decisions are made for defenseless children when long-term effects are still unknown.
The surgery makes a life-time commitment for the child.
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