Audiofuzzy said:
First, He wants His people to look special and separate from the rest of the world.
That's separatism. That's how, for example, racism starts.
No, it has nothing to do with race. People of all races are Christians. It means separate
from the ways of the world, and separate
to the ways of God. It means follow God, not the world.
We are ALL special in the eyes of God. God created ALL people, therefore these naked non-Christian tribes too. Jesus was a Jew, BTW.
God created all mankind. That doesn't mean all mankind lives the way God wants.
Yes, Jesus was a Jew. He wasn't in a naked tribe. What's your point???
Second, He wants His people to be a good testimony in every thing that they do, including clothing, speaking, behaving, singing, etc.
But it have to be balanced. You can't be "good testimony" just by wearing ankle lenght dress and steal or cheat, for example.
Did you read the whole sentence? I stated, "good testimony in
every thing that they do, including clothing, speaking, behaving, singing, etc." That means don't steal or cheat. Also, I never said just wear an ankle-length dress. Where are you getting all this misinformation?
Besides you have to keep in mind it's one's dirty mind that puts special attention to certaing things. If you have pure mind, a piece of naked body will not faze you.
Baloney. A woman wears clothing that emphasizes her sexuality because she knows it gets a reaction from men.
God put sexual attractiveness and desire into human nature. God wants husbands and wives to enjoy each other. God also knows that such feelings can be used in a wrong way by the wrong people. That is why He warns us to be careful how we display ourselves in public.
God wants us to focus on people's faces (expressions) when we are face-to-face. He doesn't want us to focus on each other's bodies. It is very distracting for someone to focus on a face when the body is almost naked. Let's be real.
How strange that people accuse
me of being naive and sheltered when it seems so many other people are clueless about human sexuality.
If you truly believe, you'll remember your holy duty as a Christian is to love thy neighbour, regardless of his clothing disaster.
Did I say that I didn't love my neighbor, regardless of "his clothing disaster?" No, I never said that. Again, misinformation. The way people dress does not stop me from loving my neighbor, saved or unsaved. I only stated what God wants His Christian children to do.
Third, He wants His people to focus on and emphasize inward spiritual things, not outward physical things.
Exactly. So stop thingking about someone's boobs and thongs etc..

concentrate on your inward growth
I didn't start this topic.
It would be easier to avoid "boobs and thongs" if they weren't constantly displayed everywhere. They are on TV, billboards, in the malls, and in school. (Yes, I see them in the college classrooms where I work.) It is not pleasant. I just ignore them the best I can but it is hard because the terp
faces the students the whole time.
also, this sentence leaves a very big area to speculate... because it is also God who gives us gifts such as talents for art, which is visual =outward. Therefore God wants us to develop not only inwardly, but outwardly as well.
Without, for example, architects, designers, we still would be living in stone caves..
Without ability to draw and create we deaf would have a heck of a time to communicate..
I'm talking about the importance of inward
character versus outward
display of an individual. I am not talking about inanimate objects.
Fourth, He wants to reduce sexual temptations among people.
And yet he created as VERY sexual beings

Naked tribes in South Ameeica are NOT any more tempted than us in fully clothed western parts of the world.
Muslim women are often forced to marry and bear chidlren at very young age, age that is condiered illegal to have sex here.
The code of DRESS doesn't matter. Your personal moral code is what matter.
Again, I am talking about CHRISTIANS! Sorry to shout, but you don't seem to "hear" me. I stated before that God has standards of modesty for CHRISTIANS. I'm not talking about naked tribes in South America or Muslims. I'm not talking about personal moral codes. I'm talking about God's standards. Please pay attention.
Yes, of course. I only wanted to point out, since CR is closely connecting the way her mom dress with her black soul, that any particular way of dressing not always reflects our inner beauty.
Mother Theresa would be THE exact SAME great person, thong or no thong, and wearing a thong is NOT neccessarily wanting to get an attention. It may simply mean no tan line (or hardly a tan line), It's YOU who make it into a big deal.
You have it backwards.
The way CR's mom dressed didn't influence her black soul. Her "black soul" (without Jesus) influenced the way she dressed.
The way Mother Theresa dressed didn't influence her humble behavior. Her humble behavior influenced the way she dressed.
umm Reba.. everyone has his/her own Jesus.
Not true. There is only One True Jesus.
Other people can follow other gods but they are not Jesus Christ.
The way you wrote it implicates Christians are way better and above than any other religion, since they care so much for their beloved smart, right, wonderful Christ the Saviour.
Christians love Jesus. Non-Christians don't love Jesus. That is simply a fact.
Therefore anyone else non-Christian is stupid and bad, since they don't see the light they don't care about anyone and anything. So they walk around being seffish, sinners, exposed.. they are NOT.
It's horrible way of thinking.
I never said that non-Christians are stupid. I never said "they don't care about anyone and anything." I said that non-Christians don't care about pleasing Jesus. Why should they? Yes, non-Christians are bad sinners, just like Christians are bad sinners.
That is your choice.