Sept. 11, 2001

Know what? Sept 14, 2001 3 days after 9-11 I got back to work, then came outside during lunch break, it was darn beautiful day and I look in sky, not even one speck of cloud, I find it strange! Not even one plane in sight. I remember there isn't even single commercial airplane up there for 10 days, only military planes and emergency helicopters. that is it.

That sounds strange, DHB - not a single commerical airplane in the sky... I wouldn't know what happened next...
FAA resume commercial airline 10 days after 9-11, starting with smaller plane only, gradually larger airplane is permitted.

I was close to being stuck in Los Angeles, or somewhere between LA and NY! I got back home exactly 48 hours before twin tower was struck.

That sounds strange, DHB - not a single commerical airplane in the sky... I wouldn't know what happened next...
That sounds strange, DHB - not a single commerical airplane in the sky... I wouldn't know what happened next...

yes right! one friend of mine from Ohio. He told me same with diehardbiker stories, no flight and no one speck of cloud.. He feel soooo different, just first time saw.
I am very sad about it happened. *shake my head*
I remember this sad day 6 years ago. It was night time here about 10.30 pm and we are 12 hours in front of New York time. I just had a shower and then went into the bedroom to put on my pj, my hubby was standing at the door way making the hands movement like bomb going off and pointing at the TV. He also look shocked in his face. So I came over to the TV to see what he is going on about. He explained to me what is happening and then soon after, we saw the second plane hit the other tower. We both were shocked and we keep watching the live news until about 1 am. Every channels on TV are showing the live news. I felt so sad and numb to see the people trapped at the top and see some people jumped out of the building. Then the both towers came down. It gave me tears in my eyes at the thoughts of all the people inside there. It was a terrible feeling that night. We went to bed feeling shocked and numbed.
Know what? Sept 14, 2001 3 days after 9-11 I got back to work, then came outside during lunch break, it was darn beautiful day and I look in sky, not even one speck of cloud, I find it strange! Not even one plane in sight. I remember there isn't even single commercial airplane up there for 10 days, only military planes and emergency helicopters. that is it.

I remember that. It was a beautiful sky, anyway.
Know what? Sept 14, 2001 3 days after 9-11 I got back to work, then came outside during lunch break, it was darn beautiful day and I look in sky, not even one speck of cloud, I find it strange! Not even one plane in sight. I remember there isn't even single commercial airplane up there for 10 days, only military planes and emergency helicopters. that is it.

Yup, all airport stations are closed after happened and reopened after several days.
I remember about Sept 11, it was happened when I was at middle school and we watch on tv all day and discuss about what happen with Sept 11, that's really horrible, for sure. There's no homework or classwork, just only watch on tv, that all, also it has remain for 1 week about happen on breaking news.
Define this one, please? Middle East is pretty big, it covered Egypt to Pakistan including Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain. Those countries that I listed are our best allies in Middle East. And they celebrated?

I'm pretty picky on the geography since Miss Teen South Carolina's geography crisis. I'm not going to surprise if someone don't know where is Iraq.

Sorry for the off-topic. Now, back to this topic.

Oh yup, not all middle east are bad and anti-america.

Israsl, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt and UAE (Dubai) aren't bad but few does still enforce sharia law.
My 9/11 Activities

I had been out all night drinking and having fun with friends. Got home and couldn't really sleep. I was watching the morning news shows when regular programming was interupted. After watching everything in real time, I absorbed enough to change the channel. There was a reminder of the day's events on every channel. Some channels turned over their broadcasting to national broadcasters.

I went to sleep at 10:30am.

I went on a date later that day. On the way to the restaurant, we'd stopped at a bar. Every channel had shown the President of the United States. We'd watched him deliver his cowboy justice speech before continuing our walk.

We'd gone to dine at Mona's, a Middle Eastern restaurant. There were only two tables taken besides me and my date. Over the course of the dinner, I'd asked the waitress where she was from. She went off to the back and returned saying, "Jerusalem." I didn't ask for more information.

After the date, I'd gone out to the bars, theatres, and other distractions. Everything was about the day's events. I'd probably saw the towers get hit and fall hundreds of times per hour. "Experts" with reporters were grabbing the limelight to offer their professional opinion(s)/observation(s). I'd begun to tune them out. It was mostly speculation with a very slow flow of facts.

Not too long after 9/11, Mona's (one of two locations in my city) was a victim of a "hate crime." Vandals had spray painted racial slurs, broke windows and set the restaurant on fire. It turns out that the waitress and her family were Palestinians from Jerusalem.

In southern Louisiana, the cajuns are often called coon-asses. Since 9/11, we've begun calling the Arabs "dune coons."
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Six years ago

I was in college and studying for a test outside the ASL lab when a lady came down and said that a plane had hit a building in NYC. I immediately thought that it was a single engine plane that had gone off course or something like that. I couldn't believe that it was a military plane or commercial jet with the background of most pilots. Few people had cell phones then, so updates just trickled in.

It took my school until 10AM to cancel classes and order a campus-wide evacuation. The nightmare was just beginning. SAC is within two miles of three major hospitals and four major freeways. What was normally a ten-minute drive to the highway became a one-hour plus ordeal since there were almost 10,000 vehicles leaving the school and heading for home.

Once I got home I watched TV all day trying to understand what happened. The news kept getting worse as the day went on. People didn't know what was going to happen next. A few weeks after 9/11, more folks died when anthrax showed up in their mail.

People were on pins and needles for months. My father had to get a physical at the base hospital during Desert Storm and I thought that he and my brothers would get called back into the Army. I couldn't concentrate on my classes. It was such a tough semester that I quit school for nine months.

:topic: (just a little) Last Saturday was Military Appreciation Day at UK. I was making my final rounds when I saw three hundred GIs formed up in one of my parking lots. A drill instructor told me that they were basic trainees from Fort Knox. I checked my buildings and stopped to watch this massive column of troops march toward the stadium. It sent chills down my spine and brought back memories from thirty years ago. They all looked so very young. I wondered how many will wind up over there or six feet under. It started with 9/11. When will it end?
I was in college and studying for a test outside the ASL lab when a lady came down and said that a plane had hit a building in NYC. I immediately thought that it was a single engine plane that had gone off course or something like that. I couldn't believe that it was a military plane or commercial jet with the background of most pilots. Few people had cell phones then, so updates just trickled in.

It took my school until 10AM to cancel classes and order a campus-wide evacuation. The nightmare was just beginning. SAC is within two miles of three major hospitals and four major freeways. What was normally a ten-minute drive to the highway became a one-hour plus ordeal since there were almost 10,000 vehicles leaving the school and heading for home.

Once I got home I watched TV all day trying to understand what happened. The news kept getting worse as the day went on. People didn't know what was going to happen next. A few weeks after 9/11, more folks died when anthrax showed up in their mail.

People were on pins and needles for months. My father had to get a physical at the base hospital during Desert Storm and I thought that he and my brothers would get called back into the Army. I couldn't concentrate on my classes. It was such a tough semester that I quit school for nine months.

:topic: (just a little) Last Saturday was Military Appreciation Day at UK. I was making my final rounds when I saw three hundred GIs formed up in one of my parking lots. A drill instructor told me that they were basic trainees from Fort Knox. I checked my buildings and stopped to watch this massive column of troops march toward the stadium. It sent chills down my spine and brought back memories from thirty years ago. They all looked so very young. I wondered how many will wind up over there or six feet under. It started with 9/11. When will it end?

When will it end? Did you said when will it end? Oh, come on. I should be in the Marine Corps by now if I can. I'm nineteen. I should have to join the Marine Corps at eighteen years old but not. So, show some respect for the military and country for God's sake. :pissed: You should be proud to see them marching toward the stadium. Not chilling down your spine. Thirty years ago....that's 1977. What's up with 1977? Vietnam War were official over in April 30, 1975 when the last Marine left Vietnam.
When will it end? Did you said when will it end? Oh, come on. I should be in the Marine Corps by now if I can. I'm nineteen. I should have to join the Marine Corps at eighteen years old but not. So, show some respect for the military and country for God's sake. :pissed: You should be proud to see them marching toward the stadium. Not chilling down your spine. Thirty years ago....that's 1977. What's up with 1977? Vietnam War were official over in April 30, 1975 when the last Marine left Vietnam.

You're nineteen and I'm forty-seven. I was talking about Iraq when I asked, 'when will it end?' I have nothing but respect for those in service now. They're doing a hell of a job under circumstances that few can completely understand. My family has a combined fifty years on active duty. Mom is the only person in my immediate family that hasn't been in the military. Something about planes flying over her home that Sunday morning long ago and what happened after that.

My math is a little off. It's been just 27 years since I was in basic training or boot camp (Nov 79-Jan 80). My memories of those ten weeks and watching the DIs and GIs is what gave me the chills. I haven't seen a movie yet that gets it right and it's hard to put that experience into words. Forget the trainees. Even the drill instructors looked like they were young enough to be my nieces and nephews.

You're right about Nam ending in '75, but the US was out of there in '73. I can remember watching TV as POWs came off planes, fell to their knees, kissed American soil, and met their families. Here's a link for more info.

Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia