Sept. 11, 2001


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Nov 20, 2004
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Here is what I remember about today six years ago:

It was a very beautiful September day. However, I did not realize that it would be my generation's "Where were you when JFK was shot?" day. I went to high school for yet another day of 11th grade. First, I went to my theology class. Then, I went to Spanish where we conjugated a verb into 5 verbs tenses. As my class started our warm-up, our life was being changed forever. However, we did not realize what was happening in NYC until the whole school was informed during homeroom. The principal informed everyone about the WTC. I looked around my homeroom and everyone was very shocked. Homeroom ended and everyone went to third period. I had U.S. History during third period. The teacher told the class that the government have a place to hide underground. We continue the day's lesson. The next two periods, I had chemistry but I do not remember the teacher saying about the day's events. Then, Lunch had come. I believe the other students were talking about the events but I do not remember. Then, it was time for my math class. The teacher told the class that a plane went into the Pentagon. She asked the class to pray and we continue to pray at the beginning of class for a week. Eighth period, I was in English and I was studying American Literature that year. My English teacher talked to the class about the day's events. Then we continued the day's lesson. Finally, I had French class. We worked on the basic conversation words. Around 2:30 pm, we were told that we were going home 15 minutes early. All day, we heard "so-so come to the main office." My high school did lose 3 alumni that day. However, the students did not lose any parents on that fateful day. I was very :Ohno: about my dad in NYC during school, but he was ok. My sister and her two sons (Bobby age 3.5 and Matthew 14 months to day) came over.

What do you remember about six years old?
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Have You Forgotten

Written by Darryl Worley and Wynn Varble​

I hear people saying we don't need this war
I say there's some things worth fighting for
What about our freedom and this piece of ground?
We didn't get to keep 'em by backing down
They say we don't realize the mess we're getting in
Before you start preaching
Let me ask you this my friend

Have you forgotten how it felt that day
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away?
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside
Going through a living hell
And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

They took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbing for you and me
It'll just breed anger that's what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it every day
Some say this country's just out looking for a fight
After 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right

Have you forgotten how it felt that day
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away?
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside
Going through a living hell
And we vowed to get the ones behind Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

I've been there with the soldiers
Who've gone away to war
And you can bet that they remember
Just what they're fighting for

Have you forgotten all the people killed?
Yes, some went down like heroes in that Pennsylvania field
Have you forgotten about our Pentagon?
All the loved ones that we lost
And those left to carry on
Don't you tell me not to worry 'bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten?
Have you forgotten?
I remeber that day very clearly. It was a beautiful day. I got up and got ready for work. I droped my son off at the babysitter and walked over to the El. about 1/3 of the way to downtown I heard a woman talking on her cell phone. I heard her say that she hoped her mom was ok, she was flying out of New York that morning. I got an instant bad feeling in my stomach that something very bad happened. I got off at my stop and walked the 2 blocks to work. I got my starbucks as always and hopped on the elevator to work. I worked on the 42nd floor of the building right accross the street from the Sears Tower. As soon as I got off the elevator I saw everyone standing in front of the TV from the conference room and that's when I saw it. I will never forget the horror I felt. If they hit the WTC why wouldn't they hit the Sears Tower and I was right next to it. I was so scared. I was also paniced because my husband was on is last legg of his motorcycle trip and I didn't expect him home till that evening. I felt alone and scared. No one was working. Everyone was just standing there staring at the horrific pictures on the TV. Everyone was silent. An hour later the security department of the office building made an announcement that the building was being evacuated. Everyone in Downtown Chicago was ordered to go home. Now I was scared because I had to ride the public transportation home. If they had not problems destroying a building, what would they do the the transportaion? It was the longest 1/2 hr ride home in my life. I almost ran from the El station to the babysitter's house. I couldn't give a bigger hug to my son. I was crying. After talking about it with the babysitter for 15 minutes I took him home and sat and waited for my husband. He arrived 3 hours earlier than I expected him. He said there wasn't a cop in the world that would have pulled him over for speeding becuause they were all pulling over box trucks and semis and inspecting them on the sides of the highways and roads. It's a day I will NEVER forget.
I was sleeping till 1pm. I woke up and went downstair to see my aunt. My aunt said something to me. I couldn't understand her because I left my hearing aid upstair. So she gave up and point her finger to the TV. I looked at the TV and saw WTC went down. I thought it was a movie then I realized it WASN'T. I gasped and ran upstair to watch my own TV. I tried to contact my ASL students to tell them the tutor class was cancel but the phone was soo jammed. Alot of people were trying to call everyone. I finally got one who is firewoman, her secretary told me that Colleen were gone to the city. I knew it from my heart and I thanked her. I stayed home and watch it repeatly all day and night. My friends paged me and emailed me to see if I was okay. I lived only an hour from the city.

My best friend Mary were in the city when it happened. Mary told me the story the day of 9/11. She was in the city for her an appt. She was at the hospital and the nurse were working on her. Mary heard alot of sirens that kept pass and pass. Then She heard (Oh Mary is hearing) the TV talking. She turned around and saw WTC were on fire. She was soo panicked bec her father was working in the city. She was worried abt her father. She told the nurse to get the wires off from her head (she had seizure and needed to get test). The nurse said 5 minutes then done. Mary kept saying take it off take it off. She gave up and let the nurse finish it. When it done, she took off and took a taxi to her father's work (her father worked at verizon phone company). The cars, bus, etc couldn't move for a few mins on the street. Mary paid the taxi then ran to her father's work. Finally she got there and saw her father, she grabbed him and cried. (They are so close) Her father said "Oh I am fine I am fine." Mary said "let go home!!!" They turned to watch TV and saw one of the building collaspe. She was so shaking and wanted to go home. So they finally left and walked to subway but it closed. They kept walking to the park where all the people to stay at to be safe. Hours and Hours later, finally subway, & local trains were running again. Ppl went home. Mary and her father went home and took shower to meet their family and beloved.

Mary told me that her father were supposed to have an appt to set up the phone or fix the phone NEARBY WTC but the appt were canceled. Also told me that her uncle was working NEARBY WTC, he escaped without any injuries.

I tried to get hold of her all day. I didnt KNOW she was in the city. I was stunned and relieved that three of them got home safe.
Mod Note:

This thread deserves to be 'sticky' and please do share your stories 6 yrs. ago today. Also, thread is being 'sticky' to dedicate for all that perished, to all that gave their lives in the line of duty and service, and for 'peace'.

When it happened, I was in the gym during the pep-rally. The principal at my school annouced that an airline plane has been hit World Trade Center. At first, I thought it was just a freak accident. A few minutes later, a second plane has been hit other WTC. I said, " now, New York City is being attacked by the terrorists" to my friend. He nodded.

One of my good long friends, her father was on WTC, 7th floor. He got out before WTC came down to Earth.
OH BOY!!!!!! It gave me a CHILL!!!!

The day I remembered when my son was ONLY ONLY 7 months old! He turned 7 months old on the 11th! Yes his birthday is February 11!

Anyway, during that time we had Wyndtell best friend paged me (it was PHUCKED UP big time with signals) She told me to go on News..I said what for? I was watching Emeril during that time and was feeding my son (breastfed). So I said oh allrighty, and turned to News and was SHOCKED! DHB was sick on that day and was asleep upstairs. I tried to tell him WTC down but he wasn't able to understand me. So we went out to store to get something and he came downstairs and saw TV...oohhhhh that what I was trying to tell him! I held my son TIGHT! It was UNBELIEVABLE!!! And it was SAD too! :(
Yeah everytime I remember it, it always get on my nerve. I remember that time I was freshmen, I woke up at early morning like 5, my mom didn't come out of her bedroom while she was supposed to drive me to school. I kept knocking on the door of her bedroom and no answer. I don't know what's wrong with her, I thought it was just my parent's relationship problem so I went take the city bus to school. My friends and I was chatting during the breakfast before the class begin, I was very tired and not really understand what my friends was talking about, they was talking about the airplane crash on NYC, I thought it was some of plane driver made mistake and crashed. Then I went to my class, I saw the television in the classroom, I notice there's two big buildings got smoking and fire. I asked my interpreter "What's going on there?", my interpreter explained to me, I was shocked. So that...
Yes I remember that day so clearly! I woke up at 7 AM to put clothes on and turned coffee on. I woke my son up and got him ready. He was only 2 years old at that time. I took him to therapy then came back and cleaned the apt.

Finally i went online and I got an email from my best friend. She said WE ARE BEING ATTACKED. WTC got hit by airplane!!! she said to go and watch tv so I turned tv on and to my horror .. the first wtc is on fire then watched their commentary then all of a sudden second airplane hit the second tower. I couldnt believe my own eyes!

I felt sick to my stomach and was scared for my son so I went back to therapy and picked my son up. They reassured me that nothing would happen to him. I said no i want him with me so we went to my moms in the country where we would be safe in case more terrorist attacks would happen?

we watched the news all day. we all talked about it. We all couldnt eat as we were in shock except TJ he didnt know and was hungry and played like there is nothing care in the world.. sigh.. we cried and prayed to God to watch over those who perished at WTC, Pentagon and the people that were in the airplane that went down in PA.

Indeed I will never forget that day- It will always be in my thoughts and my heart till i die.. May God bless those who perished in this horrible tragedy.. :(
I was at work in the morning. I went to the mini cafe at my work. Around 7 to 7:15 am mountain time, I order some breakfast and notice the big screen tv that the building is on fire. I thought they were making the movie. I talk with other worker and told me what happened and I saw the second plane hit the building on the tv. I can't eat my breakfast and felt sick in my stomach. So I stayed and watch the tv and saw the building goes down. I went back to my desk and told my worker what I saw on the tv. We all look up the internet on computer and watch the live feed on the computer.
Around lunch time we had to evauate the building, (I work for the govt) and we all wait outside for 30 minutes. At the end of my shift, I went home and watch the tv. It been going on for the whole day and I turned the tv off. I had enough to see the drama on the tv. One of my relative's best friend was in New York and she was at home sick. She was planning to go to work couple blocks away from WTC. She is not living in New York any more, she got better job offer in Baltimore, MD.
oh yea i never forget abt that.. i was in my bedroom, watched tv til my mom called me come in her bedroom, i was alike what for? so she showed me the tv. i was SHOCKED! gee! i was soo cry and sad to see the people got hurted and death there.. oh man! sigh!
i was working that day at community college bookstore and i was doing some book pricing and then i looked at my 2 co workers faces when they looked at each other and i knew something was wrong then one of my co worker told me about it they heard from the radio they had it on and one of my other co worker who knew sign language came in the back room after hearing the report on the radio and told me about it and i go OMG it was really shocking
and in the rest of the day all of us were so silent didn't talk much we were zombie-like
and i rode on the transit bus home little early than usual and my dad was already home we hug for 20 mins and i turn on the family room TV and watched what happened early that day

and the next day everywhere were CLOSED and i had day off from work
I will never forget that day.

I was staying over at friends house in rochester, ny. I was sleeping until 8 am?? ( not enough sleep on that night) I woke up and saw the t.v. on and looked around who was awake... Then I decided to go back to sleep somehow a friend of mine tapped my shoulders and said "look" "pointing at the t.v." so I looked and I didn't understand whats going on at first then I asked him "whats going on?" he told me and i was shocked to hear the news and watched the breaking news. I even spoke with other friends and families -- sharing news, too. Its really sad...

I will never forget that day.
This was truly one of the worst days of my life.

I live and work in the metro DC area. In September 2001, I actually worked IN the city, in Dupont Circle.

That particular morning, I was running pretty late for work. It was a friend of mine's birthday, and I remember that I spent a lot of time that morning putting together a package to mail to him with his birthday gifts inside. It took more time than I anticipated. To keep myself from being distracted, I actually did NOT have the morning news on that day, because otherwise, I'd be tempted to watch the news, rather than pack my friend's gifts.

Since I was running late, I decided that instead of taking the metro (subway) into the city like I normally did, I'd take a taxicab which, while vastly more expensive, was much faster, usually.

So I'm in my own little world that morning, reading through some papers for work, while being driven by the taxicab driver. It didn't even register on me that he was uncharacteristically silent (most cab drivers I'd hired tended to be pretty chatty). At one point, about halfway into the trip (I live about 7 miles outside the city), he turns to me and asks me what I thought about all the craziness going on in New York. I didn't have a CLUE what he was talking about, and made a joke like, "You mean something crazier than normal is going on?". That's when he began to fill me in on what he'd been listening to on the radio. He turned it up, so that I could hear it. I sat there in shock as I listened about the WTC towers being struck. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I immediately thought of friends and loved ones that lived in or near NYC, and wondered if any of them would've been in the Financial district that early in the day.

Now, any of you that live in cities that are near airports, you know that it's fairly customary to see planes flying fairly low as they make their approach or departure to/from the airport. DC is no exception; National Airport is VERY close to the city, and planes can be seen flying in and out of there all day long.

As the cabbie and I were talking, and listening to the radio about what was happening in NYC, we made our way closer and closer to the city. DC traffic is famously shitty, and this morning was no exception. But, at least, we had just made our turn onto Washington Blvd, off of I-395N, which takes you right by the Pentagon. I was relieved to finally make that exit, because traffic typically gets better, once you're off the interstate.

It was right about this time when a very loud and low rumble could be heard from our left (the west). As we crested a rise as part of the exit ramp, we could see very clearly a jetliner (American Airlines flight 77) bearing down on the Pentagon. It was coming in very fast, and very low. Technically, at that instant, there really wasn't a way to extrapolate the trajectory of the plane to see WHAT/WHERE it would land, I just knew with a fair degree of certainty that it was going to crash land. The cab driver looks back at me with terror in his eyes, and doesn't even manage to get out all the words: "They don't usually come in THAT low, do...?" before the plane smashed headlong into the side of the Pentagon. It actually flew over the very road we were driving on, not even a half mile ahead of us... it was a miracle that it didn't hit any cars on Washington Blvd. As it was, it managed to hit a few lights that lined the road.

Instantly, the slow-moving traffic came to a standstill. People were getting out of their cars, screaming, running up the street in some cases, to get a better look at the scene. It was simply awful. When the plane struck, a HUGH red-orage fireball launched itself into the sky, followed immediately by thick black smoke clouds. As some of the smoke cleared, you could see that there was definitely an impact hole in the side of the building.

Initially, I was not one of the people to get out of their cars. I sat there in stunned silence, not fully comprehending what I'd just seen. I know a LOT of people that work in the Pentagon, either as military personnel, or as contractors/civilians, etc. My boyfriend (then and now) works/worked for a government agency that often briefed the military at the Pentagon. He, himself, did it quite often. All I could think of at that moment was, "Please don't let him be there today. Please don't let him be there today."

Eventually, I DID get out of the taxicab. I looked at the woman in the car next to me. She had tears streaming down her face. We looked at one another, as if to say, "Did that just happen??" It finally occurred to me to try reaching Rob (my BF) on my cellphone, but nobody's cellphones were working. I could see people all around me trying to call someone, to no avail. I tried my mom in Virginia... no connection. At some point, I realized that I was crying, too. I hadn't even noticed. I DID notice a strange smell, though... yes, it was the smoke... but I finally realized that I was also smelling jet fuel. The combination of sights, sounds and smells was almost too much to process.

It didn't take long before we began to hear sirens. Since traffic was pretty much at a standstill, all the emergency vehicles were trying to drive up the shoulder... which was difficult, because there were a lot of people congregated along the shoulder, as well as regular people trying to drive on it, to get a better look, or to get past the rest of traffic, or who knows what? I remember this one guy in a business suit yelling and screaming at people to get out of the way, so that the rescue vehicles could get by. That's when I realized that all I wanted to do at that moment was get back in the cab, and get the hell out of there.

Eventually, VA State Police arrived, and - to this day, I'm not sure how they did it - but they got EVERYONE who'd been driving north into the city, to turn around, and drive south. Tractor trailers, and all! Since we'd basically just gotten onto Washington Blvd, it wasn't too long before we were back on I-395, in the northbound lanes, but driving in the opposite direction. It was kind of scary, to see 10 lanes of traffic driving away from the city like that. I kept thinking of those apocolyptic movies, like Deep Impact, or Armageddon, where everyone is trying to escape the big disaster zone.

It was interesting to see how long it took news to travel. The taxi driver still had the radio on, and within 10 minutes, the radio announcer began talking about getting unconfirmed reports of an explosion at the Pentagon. And then that it was supposedly a plane. And then that it was reportedly another United flight (which it wasn't... the AA emblem was VERY visible). There were reports of a bomb at the State Department, and reports of another possible plane inbound to the city. We DID see and hear fighter jets making passes overhead, which actually scared the hell out of me, because everytime I heard it, I couldn't tell if it was a fighterjet, or another passengerjet bearing down on the city. I was only TOO happy to FINALLY make it back home, where the driver only charged me $20 (the meter had been running the whole time, and the fare was close to $40 at this point).

I somehow managed to work my legs to take me into my condo building, where I turned on the TV (CNN), where I now got to see a NEW horror: the collapse of the towers.

I FINALLY got my home phone to work... I'd been trying to call people for about 20 minutes, when I finally got through to my mom, who was hysterical. When she found out just how close I'd been, she almost lost it. She kept telling me to leave the city, and come to her house west of the city (by about 1.5 hours), and I kept trying to explain to her that I was lucky to make it the 7 miles back to MY house... they'd officially called an evacuation of the city, and now EVERYONE (not just the late morning commuters, like me) was trying to exit the city. Plus, I wasn't ready to leave, without finding out about my friends and loved ones at the Pentagon.

So I'd wind up sitting there for HOURS, watching news coverage that kept looping over and over and over of the 2nd plane hitting the WTC, and then the collapses. And the footage of the Pentagon, and of the United flight in PA. All this while fighterjets could be heard flying sorties overhead.

It was, in a word, terrifying. I'm not ashamed to say that I was scared as hell that day, because I kept waiting for something ELSE to happen. And in my mind's eye, I kept seeing the plane plow into the Pentagon, in slow motion. It would be MONTHS before I could get the image from my brain. And, I didn't fly for 3 years after that day. All I could think about were the lives lost, and how scared those people on the plane must've been, and how the people in the WTC towers and the Pentagon didn't have a clue what was about to happen to them.

How many of the Pentagon workers that I often sat next to on the metro had lost their lives that day? Was there anyone that I knew on the DC-originating flights? Were my friends in NYC ok? It would take a few days before I had all those answers. Thankfully, no one in my immediate circle of friends and loved ones lost their lives that day. I did have a few friends who knew someone who died that day, though... and that was just as difficult, consoling those who'd lost someone.

Like all the folks who've posted above me, I, too, will never forget that day, for as long as I live. I wish that I COULD. But, in some ways, it's probably good that I CAN'T.
I was asleep that morning and my sister ran in and woke me up and said they bombed the WTC i said yah yah they did that in 92 thinking an anniversary had occurred but i was SURE as hell wrong soon as i saw the towers i FLIPPED out and got online took me a like 30 mins to get online and started looking for ALL my east coast friends and MANY of my friends from the west asking me if i had heard from so and so and i happened to turn my head and lo and behold the 2nd tower had crumpled and i just frozed and was like OMG! so we in a CHATROOM started praying and had some bickering going on and etc. so we just were completely stunned and shocked!

my dad was up in ukiah and mom was heading to San Jose for the job fair but no one was there, and dad's job had ended earlier as the boss called and said abort the clean up and go home dad was just about done so he wanted that completed once he had done that he came home and mom came home around 2 pm and then my sister called us saying she was going up to be with her sister and others which we had no plm since the little ones were going to be freaking out.

I will NEVER ever forget that day i was glue to the tv then i had to go to contra costa county to help a friend complete her move ( the big stuff needed my old red pick up) so we went there and took care of it. and i came home 8 in the evening and there was NO ONE and i mean NO ONE not even cops no one was there so i just got home and mom asked me what it was like i said ghost town plain and simple we were stunned after that i stayed home and once the emtions died down and all mom and i just agreed that this should have NEVER happened. Freakly enuff Sept 12th is my aunt's birthday and my dog maxi's 10th birthday so yah its ALOT to take!

God Bless America!
I was in DC that day too..not as close to the crash site as InTheGenes was.

I arrived to my job at Gallaudet and turned on the computer to get ready for the day. My office was in HMB on the first floor so we dont get to see many people due to being in an isolated part of HMB. Anyways, I noticed that there was nobody in the office so I didnt think too much of it and waited for the Internet to upload so I can check news or whatever. My AOL aim window opened with a news ticker and it was around 9:07 AM, it said ****Plane crashed in the WTC****. I didnt think too much of it at the time so I signed on to aim. Immediately, my mom immed me and asked me if I was ok. I was like huh? Yea, I am fine and while I was responding to my mom, several of my friends immed me saying all kinds of stuff. I was like whoa...and then my co worker came in and said "Bomb in DC!!!!" It felt like I was being bombared with so much different info and my mind couldnt really process it all.

So, I went to the atrium of HMB to see what's up cuz there is a TV there. I saw a HUGE crowd looking at the TV and immediately, my stomach became all knotted up. I saw the image of the WTC with the smoke from it and I was like "ohhh that plane that crashed into it, right?" Then, immediately on live, the 2nd plane crashed and everyone was like "WTF?? What's going on???" Then another image appeared saying "Plane crashed into the Pentagon." That was when all hell broke loose and people started using their pagers but no signal. I ran back to the office and told my mom that I was ok and what was going on??? She said that DC was being attacked and I started crying cuz I didnt know what was happening and Gallaudet was near the Capitol Building. I wanted out and get my daughter but Gallaudet closed the gates and we couldnt get out. So, I am talking to my mom on aim (I had no pager at the time) and running to the atruim to see what was happening on TV. Then I went back to the office to update friends and family about me.

My friend sent me an im saying "OH MY of the towers collasped!!!" I was like "WHAT??? no way!" so I run out to the atrium again and everyone looked absolutely shocked. I saw the images of the first tower collasping and I was like "OMG, OMG" in my head. I started tearing up cuz I was just thinking of all the people in the WTC. I went back to my office and looked out the window and sure enough the skyline was filled with black black smoke from the Pentagon. That was when it really hit me that it was for real. My knees felt so weak and shaky. I couldnt move..but I managed to get back to the atrium and just watched the whole scenaro. After an hour, the Provost called a meeting from the 3rd floor balocony inside HMB and told us what was happening and that we all need to say calm and that they will open the gates around 4PM.

I went around Gally campus looking for my brother cuz at the time we still didnnt know where the 4th plane was heading and I wanted my brother with me. Finally found him and he had no idea what was going on cuz he was in class in the gym. I told him what was going on and he said that I am lying. I was like look at the gates..he saw that they were shut and he was like "WHAT the hell is going on??"

Finally the gates opened and my brother joined me home. Got my daughter and watched the news all night just dumbfounded. I still remember this day like it was yesterday. So tragic..and for what?
For some reason, I always seemed to call in sick from work on these kind of days that no one will forget such as the bombing in Oklahoma City.

I called in sick that day and went to look on my laptop and saw the pictures. I thought it was a preview of a movie so I went to read my emails, etc but the pictures kept haunting me so I looked closely and realized it is actually happening!!!! I stayed glued to TV all day long, stunned and shocked.

It was like one of these moments where everything just freezes and you think it is a movie but it is reality instead :(
At that time, I was married and living in Australia, so it was about 1am in the morning when my ex father-in-law called my ex husband to wake me up and watch TV as he said, "America's been attacked." It was so surreal seeing the WTC tower (only one at the time had been hit when I turned the TV on) on fire...then watching an airplane crash into the other tower, it was shocking and traumatic.
I got online to talk with my sister as she lived near Washington, DC - wanted to make sure she was alright as the Pentagon wasn't too far from where she lived at the time. Thankfully, she was fine. We talked for a few hours, trying to figure out what was happening and so forth.
I kept thinking I was watching a terribly put together 'B' grade movie of the WTC being attacked, but was for real. It had more of an impact on me when I flew to the States for a holiday a few weeks after Sept. 11th - saw all the airports I landed in were filled to their eyeballs with military and high-tech guns, etc. Brr, scary.

:( RIP those 4,000+ people who perished in the plane crashes, WTC 1 and 2, Pentagon and Pennsylvania.