No i dont defend nazis. Im just pointing out that there was war criminals on all sides in that madnass. and that history is written by the winners. And that nazi war criminals were hung, and so were japanese war criminals. But american and other war criminals on the victor side, stalin, so, on were not.
Its simple. If carpet bombing and fire bombing entire cities to ash, snd thats what occured with huge civilian casulties in the millions, as carpet bombing and fire bombing are indescriminate onslaughts... is not war crime. i fail to see what is.
We can be intelectualy honest with history. If it was just about trying war criminals then i think the american ally stalin who of course was not tried, and went on to slaughter millions needs to be seriously called up here.
War criminals were hung not because of their war.crimes. but because they simply lost.
i hold no sympathy at all for nazis, or communists, or imperalists for that matter. Millions of innocent german folks were killed in that madnass.
That to me is a war crime
As for americas involvement. or i should point out lack of it until perl harbour. america acted in her best interests sure. That doesnt mean those interests were about saving or even at first stopping the nAzis, if it was then.she should of been in the fight right at day one, not A couple years in..
We now are removed from that madness and the propoganda...i think we can honestly look at that war and truly see the mass butchery of it, from all sides for what it was.
My family is italian from foggia. foggia was.carpet bombed and we lost in a weekens 30 thousand people...the vast vast majority of the dead of those 3 days were just innocent people....period.
Ita easy for victors to say woe to the vanquished...
its still war crime.