When the morons stop voting for the liberal democratic party,Then we will return to some rationality. Not until. Its these retards in massachusetts keep right on voting re-electing ted kennedy. Thats a good example on stupidity on the voters. Now look voters down in south dakota theyre finaly getting smart. Thats why tom daschile is not the senator anymore and voters in maryland getting smart too but voting for a republican governor bob erlich. We will not have a decent nation as long theres california,massachusetts,vermont,maine and new hampshire on the map.Codger said:If I showed you two coins, one with the picture of a president on it, the other with an eagle on it, which would you choose? Both are quarters. The same coin. Like the two political parties, different sides of the same coin. When judges stop making law, we will return to some rationality. Not until.
Codger said:When judges stop making law, we will return to some rationality.
ravensteve1961 said:When the morons stop voting for the liberal democratic party,Then we will return to some rationality. Not until. Its these retards in massachusetts keep right on voting re-electing ted kennedy. Thats a good example on stupidity on the voters. Now look voters down in south dakota theyre finaly getting smart. Thats why tom daschile is not the senator anymore and voters in maryland getting smart too but voting for a republican governor bob erlich. We will not have a decent nation as long theres california,massachusetts,vermont,maine and new hampshire on the map.
Dennis said:Judges don't make laws. They only strike down laws that are in conflict with current or higher laws.
Oceanbreeze said:That's right, Dennis. Some of the posts in here have nothing to do with this thread. It was the SUPREME COURT that made the ruling 32 years ago, so a discussion about party affliations really has no bearing.
Regardless of that, though, I am pro choice. I also think that it was a really bad idea to politicize (sp?) abortion. Terminating a pregnancy is a medical issue and nothing more than that. It should be between women and their doctors. In a perfect world, it would be nice if fathers could be apart of the decision making process, but, sometimes that's not possible. Either way, the final decision should rest soley with the woman. It's her body and therefore, her decision.
Oceanbreeze said:That's right, Dennis. Some of the posts in here have nothing to do with this thread. It was the SUPREME COURT that made the ruling 32 years ago, so a discussion about party affliations really has no bearing.
Regardless of that, though, I am pro choice. I also think that it was a really bad idea to politicize (sp?) abortion. Terminating a pregnancy is a medical issue and nothing more than that. It should be between women and their doctors. In a perfect world, it would be nice if fathers could be apart of the decision making process, but, sometimes that's not possible. Either way, the final decision should rest soley with the woman. It's her body and therefore, her decision.
Fly Free said:Ocean!!!!!
i myself am pro-choice -- i believe it is a woman's right to choose period and i support the Supreme Court decision in legalizing abortions -- i would personally prefer knowing that the women are getting SAFE abortion practices by medical professionals when they choose to and not having to risk their lives for illegal abortion practices if using clothes hangers and such as it had happened prior to the 1973's ruling -- thats all i have to say abt this matter and NO right wing ultra conservative bible thumping persons can tell me otherwise
Unfortuneately, abortion is still not a safe procedure, even for the women. Most clinics have no legal medical regulation. Most statistics about "safe" abortions are not accurate. Statistics about pre-1973 abortions are not reliable (false reports).o0obluemoon0o0 said:... I prefer to keep it safe, allow women to get it done if they want to....
Reba said:Pro "choice" means a woman can choose to kill an innocent baby.
Toonces said:I agree with you, Reba...I am a pro-life, too. And yes, no matter if a woman had a abortion, she *IS* a mother already and always will be, regardless of whether she had another child or not, because she once carried a life inside her body.
And I just wish people would remember that NO two babies are ever alike. Each is unique, and each has its own distinct personality and own talents and skills quite different from each other. Once a baby is aborted, nothing can take place of this would-be person. It would be far, far better to give the baby up for adoption than to have it aborted.
NOTE: I know many of you are not very religious, so please pardon me what I am going to say next....
You know, peeps.... if I were to have an abortion, I would be condemned in the afterlife by the spirit of my own offspring that I've rejected - and the outcome would be utterly heartbreaking. Because of this, I will always be thoroughly terrified of aborting my own offsprings, no matter what. And besides, God ALREADY have a plan for each and every child, even before they are born...and how can we tell Him we don't want and/or are not ready to give birth to children?![]()
And besides....our bodies are not even ours to do with them as we please, believe it or not. God made us, so our bodies belong to Him. It's gonna be awfully awkward, not to mention embarrassing when we come to face Him in the afterlife and confess to Him what we've done with our bodies. :-o
I just wish the people would be careful how they use their bodies, and to take good care of them, too. That's all I'm gonna say....